Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Emblem Tier List: Best Emblems to Spend On

Fire Emblem Engage Best Emblems

Emblems can gain access to new skills by increasing their bond level in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on for an Emblem tier list, who are the strongest Emblem characters, and who are the best Emblems to spend on with in the early, mid, and late game.

Related Guides
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Emblem Tier List

Emblem SigurdSigurd Emblem LynLyn Emblem BylethByleth Emblem TikiTiki
Emblem MarthMarth Emblem CelicaCelica Emblem LeifLeif Emblem IkeIke
Emblem MicaiahMicaiah Emblem LucinaLucina Emblem EdelgardEdelgard -
Emblem RoyRoy Emblem EirikaEirika Emblem CorrinCorrin -

Assessment Criteria

Checkmark Usefulness in the main story

Checkmark How early the Emblem is obtainable

Checkmark Effectiveness in all difficulties

Checkmark Engage Attacks, Engage Skills, and Synchro Skills are greatly considered.

Checkmark Difficulty in training is not considered.

Checkmark Skill Inheritance is not considered.

S-Tier Emblems

Emblems Strengths and Reasons for Recommendation
Fire Emblem Engage SigurdSigurd Joins In Chapter 4
Role Offense: Hit and run with mobility skills
・Increases Hit and Atk when using a Lance.
・Has excellent mobility when Engaged.
・Can reposition after attacking.
Fire Emblem Engage LynLyn Joins In Chapter 10
Role Support: Hit and run with ranged attacks
・Increases Spd and Hit with a Bow equipped.
・Can create powerful illusory doubles with ranged attacks that can easily take over the battlefield.
Fire Emblem Engage BylethByleth Joins In Chapter 14
Role Support: Hit and run while buffing allies
・Increases Lck and Hit when using Arts.
・Buffing 4 adjacent allies with the Engage Skill and Engage Attack can overwhelm the enemy.
Fire Emblem Engage TikiTiki Joins In Divine Paralogue: The Ancestor
Role Support: Frontline defender
・Increases HP and Lck.
・Biggest draw is her Synchro Skill Starsphere which enhances a unit's stat growth upon leveling up.
・Units that wait without attacking or using items are healed and cured from status effects.

A-Tier Emblems

Emblems Strengths and Reasons for Recommendation
Fire Emblem Engage MarthMarth Joins In Prologue: The Emblems
Role Offense: Frontline evasion defender
・Increases Avo and further increases it when using Swords.
・Can easily avoid enemy attacks while also having offensive capabilities.
・Can deal decent damage when Breaking enemies and being Engaged.
Fire Emblem Engage CelicaCelica Joins In Chapter 4
Role Offense: Backline with mobility skills
・Increases Hit and Avo when using Tomes.
・Her Engage Attack Warp Ragnarok is extremely versatile, being able to deal massive damage and can be used to resposition great distances if needed.
Fire Emblem Engage LeifLeif Joins In Chapter 8
Role Offense: Frontline defender
・Increases Bld, Hit, and Avo when using Knives.
・Works best with counterattackers with innate damage reduction.
Fire Emblem Engage IkeIke Joins In Chapter 13
Role Offense: Frontline defender
・Increases Def and Atk when using Axes.
・When Engaged, incoming damage is reduced by 50%.
・Ideal for tanking damage and counterattacking.

B-Tier Emblems

Emblems Strengths and Reasons for Recommendation
Fire Emblem Engage MicaiahMicaiah Joins In Chapter 6
Role Support: Backline healer
・Increases Res and Hit when using Staves.
・Allows units to equip a Staff up to level C.
Great Sacrifice can heal all units on the battlefield (and have the user farm SP and level up in the process).
Fire Emblem Engage LucinaLucina Joins In Chapter 10
Role Support: Hit and run with various utility
・Increases Dex and Avo when using Bows.
・Can defend allies enable chain attacks when next to an allied unit.
Fire Emblem Engage EdelgardEdelgard Joins In DLC Lookout Ridge Event
Role Offense: Hit and run with various utility
・Increases Str and Dex.
Bow Guard can help protect Flying units from archers.
・Skills are randomly changed every turn, but are incredibly powerful if the weapon type matches with the Emblem.

C-Tier Emblems

Emblems Strengths and Reasons for Recommendation
Fire Emblem Engage RoyRoy Joins In Chapter 8
Role Offense: Frontline attacker
・Increases Str and Atk when using Swords.
・Can deal damage to multiple spaces when using a Sword.
Hold Out could save units from being KO'ed on a lot of turns.
Fire Emblem Engage EirikaEirika Joins In Chapter 16
Role Offense: Frontline attacker
・Increases Ddg and Avo when using Lances.
・Deals extra damage to Armored and high Def foes.
・Can heal when initiating combat.
・Can adapt to any situation, with the ability to switch between offense and defense with Solar and Lunar Brace.
Fire Emblem Engage CorrinCorrin Joins In Chapter 15
Role Support: Hit and run debuffer
・Increases HP and Hit when using when using Swords.
・Can take advantage of terrain effects.
・Has many mechanics to look out due to Dragon Vein
・Recommended for more experienced players.

Best Emblems to Spend On

Best Emblems in Early Game

Emblem Skill to Inherit
SigurdSigurd Canter+ to allow your units movement after combat.
CelicaCelica Holy Stance for Corrupted units to receive damage after attacking your unit.
Magic+ to buff Tome users.
Favorite Food to quickly restore the unit's Engage Meter.

▶︎ Class Change: When to Promote

Best Emblems in Mid Game

Emblem Skill to Inherit
MarthMarth Avo+ for your Spd and Dex-centered units.
CelicaCelica Tome Precision to increase effectivity of Tome users
Staff Proficiency to get stronger/higher-leveled Staff users
SigurdSigurd Hit +10 for your main Cavalry units or low accuracy units.
LeifLeif The following are versatile skills to inherit from Leif:
Arms Shield
Staff Proficiency

In Chapter 11, you will lose all your Emblems except for Lucina and Lyn. For this reason, it'd be best to increase the Bond Level and inherit useful skills from the Emblems you'll be losing, so that you can still use some of their skills even without their Emblem Rings.

The Emblems and skills listed above are those recommended you have before losing the Emblems in Chapter 11.

Best Emblems in Late Game

Emblem Skill to Inherit
LynLyn Speedtaker to stack Speed buffs every time you initiate combat.
Alacrity to potentially launch follow-up attacks before an enemy's counter.
BylethByleth Assembly Gambit to allow you movement after attacking.
Bow Guard to protect Flying units from archers.
Weapon Sync to get bonus Atk when unit's weapon matches Emblem's weapon.
IkeIke Wrath on tank units to deal more Crit.
Defense+ for tank units or units you want an increase in Def.
RoyRoy Hold Out to help units survive potentially killing blows with 1 HP.
Strength+ for offensive units

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

Fire Emblem Engage Tips and Tricks
▶︎ Beginner's Guide to Fire Emblem Engage

All Tips and Tricks

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Emblem Guides
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How to Use Emblem Rings Bond Effects
Engage Mechanic Explained -
Battle and Combat Guides
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Other Guides/FAQs
Missable Items Post Game Content
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Difficulty Level Differences Maddening Difficulty Guide
Lost Items Are There Dark Seals?
Fell Xenologue Unlock Guide -


20 Anonymousalmost 2 years

How are Corrin, Roy and Eirika low tier and Leif high tier? They need to update this list as it has aged so poorly.

18 Anonymousalmost 2 years

So many people think Roy is high tier


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