Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Who to Give the Merc Whistle To

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Story Walkthrough for how to get S Rank Rewards and the Best Responses to Support Conversations!
Character Tier List / Class Tier List for party building!
List of Characters for guides on recruiting all characters and their best classes.

FEW3H - Who to Give the Merc Whistle To
Giving the Merc Whistle to an ally will get you a unique Special Accessory available once per run. Learn about each reward you can get for a Merc Whistle and the best character to give the Merc Whistle to!

Who to Give the Merc Whistle To

Best Given to Byleth

FEW3H - Byleth Divine Pulse

Byleth's Divine Pulse is arguably the best Action Ability in the game, as it freezes time for all surrounding enemies, including commanders, for as long as 20 seconds, allowing you and your party to simply pummel them with no resistance.

Max Out Support Before Chapter 15

Byleth is obtained late in the game, making it tricky to raise your Support Level with them to A, but it's worth it to be able to give their powerful Action Ability to another character.

Be sure to raise your Support Level to A and watch the Support Conversations with Byleth before Chapter 15. After this point, you won't be able to watch Support Conversations anymore, making it impossible to obtain Byleth's Special Accessory without trying again on another playthrough.

How to Recruit Byleth

List of Merc Whistle Rewards

Character Special Gift Unique Ability
Three Hopes - Byleth Byleth Tactics Primer Divine Pulse
Press ZR to stop time. A follow-up attack will trigger when time restarts, based on damage dealt during the stoppage. Has a short cooldown time.
Three Hopes - Edelgard Edelgard Imperial Coat of Arms Pen Solar Prominence
Imbue attacks with fire.
Three Hopes - Dimitri Dimitri Azure Dagger Azure Lightning
Imbue attacks with lightning.
Three Hopes - Claude Claude Notes on Poisons Dustcloud
Imbue attacks with wind.
Three Hopes - Mercedes Mercedes Rose Water Radiant Love
Attacking very slightly fills the Unique Ability Gauge and gradually restores HP. When the gauge is full, press ZR to damage enemies and heal allies.
Three Hopes - Annette Annette Wooden Doll Courageous Aria
Attacking very slightly fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press ZR to temporarily strengthen yourself and surrounding allies.
Three Hopes - Sylvain Sylvain Warm Cloak Gordian Stroke
At 300 hits and above: increase attack range and damage dealt proportional to hit count.
Three Hopes - Ingrid Ingrid Pegasus Hair Charm Icy Plunge
Enemies sent flying explode and deal ice damage to a narrow area.
Three Hopes - Seteth Seteth Simple Fishing Rod Windswept
Imbue non-regular attacks with wind. Press ZR to rend Windtorn enemies with air blades. Has a long cooldown time.
Three Hopes - Flayn Flayn Sand from Rhodos Coast Luminous Prayer
Gain a chance to spawn 2 orbs of light around the unit when performing regular attacks. Press ZR to fire a beam of light toward all orbs.
Three Hopes - Yuri Yuri Silver Ring Deceit
Press ZR to create an orb of wind that draws in enemies and explodes. Has a long cooldown time.
Three Hopes - Shamir Shamir Animal Bone Dice Cold Calculation
Strike with the right timing to slightly increase critical hot rate andd imbue attacks with ice.
Three Hopes - Bernadetta Bernadetta Shez Doll Personal Space
Press ZR to create a zone of ice that increases critical hit rate. Has a long cooldown time.
Three Hopes - Linhardt Linhardt Portable Lamp Easy Breezy
Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a narrow range.
Three Hopes - Petra Petra Knife and Scabbard Windstorm
Slightly increase evasion distance. Dodges inflict very minor wind damage.
Three Hopes - Felix Felix Wooden Training Sword Intense Velocity
Dodge in the middle of an attack to increase speed by one tier for a period of time. Will reach maximum speed after 7 dodges.
Three Hopes - Hilda Hilda Bottle of Flowers Lightning Bound
Hold the button during strong attacks to slightly increase damage and add lightning. While charging, enemies a short distance away will be drawn in.
Three Hopes - Lorenz Lorenz Rose Brooch Rondo of Roses
Attacking fills the Unique Ability Gauge, while nullifying an enemy attack decreases it. When the gauge is full, press ZR to draw in foes a short distance away.
Three Hopes - Raphael Raphael Wooden Dish Pure Brawn
Charge to power up attacks for a set period. Attacks will strengthen up to 2 tiers based on the number of charges.
Three Hopes - Ignatz Ignatz Travelogue Dreamer's Paintbrush
Send enemies flying to splatter the ground with a small amount of paint. Enemies that step in the paint incur elemental damage matching its color.
Three Hopes - Lysithea Lysithea Amber Sweetener Cursed Expulsion
Enemies sent flying explode and deal dark damage to a narrow area. Press ZR to draw in Spellbound enemies. Can be used again after a cooldown.
Three Hopes - Marianne Marianne Fancy Handkerchief Snowslip
