FF7 Rebirth

Savage Grandhorn Weaknesses and Drops

Savage Grandhorn is a Biological World Intel Enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to perfect Savage Grandhorn's quest requirements, how to pressure and stagger Savage Grandhorn, as well as its weaknesses, resistances, immunities, drops , and possible locations.

Savage Grandhorn Overview

Savage Grandhorn Basic Information

130. Savage Grandhorn
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Savage Grandhorn
A bipedal creature found deep within the jungles of Gongaga. Overexposure to mako from the nearby reactor has brought out a bestial ferocity in it. It controls plants to restrain its prey.
Areas Species Movement
Gongaga Biological Grounded

Savage Grandhorn Weaknesses and Resistances

Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Fire

Staggered: -
Lesser: FF7 Rebirth - Physical

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Proportional DamageFF7 Rebirth - Stone

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Savage Grandhorn Droppable Items

Drops Common: Zinc Ore
Rare: Moss Agate
Ability Yield Steal: Zinc Ore
Morph: Moss Agate

Savage Grandhorn Locations

Primary Region
Map Location World Location
Savage Grandhorn Savage Grandhorn
The Savage Grandhorn can be located deep within the Gongaga Ruin on the southwest of the airstrip in the Fiend Intel 4

Savage Grandhorn Abilities

Abilities ・Lethal Haze
・Telluric Terror

Savage Grandhorn Fiend Intel & How to Beat

Maddened by Mako Mission Information

Savage Grandhorn is the World Intel Enemy found in the Maddened by Mako Combat Assignment. This can be accessed after activating the Gongaga Ruins Tower in Gongaga during Chapter 9

Battle Conditions
CheckmarkPressure an enemy

CheckmarkStagger an enemy

CheckmarkDefeat the enemy within the time limit.

Maddened by Mako Fiend Intel

Use Cloud's Braver When Enemies are Blocking

FF7 Rebirth - Use Braver When the Enemy is Blocking

How to Pressure Savage Grandhorn
It periodically restrains a target with Earthbound, but these binds can be broken by staggering the creature. Attacking it twice while it is guarding will cause it to counterattack. Although its guard will reflect ranged attacks, hitting it with powerful abilities will pressure it.

The Savage Grandhorn will easily get pressured if you use Cloud's Braver or any other powerful abilities like Tifa's Divekick while the enemy is blocking. Use this opportunity to build up their stagger meter.

How to Pressure and Stagger Enemies

Stagger Savage Grandhorn to Break Earthbound

Savage Grandhorn will periodically use Earthbound to your characters and the only way to break free from it is by staggering the enemy.

Play as Tifa to Increase Stagger Meter

FF7 Rebirth - Play as Tifa to Increase the Stagger Meter

Tifa's basic attack will increase the enemy's stagger meter quickly so we recommend using her when you finally pressure the Savage Grandhorn.

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons

Use FIre Spells When Savage Grandhorn is Pressured

FF7 Rebirth - Fire Materia

Equip your party with Fire Materia so they can cast Fire Spells against the Savage Grandhorn. It is better to cast the spell after successfully pressuring the Savage Grandhorn by using Braver when they are blocking.

How to Get the Fire Materia

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enemies

List of All Enemies

All Gongaga Enemies

List of Enemies
LevridonLevridon Great MalboroGreat Malboro Great Malboro (Hard)Great Malboro (Hard)
DaggerwingDaggerwing MastodonMastodon GrangalanGrangalan
Grangalan JuniorGrangalan Junior Baby GrangalanBaby Grangalan Gorgon ManeGorgon Mane
GrandhornGrandhorn Grandhorn WardenGrandhorn Warden Savage GrandhornSavage Grandhorn
GagighandiGagighandi Fulvum VaranusFulvum Varanus AmphidexAmphidex
Pastel AmphidexPastel Amphidex FrightflowerFrightflower BrumeflowerBrumeflower
GigantoadGigantoad Chimera MimicChimera Mimic MalocerosMaloceros
Anuran SuppressorAnuran Suppressor Specimen H1024Specimen H1024 Crimson Mare Mk. IICrimson Mare Mk. II


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