FF7 Rebirth

How to Get to Gongaga Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring

This is a guide on how to get to the Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring in Gongaga in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn its location, how you can reach it, and its rewards.

How to Get to Gongaga Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring

Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring Location

Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring Map Location

Map Location

Found on a raised path to the right when walking south from Activation Intel 2 Tower.

Follow Owl to Find Crystal

To find the location of Lifesprings, keep a lookout for owls and listen for hoots. Once you are able to spot one, follow it, and it will lead you to the crystal.

Expedition Intel 2: Fallbasin Lifespring Rewards

Unlocks Region Lore and Points of Interest

When activated, Expedition Intel or Lifesprings unlock either Region Intel, Excavation Intel, or Classified Intel in addition to providing EXP.

Region Intel provides lore relating to the area or the surroundings. Excavation Intel provides the location of a buried item that can be unearthed by your Chocobo. Classified Intel provides an enemy for you to defeat.

The intel unlocks of Lifesprings or Expedition Intel are not tied to locations but are rather unlocked in a specific order regardless of which Lifespring you visit first.

List of Gongaga Region Lifespring Unlocks

  1. Region Intel: Gongaga: A Recent History
  2. Excavation Intel 1: Mako-Laden Canyon
  3. Region Intel: Life in Gongaga
  4. Classified Intel: The Sultan of Stench
  5. Region Intel: The Gongaga Mako Reactor Incident
  6. Excavation Intel 2: Wildgrove Ruins

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