FF7 Rebirth

How to Beat and Get to the Shadowblood Queen

FF7 Rebirth - How to Beat the Shadowblood Queen
A guide for how to beat and get to the Shadowblood Queen at the end of the Queen's Blood storyline in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to see recommended decks to use against, how to unlock, how to get to, rewards, as well as how to beat the Shadowblood Queen.

Shadowblood Queen Best Deck

Self-Enfeeble Deck

Self-Enfeeble Deck
FF7 Rebirth - Desert SahaginDesert Sahagin
FF7 Rebirth - Black BatBlack Bat
FF7 Rebirth - RictusRictus
FF7 Rebirth - ChimeraChimera
FF7 Rebirth - JabberwockJabberwock
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan
FF7 Rebirth - AlexanderAlexander
FF7 Rebirth - Yin & YangYin & Yang
FF7 Rebirth - Gi NattakGi Nattak

Since the Shadowblood Queen mainly runs an enfeeblement deck, we recommend using a deck that thrives on a board filled with enfeebled positions.

To win against the Shadowblood Queen, use the pre-built "Strength in Weakness" deck and then replace Cavestalker, Adjudicator, and Reapertail with 2 Chimeras, Titan, Alexander, and Gi Nittak.

All Queen's Blood Card Locations and Guide

Get Gi Nittak

Gi Nittak ultimately makes the Shadowblood Queen's fight more consistent and easy to pull off. To unlock Gi Nittak, you need to finish the Curse of the Gi challenge in the Card Carnival found in Costa del Sol during Chapter 12!

The challenge can be hard, so use the video provided above as a reference on how to finish it!

How to Beat the Shadowblood Queen

Counter Shadowblood Queen's Game Plan

How to Beat the Shadowblood Queen

The duel will start with the Shadowblood Queen already set in the middle. Her effect lets her scale with +3 power with every enfeebled card on the board, so she will put legendary cards on other lanes to push her pawns to your side and inflict enfeebles.

To win the duel against the Shadowblood Queen, all you have to do is to scale off Shadowblood Queen's strategy. Do so by following these strategies.

Use Mid as a Set Up Lane

FF7 Rebirth - Set Up Mid Lane
Shadowblood Queen will likely win the middle lane due to her scaling effect. Play Chimera in the mid-lane to scale off her enfeebles and counter her game plan. Chimera will grow to 14-16 in power, which will be the prime target for Gi Nittak.

Contest Top and Bottom Lane

FF7 Rebirth - Contest Top and Bottom Lane

While Chimera is scaling in the middle lane, push and contest pawns in the top and bottom lane by playing scaling cards such as Rictus, Chimera, and Alexander. Ensure more points through this part of the strategy to guarantee the last play.

If you are losing pawns, use Yin & Yang to replace a card and reclaim lost pawns.

Use Gi Nattak to Distribute Points

FF7 Rebirth - Play Gi Nattak
During the end game, replace the Chimera set in the middle using Gi Nittak to distribute 14-16 power, assuring you will have 20+ points in both the bottom and top lane. You should be able to win by 10-20 more points.

Shadowblood Queen Rewards

The Shadowblood Queen Card

FF7 Rebirth - Shadowblood Queen Card #145 | Shadowblood Queen
Raise power by 3 for each other enfeebled allied card and enemy card.

You will obtain her card and be able to slot it in any of your decks. This card is undeniably one of the strongest cards in the game as it is capable of winning a single lane when multiple enfeebles are on the board.

Blood Champion

Defeating the Shadowblood Queen signals the end of the storyline of Queen's Blood, thus you are promoted to the final rank of Blood Champion. This is a title reserved only for the masters of Queen's Blood.

How to Get to the Shadowblood Queen

Access the Gongaga Ruins

How to Get to the Shadowblood Queen

Getting to the Shadowblood Queen can be quite tricky if you have not explored the Gongaga Region and its ruins. Follow these steps to get to the Shadowblood Queen:

Fast Travel to Magon Hill

To start, fast travel to Magon Hill. You will naturally unlock this during a specific sequence during an event in the main story. After fast traveling, use the Mushroom Pad to go down from your current position to start the second step.
Gongaga Region: Map and All Locations

Get to Valefloor Lifespring

After using the Mushroom Pad, follow the dirt road until you reach Valefloor Lifespring by climbing a rope. If you have not unlocked it yet, an owl will guide you to it!
All Lifespring Locations (Expedition Intel)

Ride the Branch With a Gongaga Chocobo

As soon as you reach Valefloor Lifespring, head up the ramp and slide on the thick branch. Riding the branch with a Gongaga Chocobo will get you to the Observation Tower, which unlocks a fast travel point. Descend the ruins and you should be able to find Regina.
How to Get the Gongaga Chocobo

How to Unlock the Shadowblood Queen

Reach Blood Executioner (Rank 11)

FF7 Rebirth - Set Up Mid Lane

To unlock the Shadowblood Queen, you must reach Blood Executioner by proving yourself in Queen's Blood. Since she is the final boss, you must have beaten 28 players across all the regions and then duel with The Beast of Chaos, Vincent.

Queen's Blood Best Decks

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Queen
Queen's Blood Card Locations and Guide

All Queen's Blood Guides

FF7 Rebirth Queen's Blood Guides
Best Cards Tier List Best Decks Tier List
Card Carnival How to Win the Queen's Blood Tournament
How to Beat and Get to the Shadowblood Queen All Queen's Blood Players and Rewards
All Gold Saucer Queen’s Blood Challenges -


3 Jb10 months

I beat her with a tonberry king on the top row and midgardsormr on the bottom row. Used bomb, Marlboro, Yuffie, replace cards and fodder like heat seeker etc. I played the special witch card on the middle square as this helped but I don’t think it’s needed. She won mid with about 24, and I scored about 30 across top and bottom.

2 Td11 months

I managed to beat her by getting a sephiroth beneath the shadowblood queen card. I destroyed the card that was beneath her, then kept replacing this card to get my pawn to lv3 and use seph. Without the queen card her deck falls apart since all cards keep lowering the others.


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