Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens Walkthrough

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This is the walkthrough for the Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see how to unlock the Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens, obtainable rewards, and battle strategies!

Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens Recruitable Characters

Madeline Defeat Ivy and Timerra to claim victory.

Madeline appears as playable characters during this stage! However, do note that Madeline isn't actually recruited yet, meaning that returning to the Somniel after clearing this stage will not result in having her in your party.

Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens Main Quest Battle Guide

Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens Info

Clash of Queens Xenologue Map
Fire Emblem Engage - Fell Xenologue 4 Map

How to Clear Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens

Victory Condition
Defeat Ivy and Timerra.
Defeat Condition
Nel, Nil, or Alear is defeated.
Location Verdant Garden
Set Level Advanced Lvl 3
Special Lvl 23
# of Player Units 10
# of Enemies 41

Recommended Classes and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Wing Tamer Wing Tamer This stage is generally a large map, making High Priests inefficient for navigating it. Instead, bring a Wing Tamer like Hortensia for heals that are easier to access because of her high Mov, and flying movement.
Fire Emblem Engage Dancer Dancer An extra turn to either attack or reposition works well for this stage, since you only have a few units available for use.
Fire Emblem Engage Griffin Knight Griffin Knight Flying units are indispensable for this mission because of the large mountain range on the left that Ivy flies over.
Fire Emblem Engage Sigurd Sigurd Gives your unit extra mobility, especially useful for your supports, as there are three characters that you need to keep alive in this stage.
Fire Emblem Engage Micaiah Micaiah Micaiah is your free get-out-of-jail card, for when you have multiple key characters on the brink of defeat. A timley use of Great Sacrifice affords you some breathing room during critical moments.
Fire Emblem Engage Hector Hector Nel's innate ability buffs her crit rate when foes initiate combat. We opted to pair her up with Hector, as skills like Impenetrable and Quick Riposte synergize well with counter-based units!
Fire Emblem Engage Lucina Lucina Nil's passive skill Wounded Pride buffs Nil's crit rate when nearby allies defeat enemies. This ability would synergize well with the Backup unit type, but since Nil is Dragon, we opted to equip him with Lucina to act as a pseudo-Backup unit.
Fire Emblem Engage Lyn Lyn Paired with a flying unit like Chloe, Lyn makes quick work of other flying units like Ivy and the Wyverns she summons.
Fire Emblem Engage Celica Celica Warp Ragnarok allows Celica's engaged unit to travel a large distance and deal a good chunk of damage. As such, she is best paired with your Tome-users who have a low amount of mobility..

Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens Walkthrough

1 This map hosts a large battle between 3 factions. Yours, Ivy's, and Timerra's. Avoid direct confrontations between the two and focus on the enemies that are targeting your units.
2 Send a group of fliers towards Ivy via the mountain range, and walk your ground units towards Timerra.
3 Ivy will be protected by two other Wyvern Riders and will summon 2 more Wyverns when she is threatened.
4 Timerra will begin advancing shortly after Ivy starts moving. Wait for her to move towards the center of the battlefield instead of racing towards her corner of the map.

1. End Your Turn

During the first few turns of this stage, Ivy and Timerra will send their armies out against each other. Consider waiting a few turns as they whittle each other down.

2. Bring Flying Units

There is a large mountain range on the left side of the map that Ivy will fly over. Since only flying units can reach her, make sure to bring a few units to take her out.

3. Equip Emblem Lyn

Emblem Lyn's Astra Storm makes quick work of Ivy, while her engage weapon Killer Bow allows her engaged unit to deal with both her guards and her Wyvern summons.

Fell Xenologue 4: Clash of Queens Obtainable Items

There are no obtainable items from this stage, as both levels and items are preset from the beginning. There are also no Exploration phases available within the Fell Xenologue.

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