Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Tower of Trials Guide: Rewards and How to Beat

Fire Emblem Engage Tower of Trials

The Tower of Trials is where you can do consecutive battles for rewards in Fire Emblem Engage. Learn how the Tower of Trials works, where to spend your relay tickets, and all about Tower of Trials rewards and EXP.

How the Tower of Trials Works

Fight Consecutive Battles to Earn EXP

Fire Emblem Engage Consecutive Trials

At the Tower of Trials, you can fight in consecutive battles to earn EXP rewards and crystals to augment your weapons.The tower's only offline game mode is called the Tempest Trials. This game mode is composed of four maps wherein you fight three consecutive battles each, with the amount of rewards scaling per difficulty increase.

Spend Relay Ticket for Relay Trials

Fire Emblem Engage Relay Tickets

The tower's second game mode, the Relay Trials, is an online co-op mode that is exclusive to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers only. As the name suggests, you have to clear the map while taking turns with another player.

To start a Relay Trial, you'll need to spend a Relay Ticket.

▶︎ How to Get and Use Relay Tickets

Battle Against Other Players in Outrealm Trials

Fire Emblem Engage Online Trials

The Outrealm Trials is another online mode exclusive to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers. Here, you can create your own battle map that other players online can challenge or fight in battle maps created by other players.

Take note that these battles are merely run by the computer and not by an actual player.

▶︎ Outrealm Trials Guide

How to Unlock the Tower of Trials

Head to Southernmost Tip of the Somniel

Fire Emblem Engage Tower of Trials

When you unlock the Somniel in Chapter 4, head to the southernmost point of the Somniel. There, you'll be able to access the Tower of Trials' Relay Trial and Outrealm Trial game modes.

However, these game modes are for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers only. Additionally, you'll need Relay Tickets to launch Relay Trials.

Complete Chapter 11 to Unlock Tempest Trials

Fire Emblem Engage Chapter 11

Tempest Trials is an offline game mode, so it does not require a Nintendo Switch Online subscription and is available to everyone who bought the base game.

You can unlock the Tempest Trials after completing Chapter 11 of the story. Until then, the Tempest Trials will remain locked from you.

▶︎ Story Walkthroughs

Tower of Trials Rewards

Tempest Trials Rewards

Fire Emblem Engage Tempest Trials

You earn EXP and Materials via the Tempest Trials. EXP scales from difficulty levels 7-16, then remains set at 10-30-50 from levels 16 to 40.

Additionally, 40 is the max difficulty level you can fight the Tempest Trials in prior to the post game.

Material Rewards per Map

Tempest Trial Map Bonus Materials
Verdant Plain Def Crystal
Floral Field Dex Crystal
Mountain Peak Mt Crystal
Winter Forest Res Crystal

Rewards per Difficulty Level

Difficulty Level & Assessment EXP Gained Crystals
1-5 Battle 1: 0
Battle 2: 0
Battle 3: 0
6 Battle 1: 0
Battle 2: 0
Battle 3: 0
(Very Easy)
Battle 1: 1
Battle 2: 3
Battle 3: 5
8 Battle 1: 2
Battle 2: 6
Battle 3: 10
9 Battle 1: 3
Battle 2: 9
Battle 3: 15
10 Battle 1: 4
Battle 2: 12
Battle 3: 20
Battle 1: 5
Battle 2: 15
Battle 3: 25
12 Battle 1: 6
Battle 2: 18
Battle 3: 30
13 Battle 1: 7
Battle 2: 21
Battle 3: 35
14 Battle 1: 8
Battle 2: 24
Battle 3: 40
15 Battle 1: 9
Battle 2: 27
Battle 3: 45
(Above Average)
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
21-24 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
26 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
27 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
28 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
29 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
30 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
31 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
32 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
33 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
34 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
36 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
37 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
38 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
39 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
40 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
(Good Luck)
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Crystals: 4-21
Books: 0-1
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Crystals: 30
Books: 0-1

Outrealm Trials Rewards

You earn Gifts as rewards for completing either Outrealm Trial modes, Quick Battle or Custom Battle. You are rewarded with Gifts even upon defeat on maps you've created in Custom Battle, but you can earn more if victorious.

Gift Guide: Best Gifts for All Characters

How to Beat the Tower of Trials

Take on the Difficulty Level When You're Ready

Fire Emblem Engage Tower of Trials Works

In the Tempest Trials, the battle runs pretty much the same as other battles in the main story/world map. Note that map layout and number of enemies are randomized every time you start it, even if you're choosing the same difficulty level.

Most of the challenge of the Tempest Trials comes down to difficulty level. Configuring the difficulty level determines the enemy's level on the battlefield (which is standardized across all enemy units). Levels 1 through 20 features enemy units in their Base Class, while Levels 25 to 40 features enemy units in their Advanced Class.

Enemy Level Calculation Based on Difficulty Level

Difficulty Level 1 to 20 = Level of Enemy
(Base Class)
Difficulty Level 21-40 -20 = Level of Enemy
(Advanced Class)

Levels 1 to 20 only feature Base Class enemy units, Levels 25 to 40 only feature Advanced Class enemy units. Given that it's more difficult to level up Advanced Class units in the main story, beware of every difficulty level increase in the 21 to 40 range.

Ready your party by promoting your units and leveling up

Fire Emblem Engage Beat Tower of Trials

Only take on a difficulty level once you feel well-equipped to take on enemies from that level! It's best to have units promoted to their Advanced Classes and unique classes before taking on Levels 21 to 40.

For extra measure, you should augment and refine your weapons, as well as get as many useful inheritable skills from your Emblems as you can.

▶︎ Class Change Guide: When to Promote

Do Units Permanently Die in Tower of Trials?

Classic Tower of Trial Deaths are Temporary

Fire Emblem Engage Tower of Trials Works.jpg

Much like practice matches in certain maps and levels, the Tower of Trials also allow your units to die and comeback later in the game. For players of classic, this can allow you to place units aggressively or even use some units to bait out enemy placements without suffering too much consequences.

▶︎ Permadeath Explained

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