FF7 Rebirth

All Tower Locations (Activation Intel)

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Remnawave Tower Locations

Remnawave Towers or Activation Intel reveals nearby points of interest and World Intel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn the locations of all towers in each region and what intel they reveal.

All Tower Locations (Activation Intel)

Remnawave Towers by Region
Grasslands Junon Corel
Gongaga Cosmo Canyon Nibel
Meridian Ocean Northwood

All Grasslands Towers

Activation Intel 1: Bill's Ranch Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Bill's Ranch Tower
・Moogle Intel
・Expedition Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 1
・Phenomenon Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the stairs and activate the terminal next to the tower.

Activation Intel 2: Eastern Seaboard Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Eastern Seaboard Tower
・Divine Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.

Activation Intel 3: Swamplands Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Swamplands Tower
・Expedition Intel 2
・Expedition Intel 3
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.

Activation Intel 4: Plains Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Plains Tower
・Expedition Intel 4
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladder and activate the terminal on the first floor.

Activation Intel 5: Kalm Outskirts Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 5: Kalm Outskirts Tower
・Expedition Intel 5
・Fiend Intel 5
How to Reach and Activate
Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.

Activation Intel 6: Wastelands Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 6: Wastelands Tower
・Expedition Intel 6
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 6
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders to the second floor and activate the terminal.

Grasslands Region

All Junon Towers

Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower
・Chocobo Intel
・Expedition Intel 1
・Divine Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Activate the terminal on the ground next to the tower.

Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Buffeted Cape Tower
・Fiend Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders to the top floor of the tower and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Batteryhill Tower
・Moogle Intel
・Expedition Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders to the top floor of the tower and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower
・Expedition Intel 3
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
Climb up a ladder and a yellow ledge wall, down the next one, and then climb up two yellow ledge walls to reach the top floor and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower
・Expedition Intel 4
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders up to the top floor and activate the terminal.

Junon Region

All Corel Towers

Activation Intel 1: Costa Port Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Costa Port Tower
・Expedition Intel 1
・Field Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladders to the top floor and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 2: Seashell Coast Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Seashell Coast Tower
・Moogle Intel 1
・Expedition Intel 2
・Divine Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
Cllimb up all the ladders and the yellow ledge wall to the top floor, then take a ladder down to activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 3: Wasteland Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Wasteland Tower
・Expedition Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
Climb up two ladders and activate the terminal

Activation Intel 4: Riverside Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Riverside Tower
・Expedition Intel 4
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Across from the tower, you'll find a yellow ledge wall which you can climb. At the top, look for a grappling point, and press L2 to swing on it. Swing across to the tower and climb a ladder to activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 5: Stonearch Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 5: Stonearch Tower
・Expedition Intel 5
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 5
How to Reach and Activate
Climb up a ladder and a yellow ledge wall and activate a terminal.

Activation Intel 6: Ravine Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 6: Ravine Tower
・Moogle Intel 2
・Expedition Intel 6
・Fiend Intel 6
How to Reach and Activate
From the north, go through a tunnel until you see the tower on a cliff overhead. Use the grappling hook on grappling point, then grapple up to another grappling point higher up. Jump off and at the tower, climb up three ladders. Grapple to a grappling point above, and jump back onto the tower onto a yellow ledge wall. Climb down to the floor and activate the terminal.

Corel Region

All Gongaga Towers

Activation Intel 1: Midriver Isle Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Midriver Isle Tower
・Expedition Intel 1
・Divine Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
The tower can be difficult to reach from the north. When approaching from the north, you'll need to go through a gap in the mountain range on the eastern side, south of the Chocobo Stop. From there, you can head west to reach the tower directly.

