FF7 Rebirth

All Fiend Intel and Locations (Combat Assignments)

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Fiend Sighting Combat Assignment

Fiend Intel is a type of World Intel that pits you against unique variants of enemies in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn all the Fiend Intel locations and all enemies that you need to fight to complete each of the combat assignments for Fiend Intel.

All Fiend Intel Locations (Combat Assignments)

Grasslands Region

Fiend Intel Information

Voracious and Venomous
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Avoid being poisoned
Recommended Lv. 17

Bearer of Grudges
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 18

Keepers of the Burrow
・Pressure both fire- and ice-imbued enemies
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 18

Wailing Weed
・Prevent enemies from using Quick Nap
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 18

Picky Eater
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 19

Voltaic Canine
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 19

Grasslands Region

Junon Region

Fiend Intel Information

Cacophonic Corvid
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat the enemy within the time limit
Recommended Lv. 23

Zemze Breaks
・Stagger an enemy
・Prevent enemies from taking flight when using Soothing Breeze
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 22

Scorched Earth
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 22

Weather the Storm
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 21

Junon Region

Corel Region

Fiend Intel Information

Hit the Squids
・Pressure an enemy.
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 25

Seahorsing Around
・Pressure an enemy.
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 26

Top of the Pecking Order
・Stagger an enemy.
・Don’t get stunned.
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 30

Death from Below
・Stagger an enemy.
・Defeat the enemy without getting swallowed.
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 31

Fish out of Water
・Pressure an enemy.
・Stagger an enemy.
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 30

Unholy Union
・Exploit an enemy’s weakness.
・Stagger an enemy.
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 31

Corel Region

Gongaga Region

Fiend Intel Information

A Croaking Chorus
・Stagger an enemy
・Don’t turn into a frog
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 31

Mean Green Mother
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit
・Defeat the enemies before they fully evolve
Recommended Lv. 32

Shake the Earth
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 35

Maddened by Mako
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 34

A Two-Pronged Assault
・Interrupt an enemy while they are using Concentrate
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 35

Reactor Royalty
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 34

Gongaga Region

Cosmo Canyon

Fiend Intel Information

Wizards of the Waste
・Stagger an enemy
・Don’t get petrified
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 38

Fury Takes Flight
・Stagger an enemy
・Unleash a limit attack
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 37

Guardian of Gold
・Exploit an enemy’s weakness.
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat the enemy within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 39

Too Hot to Handle
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 38

The Shapeless Assassin
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 38

Forgotten Toys
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 39

Cosmo Canyon Region

Nibel Region

Fiend Intel Information

Roaring Flames
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 40

Gluttonous Devourer
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 41

Mako-Cursed Abomination
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 41

Stone-Cold Spitter
・Pressure an enemy
・Stagger an enemy
・Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Recommended Lv. 42

Nibel Region

What are Fiend Intels?

Combat Assignments Against Unique Enemy Variants

FF7 Rebirth - Field Intel

Fiend Intel is a type of World Intel that gives you Combat Assignments when facing unique and powerful variants of regional monsters. Defeat them while fulfilling the 3 conditions of the combat assignment to send the Fiend Intel back to Chadley.

Completing Field Intel will reward you with Data Points (for Materia Development) while also unlocking new Combat Simulator challenges where you can fight these monsters again.

Get More Party Exp When Completing All Objectives

Get more party experience by completing all objectives of a Fiend Intel compared to just completing 1 or 2 objectives.

Choose Dynamic Difficulty if Your Level is Way Higher than the Fiend Intel

If you are trying to pressure the enemy and your level is way too high, there is a chance that you'll defeat the enemy even before pressuring them. To solve this, switch to Dynamic difficulty as the enemies' level will scale with you, providing a challenge and an opportunity to complete the Fiend Intel's mission

Dynamic Difficulty and Difficulty Settings

Retry Again After the Battle

You can always retry Fiend Intel encounters after finishing the battle. If you're struggling to complete all 3 conditions of the combat assignment, simply return to the area of the Fiend Intel and hold down the triangle button to begin a retry.

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All World Intel Activities

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