FF7 Rebirth

Best Chocobo Gear and List of All Chocobo Gear (Chocobo Customization)

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Customization Guide

This is a guide to selecting the best Chocobo Gear to equip in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to see our recommended gear to use for your chocobos and a full list of all the Chocobo Gear in the game.

Best Chocobo Gear

Versatile Gear Setup

Equipment Effect
Debonair Hat Debonair Hat Dramatically increase all attributes when near the 1st place chocobo
Win the Coeurl Championship Chocobo Racing.
Treasure Hunter Saddle Treasure Hunter Saddle Start races with part of the ability gauge filled.
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Rodeo Legwraps Rodeo Legwraps Increase drift duration and speed
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.

This is a versatile setup that aims to take the first place in a race and maintain it by maximizing the debonair helmet's effect. We can easily take the first place by utilizing the initial dash from the treasure hunter saddle and be sure to capitalize on drifts to not lose out on speed!

Best Chocobo Racing Gear

Equipment Effect
Shinra Avian Helmet Shinra Avian Helmet Increases Speed
Purchased from Tack Shops for Golden Plumes.
Mystical Neckwrap Mystical Neckwrap Slightly increase speed if in 1st place heading into the final lap
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Tropical Anklets Tropical Anklets Temporarily increase speed dramatically after recovering from going out of bounds or crashing
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.

This set will allow you to take shortcuts by lessening the penalty of crashing or going off bounds. It also gives us a decent speed boost and especially more if we manage to maintain our first place position thanks to the Mystical Neck and shinra avian helmet combo.

Alternative Chocobo Racing Gear

Equipment Effect
Tropical Visor Tropical Visor Slightly increase speed for a few seconds after being passed
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.
Tropical Shawl Tropical Shawl Increase the efficacy of items picked up
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.
Scorpion Greaves Scorpion Greaves Lessen how much you slow down when you leave the track
Purchased from Tack Shops for 1 Golden Plumes.

This is a chocobo gear setup for players that are not comfortable in maintaining a 1st place position throughout the race. Tropcial Shine Shawl allows us to gain more benefits from the effects of items while scorpion legs allow us to commit non-optimal routes. Just be sure to try and not end up on last place since this will lessen the effect of Tropical Shine Visor's effects!

Best Chocobo Gear By Parts

Best Chocobo Helmet

Equipment Effect
Shinra Avian Helmet Shinra Avian Helmet Increases Speed
Purchased from Tack Shops for Golden Plumes.
Debonair Hat Debonair Hat Dramatically increase all attributes when near the 1st place chocobo
Win the Coeurl Championship Chocobo Racing.
Tropical Visor Tropical Visor Slightly increase speed for a few seconds after being passed
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.

Best Chocobo Torso Armor

Equipment Effect
Rodeo Poncho Rodeo Poncho Gain a dash charge upon entering the final lap, unless your charges are full
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Treasure Hunter Saddle Treasure Hunter Saddle Start races with part of the ability gauge filled.
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Mystical Neckwrap Mystical Neckwrap Slightly increase speed if in 1st place heading into the final lap
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Hyperion Hyperion's Shin Guards Increase speed during the last lap
Win the Alexander Siege Chocobo Racing.

Best Chocobo Greaves

Equipment Effect
Rodeo Legwraps Rodeo Legwraps Increase drift duration and speed
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Mystical Anklets Mystical Anklets Increase speed and acceleration on straightaways
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Saurian Greaves Saurian Greaves Lessen how much you slow down when running on water
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Tropical Anklets Tropical Anklets Temporarily increase speed dramatically after recovering from going out of bounds or crashing
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.
Gi Legwraps Gi Legwraps Start races with one dash already available
Purchased Using Sylkis Greens.

All Chocobo Gear

Shinra Set

Equipment Effect
Shinra Avian Helmet Shinra Avian Helmet Increases Speed
Purchased from Tack Shops for Golden Plumes.
Shinra Avian Breastplate Shinra Avian Breastplate Increase chance of dashing out of the gate and increase speed on success
Purchased from Tack Shops for Golden Plumes.
Shinra Avian Greaves Shinra Avian Greaves Increase dash speed.
Purchased from Tack Shops for Golden Plumes.

Scorpion Set

Equipment Effect
Scorpion Helmet Scorpion Helmet Increase acceleration
Purchased from Tack Shops for 1 Golden Plumes.
Scorpion Breastplate Scorpion Breastplate Increase number of dash charges by one
Purchased from Tack Shops for 1 Golden Plumes.
Scorpion Greaves Scorpion Greaves Lessen how much you slow down when you leave the track
Purchased from Tack Shops for 1 Golden Plumes.

Rodeo Set

Equipment Effect
Rodeo Hat Rodeo Hat Increase weight
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Rodeo Poncho Rodeo Poncho Gain a dash charge upon entering the final lap, unless your charges are full
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Rodeo Legwraps Rodeo Legwraps Increase drift duration and speed
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.

