Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Griss Profile: Can You Recruit Griss?

Fire Emblem Engage - Griss

Griss is a character from The Four Hounds in Fire Emblem Engage. Check out the skills, base class, voice actor of Griss, and if Griss can be recruited!

Griss Profile & Voice Actor

Character Profile

The Four Hounds
Base Class & Unit Type Sage
Voice Actor JP: Kenjiro Tsuda
EN: Jamison Boaz

Who is Griss?

One of the Four Hounds

Fire Emblem Engage - Four Hounds

Griss is a member of the Four Hounds, which is a group that seeks to revive the Fell Dragon. Each member of the group is extremely powerful, with each specializing in a particular style of combat.

Can You Recruit Griss?

Cannot Be Recruited

Fire Emblem Engage - Are the Four Hounds Recruitable

Griss cannot be recruited. Amongst the Four Hounds, the only character that can be recruited is Mauvier.

▶︎ Recruitment Guide: How to Recruit Units

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

FE Engage Characters

▶︎ List of All Characters

All The Four Hounds Characters

Fire Emblem Engage - Zephia IconZephia Fire Emblem Engage - Griss IconGriss Fire Emblem Engage - Marni IconMarni Fire Emblem Engage - Mauvier IconMauvier


11 Anonymousalmost 2 years

good news, he is now

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

😭😭😭😭 why isn't Griss recruitable


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