FF7 Rebirth

Priscilla Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Priscilla - Banner

Priscilla is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Priscilla's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Priscilla Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Priscilla
A cheerful young girl who lives in Under Junon, often seen swimming with the dolphin she trains. The offshore mako reactor has contaminated the surrounding waters, and Priscilla fears for the safety of her dolphin friend and other aquatic creatures.
EN VA: Reese Warren

Priscilla's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Lives in Under Junon

FF7 Rebirth - Priscilla - Lives in Under Junon
Priscilla is a kid who lives in Under Junon, a town under the military fortress of Shinra and a deep sea Mako reactor off the shore. This polluted the waters, which Priscilla hated because of her love for the sea. We'll find out more about her when the game fully releases!

Trains Dolphins

With her grandfather, Priscilla trains and communicates with dolphins. She even calls one of them Mr. Dolphin. The dolphin also helps Cloud reach Junon. This may change in FF7 Rebirth, so we'll update this section if it does!

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