Activation Intel 2: Old Pipeline Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Old Pipeline Tower
・Expedition Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
On the path to the Reactor you travel on during the Chapter 9 story. Climb the rope and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower
・Expedition Intel 3
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
First, you'll need to unlock the Forest Chocobo as part of the Chapter 9 main story. From the Magon Hill fast travel point, jump across two Mushrooms. Walk around until you find another Mushroom, and jump on it and another Mushroom to reach the tower. Climb up two ropes and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 4: Gongaga Ruins Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Gongaga Ruins Tower
・Expedition Intel 4
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Start from Activation Intel 3 and take two Mushrooms to the southeast. At the bottom, look west to find a forked road going up a hill; go to the right. Climb up stairs until you find the Observation Tower. Go to the opposite side and find a broken bridge overlooking a cliff; go to the left and down the hill to reach the area with the tower. Go south of the tower and up a hill to find a branch you can slide on to get into the tower. Climb down a rope and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 5: Fungi Forest Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 5: Fungi Forest Tower
・Moogle Intel
・Expedition Intel 5
・Expedition Intel 6
・Fiend Intel 5
・Fiend Intel 6
How to Reach and Activate
Go south of the tower across the water to find a staircase. At the top, go east across a bridge and find a Mushroom. Climb up a rope, then climb down two ladders and activate the tower.

Gongaga Region

All Cosmo Canyon Towers

Activation Intel 1: Kamaria's Ranch Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Kamaria's Ranch Tower
・Chocobo Intel
・Expedition Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
On the way to Cosmo Canyon during the Chapter 10 story. Climb the ladder and activate the tower.

Activation Intel 2: Crimson Earth Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Crimson Earth Tower
・Expedition Intel 2
・Divine Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
Unlock the Sky Chocobo as part of the Bonds of Trust side quest. Then, go to Kamaria's Ranch and take the ramp on the right side. Glide straight forward until you reach the tower. Climb the ladder and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 3: Dried Oasis Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Dried Oasis Tower
・Expedition Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
Climb two ladders and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Gliding Range Tower
・Moogle Intel
・Expedition Intel 4
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Climb a ladder, then across and up three yellow ledge walls and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 5: Spiritwastes Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 5: Spiritwastes Tower
・Expedition Intel 5
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 5
How to Reach and Activate
Go straight from Activation Intel 3. Climb the ramp next to the tower, and then use the Sky Chocobo to glide from the Gliding Range at the top to reach and activate the tower.

Activation Intel 6: Ancient Capital Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 6: Ancient Capital Tower
・Expedition Intel 6
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 6
How to Reach and Activate
After unlocking the Sky Chocobo, head southeast of Activation Intel 4 and climb up a ramp to reach Gliding Range No. 6. Proceed along the gliding course climbing to higher-numbered Gliding Ranges. Skip Gliding Range No. 15 when you get to it and continue up the slope to reach Gliding Range No. 16, from which you can reach the tower.

Cosmo Canyon Region

All Nibel Towers

Activation Intel 1: Airstrip Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 1: Airstrip Tower
・Chocobo Intel
・Expedition Intel 1
・Divine Intel 1
・Fiend Intel 1
How to Reach and Activate
Climb the ladder to enter the tower and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 2: Gull Bridge Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 2: Gull Bridge Tower
・Moogle Intel
・Expedition Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 2
How to Reach and Activate
Unlock the Ocean Chocobo from the Chocobo Intel revealed by Activation Intel 1, and use its Chocojet power on the river next to the tower to fly up and reach the tower and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 3: Beach Hill Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 3: Beach Hill Tower
・Expedition Intel 3
・Divine Intel 2
・Fiend Intel 3
How to Reach and Activate
Start from the beach to the southwest. Take a series of steps up to reach the tower. Climb the ladder and activate the terminal.

Activation Intel 4: Whitecap Reef Tower

Map Location Intel Revealed

Activation Intel 4: Whitecap Reef Tower
・Expedition Intel 4
・Divine Intel 3
・Fiend Intel 4
How to Reach and Activate
Use the Ocean Chocobo's Chocojet to fly high above the water, and approach the island from the southwest to find a point low enough to land on. Climb up the yellow ledge cliffside, and climb up a ladder to activate the terminal.

Nibel Region

All Meridian Ocean Towers

This section is still under construction

All Northwood Towers

There are no Remnawave Towers in this Region.

What are Towers?

Reveals Nearby Intel

Activation Intel or Towers are structures found in various locations that when activated reveals and pins nearby points of interest on the map.

It is recommended to activate these as soon as you can to help with exploration.

Does Not Clear Map Fog

While the towers reveal locations worth exploring, they don't clear the fog on the map. Players will still need to manually explore all the areas of the game to clean up the map.

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