Treasure Hunter Set

Equipment Effect
Treasure Hunter Visor Treasure Hunter Visor Increase cornering
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Treasure Hunter Saddle Treasure Hunter Saddle Start races with part of the ability gauge filled.
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.
Treasure Hunter Gaiters Treasure Hunter Gaiters Ankle supports that help the chocobo maintain balance on uneven terrain
Purchased from Tack Shops for 3 Golden Plumes.

Mystical Set

Equipment Effect
Mystical Headdress Mystical Headdress Increase strength
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Mystical Neckwrap Mystical Neckwrap Slightly increase speed if in 1st place heading into the final lap
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Mystical Anklets Mystical Anklets Increase speed and acceleration on straightaways
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.

Saurian Set

Equipment Effect
Saurian Helm Saurian Helm Increase intelligence
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Saurian Armor Saurian Armor Slightly increase speed if placed 7th or lower
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.
Saurian Greaves Saurian Greaves Lessen how much you slow down when running on water
Purchased from Tack Shops for 4 Golden Plumes.

Debonair Set

Equipment Effect
Debonair Hat Debonair Hat Dramatically increase all attributes when near the 1st place chocobo
Win the Coeurl Championship Chocobo Racing.
Debonair Waistcoat Debonair Waistcoat Lessen the time it takes moogles to rescue you from going out of bounds
Win the Behemoth Grandprix Chocobo Racing.
Debonair Anklets Debonair Anklets Leg adornments worn by stylish chocobos-about-town
Win the Ultima Stakes Chocobo Racing.

Tropical Set

Equipment Effect
Tropical Visor Tropical Visor Slightly increase speed for a few seconds after being passed
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.
Tropical Shawl Tropical Shawl Increase the efficacy of items picked up
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.
Tropical Anklets Tropical Anklets Temporarily increase speed dramatically after recovering from going out of bounds or crashing
Obtain a Rent-a-Bird Membership.

Gi Set

Equipment Effect
Gi Headdress Gi Headdress Dramatically increase all attributes if placed 7th or lower heading into the final lap
Purchased Using Sylkis Greens.
Gi Cloak Gi Cloak Lessen how much you slow down when damaged
Purchased Using Sylkis Greens.
Gi Legwraps Gi Legwraps Start races with one dash already available
Purchased Using Sylkis Greens.

Merc Set

Equipment Effect
Merc Cap Merc Cap Randomly replace your current ability with a different one you possess
Reward from the Hardest Shell Sidequest.
Merc Overalls Merc Overalls Increase speed proportionate to distance from the 1st-place chocobo during the last lap
Reward from the Hardest Shell Sidequest.
Merc Legwraps Merc Legwraps Increase the effect of dash panels
Reward from the Hardest Shell Sidequest.

Hyperion Set

Equipment Effect
Hyperion Hyperion's Helm Enhance all abilities upon entering the final lap
Win the Odin Straights Chocobo Racing.
Hyperion Hyperion's Shin Guards Increase speed during the last lap
Win the Alexander Siege Chocobo Racing.
Hyperion Hyperion's Armor Increase dash duration
Purchased from Tack Shops for Golden Plumes.

How to Get Chocobo Gear

Buy From Chocobo Rances

Chocobo Shop

Chocobo Gear is primarily obtained from Chocobo Ranches! Unlike regular items, you'll need to spend Golden Plumes to buy the gear instead of the usual gil.

Obtained Through Quests

Quest Rewards

The other method of obtaining Chocobo Gear are through sidequests. There are multiple gear that you will not be able to obtain just by farming golden plumes and purchasing them from the shop!

List of All Side Quests and Rewards

How to Customize a Chocobo

Go to a Chocoboutique

FF7 Rebirth - Chocoboutique

Chocoboutiques are stalls where you can freely customize your Chocobo. Fortunately, every region has a Chocobo ranch, and every ranch has a Chocoboutique. Simply speak to the proprietor to customize your Chocobo from there.

Purchase Customization Items with Golden Plumes

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Stop

You can also purchase customization items using golden plumes which can be acquired through various means such as repairing Chocobo Stops.

Chocobo Customization Uses

Equip Gear for Improved Racing Performance

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Race

Among the things you can do when customizing your Chocobo is equipping gear on it to improve its capabilities in the Chocobo Race minigame.

These can include increasing your Chocobo's speed or bestowing unique abilities that you can use during the race!

Chocobo Races Minigame Guide and Rewards

New Chocobo Colors

While Chocobos are an adorable yellow by default, Chocoboutiques enable you to change their colors. Keep this in mind for when you want your Chocobo to stand out!

Accessorize Your Chocobo

Apart from changing the hue of its feathers, Chocoboutiques also give you the option to accessorize your Chocobo by equipping different articles of clothing on it such as hats, legwraps, and even intricately designed saddles!

Take this opportunity to stylize your Chocobo for a speedy yet snazzy steed!

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobos

All Chocobo Locations and Types

All Chocobo Guides

Chocobo Gear Guides
All Chocobo Gear Golden Plumes
Chocobo Types
Mountain Chocobo Jungle Chocobo
Sky Chocobo Ocean Chocobo
Chocobo Per Region
Grasslands Chocobo Junon Chocobo
Corel Chocobo Gongaga Chocobo
Cosmo Canyon Chocobo Nibel Chocobo


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