Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Chapter 19: The Dead Town Walkthrough

Chapter 19
This is the walkthrough for Chapter 19 of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of all recruitable characters in Chapter 19, all Chapter 19 paralogues, and all the obtainable weapons and items for this chapter!

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Chapter 19 Recruitable Characters and Emblems

Recruitable Characters

Talk to her using Alear, Diamant, or Alcryst

Obtainabale Emblems

MicaiahMicaiah Obtained after the battle
RoyRoy Obtained after the battle

Chapter 19 Main Quest Battle Guide

Chapter 19 Battle Info

Chapter 19 Map

Victory Conditions
Defeat Marni and Mauvier
Defeat Conditions
Alear is Defeated
Location Givre Port
Recommended Level Advanced Class Lvl 7
# of Player Units 12+1
# of Enemies 25

Recommended Units, and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Lindwurm Lindwurm Fliers are exceptionally great on this stage as you can easily get in and out of the team's entrance into the center path of the stage. This allows you to have a unit that can use the cannon then immediately join the fight if needed.
IkeIke You can use Ike's Great Aether to block a whole path alone then defeat or deal huge amounts of damage to every enemy on that area. This essentially allows you to only focus on two paths instead of 3.
Fire Emblem Engage Wing Tamer Wing Tamer
A Corrin that's equipped on a flier will allow you to use Dragon Vein to unleash a healing area on your location. You can use this skill to eliminate flame tiles as well as make it easier to hold out on a certain location much easier.

Chapter 19 Battle Walkthrough

1 Clear the Miasma on each of the three entrances
The Miasmas can be cleared using the cannon. It will overwrite the miasma with fire tiles then it will revert the tiles back to normal floors. Get rid of the Miasma to avoid weakenign your units!
2 Station armored units on each entrances.
You'll want to focus more units on the center as Mauvier will keep on sending units your way via teleport (until it runs out).
3 Push the lower and upper areas to reach the houses.
Visiting the house will reveal three corrupted each but one of the corrupted will drop an item. Have a durable unit visit the house so you can survive their onslaught.
4 Once the bottom and top side are cleared, pull all your units back to the center.
5 Lure Mauvier with one mobile unit.
This will allow us to pull in Mauvier into Cannon Range.
6 Once Mauvier is pulled in, keep on using the cannon to deplete his and the corrupted's HP.
The cannon cannot reduce a unit's HP below 1 so you'll still need to deliver the finishing blow or put units that can easily counter their attacks for a clean round.
7 Mauvier may be difficult to kill as he has two revival stones. Pull your armored unit away from Mauvier and have your attackers focus him down.
8 Once done, start focusing Marni with anti armored attacks!
Armor Slayer and magic attacks work well on her and she only has 1 revival HP so she'll be easier to take down.

Using the Cannons

Luring enemies using the Cannon Ball
Much like Chapter 18, you can use the Cannon to unleash a cannon ball on a large target area. Lure enemies using mobile units then unleash cannon attacks on them to deplete their HP pool before going for the kill!

Removing the Miasma

There are several ways that you can remove the Miasma that inflicts severe debuff on your units. The easiest would be using the cannon to replace the Miasma with flames for one turn then reverting it to a normal floor the next turn. The next one would be using the same strategy on Chapter 15 by using Corrin's Dragon Vein. Dragon Vein changes based on the user and we suggest having a flier use it to replace the tiles around the user to healing tiles!

The last but most unconventional one would be using Ike's Great Aether engage skill. This allows you to put a unit in the center of the Miasma and tank all enemy units and still survive and clear all the miasma around the user.

How to Lure Mauvier

Luring Mauvier

Mauvier will keep on sending units your way using Teleport but Staves are consumables! Mauvier will eventually run out of units to send you. Once this is the case, use a mobile unit then have Mauvier chase you. This is the only way to Lure Mauvier as Mauver himself won't start chasing after your party even if he runs out of teleport staves.

Chapter 19 Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items in Battle

Item How to Get
Dracoshield Dropped by the corrupted that ambushes you from the northern house.
Elixir Dropped by the corrupted that ambushes you frpm the southern house.
Goddess Icon Dropped by Marni
Brave Lance Dropped by Mauvier

Obtainable Items in Exploration Phase

Iron Ingot Steel Ingot
Silver Ingot -
Rice Beans

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Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Chapter 19
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Chapter 26 -

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2 TPKabout 2 years

Use Magic on Marnie, she's definitely stronger than the other 3 hounds but she doesn't kill strong Generals, or stuff that dodges her. Honestly she was harder in the destroyed port map than this one.

1 KrimsonKatt about 2 years

Marnie is literally unkillable in this chapter. She has 32 defense which means that any character below 33 attack will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Even above 32 attack you'll only do chip damage when she'll do 50+ thanks to binding Blade being as OP as ever. I have no clue on how to progress as she's literally unkillable.


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