FF7 Rebirth

Solemn Gus Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Solemn Gus - Banner

Solemn Gus is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Solemn Gus's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Solemn Gus Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Solemn Gus
Solemn Gus
The sleazy kingpin of Corel Prison, Gus is as flamboyant as he is smooth-talking. Add to that a healthy does of showmanship, and it's little wonder that the dregs of the Dustbowl have flocked to him.
EN VA: Jonah Scott
JP VA: Setsuji Satō

Solemn Gus's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Kingpin of Corel Prison

Solemn Gus is known to be the kingpin of Corel Prison thanks to his flamboyant personality. Despite this, he still works under Dyne. We'll find out more about him when the game fully releases!

Helps Cloud Escape

At first, Solemn Gus didn't want to help Cloud and his friends. He told them to talk to Dyne first, who is the boss of Corel Prison. When Gus finds out that Dyne was dealt with, he eventually agrees to let them enter the Chocobo Race.

This may change in FF7 Rebirth, so we'll update this section if it does!

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