Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Recruit Merrin: Best Class and Gifts

Fire Emblem Engage - Merrin

Merrin is a recruitable character from Solm in Fire Emblem Engage. Check out the best class, Emblems, skills, and voice actor of Merrin, best gifts to give and raise the Support Level of Merrin, base stats and stat growth, paired ending and romance, as well as how to recruit Merrin here!

Merrin Profile and Best Gifts

Merrin Unit Overview

Base Class & Unit Type
Wolf Knight
Fire Emblem Engage Cavalry Cavalry
Voice Actor JP: Nanako Mori
EN: Cristina "Vee" Valenzuela
Birthday September 24th
Princess Timerra's retainer. She's a dashing woman with a fondness for animals.

Merrin Tier Rating

Unit Tier Rating

▶︎ Best Character Tier List

Merrin Best Gifts

Loved Gifts Dried Meat, Animal Treats, Sharp Chisel, Butterfly Net, Horn, Utility Knife, Bear Carving, Fancy Dagger, Antler Earrings, Field Guide, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts Strong Perfume, Cute Apron, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll, Horse Manure

Merrin Likes and Dislikes

Likes Meat, weapons, music animals, cool things, sweets, rare critters, Timerra's songs
Dislikes Scary stories, strong odors, failure, people who don't care for animals.

▶︎ Best Gifts for All Characters

How to Recruit Merrin

Chapter 13: Joins at the Beginning of Battle

Fire Emblem Engage - How to Recruit Timerra, Merrin, Panette

Merrin becomes a playable character during Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis. Merrin, along with Timerra and Panette will automatically join Alear's ranks at the beginning of the chapter battle.

▶︎ All Story Chapters

Merrin Best Class and Build

Recommended Classes

Class Class Details
Fire Emblem Engage Wolf Knight Wolf Knight
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Knife A
Variant Proficiencies:
Fire Emblem Engage Lance B Fire Emblem Engage Knife A
Fire Emblem Engage Axe B
Fire Emblem Engage Knife A
Unlock Via: Master Seal

If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn.

▶︎ List of All Classes

Recommended Skills

If the unit initiates combat, grants Avo+30 during combat. Avo increases with high Spd.
Marth Bond Level 16
Knife Precision 5
Grants Hit/Avo+15 when using a knife.
Leif Bond Level 19
Strength +6
Grants Str+6.
Roy Bond Level 19
If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 5 or more, unit's follow up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
Lyn Bond Level 18
Str/Dex +5
Grants Str+5 and Dex+5.
Edelgard Bond Level 18

Merrin has particularly good growths in her Dex, and exceptional growths in Spd. However, she is somewhat lacking in Str and defensive stats to be reliable as a frontliner.

Take Perceptive+ along with Knife Precision 5 to make Merrin a viable initiatior. This playstyle emphasizes her personal skill Knightly Escort, as it makes space for a nearby ally to finish off Merrin's initial target.

Consider inheriting Strength +6 or Str/Dex +5 along with Alacrity++. This combo, paired with Merrin's high mobility, gives her the damage needed to deal with backliners such as mages and archers.

▶︎ Best Classes for Each Character

Merrin Base Stats and Growth

Merrin Base Stats, Cap, and Growth Rate

Stat Base Cap Stat Growth
HP 36 0
Str 15 -1
Mag 10 -1
Dex 21 1
Spd 21 2
Def 12 -1
Res 12 0
Lck 14 1
Bld 9 0

Merrin starts at level 1 upon obtaining.

▶︎ Growth Rates and Stat Caps Explained

Merrin Support Bonuses

C Hit+10, Avo+5
B Hit+10, Crit+3, Avo+5
A Hit+10, Crit+3, Avo+5, Ddg+5
S Hit+10, Crit+6, Avo+5, Ddg+5

▶︎ How to Increase Support Level

Merrin Personal Skills

All Personal Skills

Fire Emblem Engage - Knightly Escort Skill
Knightly Escort
When 2 or more female allies are within 2 spaces, grants Hit/Avo+5 to unit and those allies.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Merrin Best Emblem

Recommended Emblems

CorrinCorrin LynLyn EirikaEirika LucinaLucina

Lyn provides the speedy Merrin with surviability in the form of offense. Alacrity coupled with Merrin's high Mov and Spd afford Merrin the reach for dealing with backline units.

Corrin's Pair Up makes Merrin more survivable, as she doesn't get affected by Chain Attacks while she is behind enemy lines.

Eirika supplements Merrin with both offense and defense with Lunar Brace, Solar Brace, and Dodge +. If Merrin is classed into a Wolf Knight, Eirika's Twin Strike is granted a bonus to damage.

Dual Assist and Dual Strike allow Merrin to participate in Chain Attacks. This is especially useful because Knives can trigger poison stacks via Chain Attacks. This makes it easy to stack multiple instances of Poison on a single target.

▶︎ List of All Emblems

Merrin Paired Ending and Romance

Pact Ring with Merrin

After clearing Chapter 22, players unlock The Connector Paralogue and can subsequently unlock the Pact Ring. This essentially acts as Fire Emblem Engage's S-Rank Support and romance route.

Alear can then give the ring to Merrin once they have attained an A-Rank in support to view a special cutscene, and unlock a page in the reference about the life they lived together.

Merrin's Memento

The manuscript Merrin and I are working on—a symbol of our devotion to each other. We will fill its pages with the story of our life together.

Apart from obtaining an exclusive ending with Merrin after giving the Pact Ring, players can also head to Alear's room and check the small table next to their bed to find a memento from her.

While the memento serves no purpose in combat whatsoever unlike the Merc Whistle in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, it further contextualizes the paired ending selected by the player.

▶︎ All Paired Endings

Merrin Ally Notebook Illustrations

Illustrations Per Support Level
Initial Illustration

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3 Anonymousabout 2 years

does her clones proc her passive when she uses lyn?

2 Anonymousabout 2 years

Got super lucky with her level ups and she become crazy good, similar power like Alear. When she maxed out Wolf Knight i switched her to Gryffin Knight. And it works even better bcs of her high magic growth.


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