At 300 hits and above: spawn falling ice orbs that deal ice damage to foes at intervals proportinal to hit count.
Three Hopes - Constance Constance Curse-Repelling Amulet Personality Shift
Generate a small number of orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of 6. Press ZR to launch the orbs.
Three Hopes - Balthus Balthus Secret Medicine Golden Fists
At 300 hits and above: power up attacks proportional to the hit count. Sending enemies flying grants a very small amount of gold.
Three Hopes - Hapi Hapi Amethyst Charm Nether Sigh
Strong attacks and the unit's final regular attack generate small zones in front of the unit that deal dark damage. Press ZR to detonate the zones and cause a small explosion.
Three Hopes - Holst Holst Mushroom Powder Galvanic Surge
Attacking slightly fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full press ZR to temporarily increase speed and imbue attacks with lightning.
Three Hopes - Jeralt Jeralt Beast Repellent Blade Breaker
Hold the button when performing storng attacks to slightly increases damage, guard break, and explode enemies sent flying.
Three Hopes - Catherine Catherine Dagdan Whetstone Twofold Ruin
Press ZR to make attacks hit twice for a period of time and deal a small amount of additional damage. This skill can be reused periodically.
Three Hopes - Dedue Dedue Metal Clasp Demolisher
Hold the button when performing strong attacks to trigger blasts on impact that deal minor damage to enemies.
Three Hopes - Leonie Leonie Hunter's Knife Careful Study
Allows the unit to string together 2 times the normal number of regular attacks. Based on the number of consecutive hits, speed will increase, and final regular or strong attacks will strengthen.
Three Hopes - Jeritza Jeritza Odd Charm Quietus
Attacking very slightly fills the Unique Ability Gauge and increases damage dealt to enemies. When the gauge is full, press ZR to attack, instantly defeating non-commander enemies.
Three Hopes - Dorothea Dorothea Silver Bracelet Prismatic Resonance
Gain a low chance to spawn musical notes around the unit when performing regular attacks. Attacking the notes triggers elemental shockwaves.
Three Hopes - Hubert Hubert Sharp Dagger Dark Conjuration
Gain a low chance to impale an attacked enemy with a magic spike. Additional attacks power up the spike. Press ZR to detonate the spike and inflict dark damage based on power level.
Three Hopes - Ferdinand Ferdinand Weapon Repair Oil Maximum Ambulation
At 300 hits and above: gain an increase in speed proportional to hit count.
Three Hopes - Caspar Caspar Seasoning Set One for the Books
Hold the button when performing strong attacks to charge the attack, increasing attack range and damage dealt by one tier.
Three Hopes - Manuela Manuela First Aid Kid Thunderous Refain
Attacking generates lightning-imbued musical staves and fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When the gauge is full, press ZR to deal a small amount of damage around the staves.
Three Hopes - Monica Monica Portable Tea Set Wicked Impulse
Strike with the right timing to generate a small shockwave imbued with an element corresponding to the attack.
Three Hopes - Rodrigue Rodrigue
(Recruit Byleth)
Drinking Horn Martial Prowess
Strike with the right timing to slightly increase damage, attack range, and knockback rate.

The Merc Whistle cannot be given to characters recruited using Renown.

How to Recruit All Playable Characters

What is the Merc Whistle?

Gives You a Character's Action Ability

At the start of Chapter 10, Shez will receive the Merc Whistle, a special item that only allies with an A Support Level with Shez can receive.

You will only receive one per playthrough, so it's best to give it to a character who will give the best abilities!

Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

A Very Special Friend Achievement

FEW3H - A Very Special Friend Achievement

When Shez has given a character their Merc Whistle, you will receive an Achievement called A Very Special Friend, which serves as proof that you've received a special gift from one of your allies.

List of All Achievements and Awards

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

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Tips and Tricks

All Tips and Tricks

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How to Change Character Appearance Which House Should You Choose?
Unit Details and Stats Explained How to Change Classes
How to Recruit Characters What Happens When a Unit Dies?
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Perfecting Cooking, Chores, and Training How to Get Renown Fast
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Advanced Guides
Is There a New Game Plus? Is There a Church Route?
All Post Game Content Secret Characters and Unlockables
How to Unlock All Endings How to Get the Secret Ending
Who to Give the Merc Whistle To List of Innate Abilities
Game Settings
Controls and Best Settings Difficulty Mode Differences
Save Data Bonuses How to Bookmark Save


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