Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Recruit Louis: Best Class and Gifts

Fire Emblem Engage - Louis

Louis is a recruitable character from Firene in Fire Emblem Engage. Check out the best class, Emblems, skills, and voice actor of Louis, best gifts to give and raise the Support Level of Louis, stat growth, paired ending and romance, as well as how to recruit Louis here!

Louis Profile and Best Gifts

Louis Unit Overview

Base Class & Unit Type
Lance Armor
Fire Emblem Engage Armored Armored
Voice Actor JP: Haruki Ishiya
EN: J. Michael Tatum
Birthday November 4th
Royal knight of Firene. With his fellow retainer, Chloe, he fought at Florra to cover Celine's escape. He joined the Divine Dragon's army afterward.

Louis Tier Rating

Unit Tier Rating

▶︎ Best Character Tier List

Louis Best Gifts

Loved Gifts Tea Leaves, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Lentil Flower, White Clover, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife, Spicy Seasonings, Horse Manure

Louis Likes and Dislikes

Likes Tea parties, cooking, flowers, daydreaming, people-watching, grapes
Dislikes Crafting, spicy foods, sea grapes, poker faces, perceptive people

▶︎ Best Gifts for All Characters

How to Recruit Louis

Chapter 4: Joins at the Beginning of Battle


Louis will be recruited when you first visit Firene during Chapter 4: A Land in Bloom. He joins Alear's party at the beginning of the battle.
▶︎ All Story Chapters

Louis Best Class and Build

Recommended Classes

Class Class Details
Fire Emblem Engage General General
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword A
Variant Proficiencies:
Fire Emblem Engage Lance A
Fire Emblem Engage Axe A
Unlock Via: Master Seal

Use to switch places with an adjacent ally.
Fire Emblem Engage Great Knight Great Knight
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Lance B
Variant Proficiencies:
Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Axe B
Fire Emblem Engage Lance B
Fire Emblem Engage Axe B
Unlock Via: Master Seal
Allied Defense

If unit is between an ally and a foe, reduces damage to unit by 3 during combat with that foe.

▶︎ List of All Classes

Recommended Skills

If unit's HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+7 as long as unit's HP stays below 75%.
Ike Bond Level 18
Lance Power 5
Grants Atk+10 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.
Sigurd Bond Level 18
Defense +5
Grants Def+5.
Ike Bond Level 19
If unit's HP is 75% or less and foe initiates combat, unit can counter before foe's first attack.
Leif Bond Level 18

Louis is one of the best tanks in the game, having one of the highest HP growths and Def stats. Boost his Def stat further through the Defense +5 and Resolve + skills.

Louis can deal massive damage to multiple enemies through counterattacks. Using Vantage++ and Lance Power 5 can make sure enemies are dead before they even get a chance to land an attack.

▶︎ Best Classes for Each Character

Louis Base Stats and Growth

Louis Base Stats, Cap, and Growth Rate

Stat Base Cap Stat Growth
HP 30 0
Str 13 1
Mag 0 0
Dex 11 -1
Spd 3 -2
Def 16 3
Res 1 -2
Lck 4 1
Bld 8 0

Louis starts at level 6 upon obtaining.

▶︎ Growth Rates and Stat Caps Explained

Louis Support Bonuses

C Hit+15
B Hit+15, Avo+5
A Hit+20, Avo+5
S Hit+30, Avo+5

▶︎ How to Increase Support Level

Louis Personal Skills

All Personal Skills

Fire Emblem Engage - Admiration Skill
If two female allies are adjacent within 2 spaces, this unit takes 2 less damage during combat.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Louis Best Emblem

Recommended Emblems

MarthMarth SigurdSigurd LeifLeif IkeIke

Capitalizing Louis' high HP and Def stat growth, consider pairing him with Emblems like Marth, Leif, or Ike in order for Louis to take down foes with ease while taking little to no damage in battle.

Alternatively, players can pair Louis with Sigurd in order to make him a highly mobile tank unit that can travel and decimate enemies from both ends of the map.

▶︎ List of All Emblems

Louis Paired Ending and Romance

Pact Ring with Louis

After clearing Chapter 22, players unlock The Connector Paralogue and can subsequently unlock the Pact Ring. This essentially acts as Fire Emblem Engage's S-Rank Support and romance route.

Alear can then give the ring to Louis once they have attained an A-Rank in support to view a special cutscene, and unlock a page in the reference about the life they lived together.

Louis' Memento

A ring from Louis that came to me from his family. I still remember how nervous he was the day we exchanged rings.

Apart from obtaining an exclusive ending with Louis after giving the Pact Ring, players can also head to Alear's room and check the small table next to their bed to find a memento from him.

While the memento serves no purpose in combat whatsoever unlike the Merc Whistle in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, it further contextualizes the paired ending selected by the player.

▶︎ All Paired Endings

Louis Ally Notebook Illustrations

Illustrations Per Support Level
Initial Illustration

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17 Anonymousover 1 year

Louis being A-tier is absurd. I'm not hard-core, and I don't min-max my character's, but using louis with Lance power, Lance guard, Sigurd, great knight,, and a spear, I was able to easily clear a level 40 trial area. Easily the best physical unit in the game, taking nothing from physical attacks, and doing a metric ton of damage. Easily the best Lance user in the game, and the best tank against all physical damage.

8 Anonymousabout 2 years

hammer, armorsleyer, low speed, and there are a decently high amount of magic enemies in the game. And backup enemies melt him. He is overrated, bottom of A but also worse than jade


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