FF7 Rebirth

Johnny Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Johnny - Banner

Johnny is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Johnny's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Johnny Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Johnny
A friendly man from the Sector 7 Slums. Johnny got washed up on the Costa del Sol after leaving Midgar, where he became the owner of a hotel in his dream resort. However, he is struggling to manage the hotel and has had no customers since opening.
EN VA: Yuri Lowenthal
JP VA: Yasuyuki Kase

Arrested by Shinra

When Johnny first made it to Sector 7, he was arrested the next day due to the suspicion of stealing a blasting agent, which may be related to the reactor's explosion. Cloud and Tifa save him from being executed.

Appears in Several Quests

Johnny appears in several quests of FF7 Remake, like Odd Jobs and Discovery quests. He often gets these small cameos throughout the game and is more of a comical character.

Left Midgar

After Cloud and Tifa returned his wallet, Johnny eventually left Midgar because he was a wanted man in the slums. It looks like he made it to Costa del Sol after leaving Midgar.

Johnny's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Owner of Hotel in Costa Del Sol

FF7 Rebirth - Johnny - Owner of Hotel in Costa Del Sol
In FF7 Rebirth, Johnny found himself owning a hotel in Costa del Sol, a coastal resort town. He eventually meets Cloud and his friends here as well. We'll find out more about Johnny soon in-game!

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