FF7 Rebirth

Ancient Dragon Location and Weaknesses

Ancient Dragon is a Biological Enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to pressure and stagger Ancient Dragon as well as its weaknesses, resistances, immunities, drops , and possible locations.

Ancient Dragon Locations

Primary Region
Map Location World Location
Ancient Dragon Ancient Dragon
The Ancient Dragon can be located around the Temple of the Ancients.

Ancient Dragon Overview

Ancient Dragon Basic Information

88. Ancient Dragon
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Ancient Dragon
Airbone lizards that live in the Temple of the Ancients. They were bred by the Cetra to serve as one of the temple's lines of defense.
Areas Species Movement
Temple of the Ancients Biological Flying

Ancient Dragon Weaknesses and Resistances

Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Wind

Staggered: -
Lesser: -

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Ancient Dragon Droppable Items

Drops Common: Exquisite Beast Hide
Rare: Exquisite Beast Spine
Ability Yield Steal: Beast Bone
Morph: Exquisite Beast Spine

Ancient Dragon Abilities

Abilities ・Cyclostrike
・Tumble Talon
・Reflective Shell
・Southern Cross

How to Pressure and Stagger Ancient Dragon

How to Pressure Ancient Dragon
Hitting them with melee attacks when they descend will pressure them, but they will immediately resume their flight if your assault is interrupted.

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