FF7 Rebirth

All Grasslands Phenomenon Intel (Grasslands Protorelics)

FF7 Rebirth - Grasslands Protorelic Location

Grasslands Phenomenon Intel is a series of side quests that involves fighting bandits to unlock the Grasslands Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about the Phenomenon Intel in Grasslands including their locations, rewards, and how to complete them.

Grasslands Phenomenon Intel 1

Phenomenon Intel 1: Coastal Lookout Guide

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map.
Enter the tower from a hole east of the fence.
Defeat the bandits.

Grasslands Phenomenon Intel 2

Phenomenon Intel 2: Pipeline Management Facility Guide

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map.
Use stealth to get around the enemies. Wait until no one is looking and move or dodge roll to the next obstruction.
After infiltrating the area, the bandits will enter the building. The door will be locked, so climb up the handrails outside and head for the roof to fight and defeat the bandits.

Grasslands Phenomenon Intel 3

Phenomenon Intel 3: Abandoned Republic Factory

Steps to Complete Intel
Head to the location on the map.
Guess which bandit is holding the Protorelic. The correct answer is Burke on the left as indicated by a shining light. However, whether right or wrong won't matter and a fight will trigger after.
Ride a Chocobo and use them to find the key.

Grasslands Phenomenon Intel 4

Phenomenon Intel 4: The Businessman's Hideout

Steps to Complete Intel
1 FF7 Rebirth Grasslands Phenomenon Intel 4 Location.png
There will be a new World Intel on the map called The Businessmen's Hideout. Go north from the Kalm - Air-Raid Shelter fast travel point, and through the door.
Continue north to the location on the map.
After entering the hideout, activate the lever on the right to drop the wooden box.
Choose whether you would like to negotiate with the bandits or not. However, the choice doesn't matter and a fight will ensue regardless.
After the battle, purchase the Protorelic for 2,000 Gil from the bandits.

Should You Pay 2,000 Gil to the Bandits?

Grasslands Protorelic Rewards

Obtain Beck's Protorelic and Trophy

FF7 Rebirth - Grasslands Protorelic

Founder’s Bonus TrophyBronze Founder’s Bonus
Obtain a protorelic in the grasslands.

Obtain Beck's Protorelic and the trophy, Founder's Bonus, after completing all the Phenomenon Intel in Grasslands.

Collect all the protorelics from each region to unlock a Phenomenon Intel that lets you fight and get the Gilgamesh summon.

How to Unlock and Beat Gilgamesh

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Protorelic Partial
All Protorelic Locations (Phenomenon Intel)

All Phenomenon Intel Regions

List of All Phenomenon Intel by Region
Grasslands Junon
Corel Gongaga
Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean

All World Intel Activities

FF7 Rebirth - World Intel

World Intel Guide and Rewards

All Types of World Intel
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FF7 Rebirth - Moogle IntelMoogle Intel - -


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