Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Chapter 11: Retreat Walkthrough

Chapter 11

This is the walkthrough for Chapter 11 of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of all recruitable characters in Chapter 11, all Chapter 11 paralogues, and all the obtainable weapons and items for this chapter!

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Chapter 10 Chapter 12

Chapter 11 Recruitable Characters and Emblems

Recruited after reaching near the stage's escape tile.
Recruited after reaching near the stage's escape tile.
Recruited after reaching near the stage's escape tile.

Chapter 11 Main Quest Battle Guide

Chapter 11 Battle Info

Chapter 11 Map

Victory Conditions
Alear Escapes
Defeat Conditions
Alear is Defeated
Location Location Name
Recommended Level Base Class 11
# of Player Units 10
# of Enemies 26

Recommended Units, and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Lance Armor Lance Armor Having tank units to to push your formation is ideal. You don't need to be hyper fast for this stage and keeping a proper formation would be better to avoid accidental deaths especially with how you won't have the time crystal for the first few turns.
Fire Emblem Engage Martial Master Martial Master Always have a healer at the center of your formation. This will allow you to quickly eliminate the units that will head to your team.
Fire Emblem Engage Archer Archer There are several fliers in the map that will approach your team. An Archer will make quick work of these foes.

Chapter 11 Battle Walkthrough

NOTE You lose all your Hero Emblems at the start of the fight!
Make sure to re-equip your characters that used Emblem Rings previously with Bond Rings to offset the loss of stats.
NOTE 2 You do not lose any DLC Emblems
If you purchased the DLC and obtained the Three Houses Ring or Tiki's Ring, you'll be able to use them even though you lose the rest of your emblems.
1 Make all your units head south to the exit.
Make sure to keep your formation in check. Tanky units forward and fliers and low armor units behind.
2 Slowly push your formation towards the exit
You'll want to keep your formation to hug one wall to avoid guarding four sides of your team.
3 You gain reinforcements after reaching the near end of the stage together with the Draconic Time Crystal
The Draconic Time Crystal will only be able to revert the turns you had until you got the crystal itself.
4 Eliminate a unit that's standing guard from the exit
The Archer has a Master Seal so eliminating that unit first then escaping with Alear is the best method to clear the stage as fast as possible.

Obtaining the Tomahawk


There is a corrupted that will drop the Tomahawk on the western side of the map. Make sure to send a mobile unit to quickly eliminate the Corrupted to gain some extra axe loot from this stage.

Ivy, Kagetsu, and Zelkov as Reinforcements

Zelkov Reinforcement

Once you reach the near end of the stage, The three units will come from the east side of the map to provide your team some assistance, a few emblems, and the draconic time crystal.

DLC Emblems are retained!

Fire Emblem Engage DLC Emblems Chapter 11

If you have the DLC emblems, you will not lose them together with the rest of the story related emblems! Having no emblems for the battle will prove to be a huge weakener for your team so at least having DLC characters can alleviate this issue.

▶︎ How to Unlock DLC

Veyle Cannot Be Damaged

While it may be tempting to take on Veyle's Dragons and the Four Hounds that she calls for reinforcements, there doesn't seem to be any point to it other than getting a bit more EXP. Veyle herself also seems to be immune to all forms of damage as even the strongest Engage attacks have no effect.

Chapter 11 Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items in Battle

Item How to Get
Tomahawk Dropped by the corrupted on the western side of the map.
Master Seal Dropped by the archer standing guard on the exit.

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

Engage Story Banner.png
▶︎ Story Walkthroughs

All Story Chapters

Story Walkthroughs
Prologue Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Chapter 25
Chapter 26 -

▶︎ All Story Chapters

All Paralogues

Base Game Paralogues
Budding Talent Mysterious Merchant
The Exalt The Lady of the Plains
The Radiant Hero The Instructor
The Crux of Fate The Azure Twin
The Holy Knight The Sage Lord
The Dawn Maiden The Young Lion
The Caring Princess The Hero-King
The Connector -
Divine Paralogues (DLC)
The Ancestor The Radiant Strategist
The Brash General The Doting Sister
The Shepherd Exalt The Lonely Heir

▶︎ All Paralogues

All Fell Xenologue Chapters

Fell Xenologue Chapter
Dragons From Afar Seeds of Unrest
Path to War Clash of Queens
The Fell Heir Seven Bracelets

▶︎ All Fell Xenologue Chapters


7 Seth-Rahabout 2 years

update. Poison didn't help after applying 3 stacks. Tried more stacks but they wouldn't apply. My guess is there is a super armour barrier that might allow you to push through on damage if you can maybe breach past 99 damage in a turn. Either that or they're just hard coding attacks to 0 damage. Something I could not try is AOE damage from tiki fire breath attacks. Those aren't exactly the same damage enemies normally take as it happens out of a combat turn similar to fire damage.

6 Seth-Rahabout 2 years

Veyle can be damaged by environmental effects like Fire. Problem is this isn't a kill condition as environment damage can only leave an enemy on 1 HP. So using someone with a DLC bracelet and Edelgard you can use the fire gambit to burn the floor beneath Veyle. (you'll likely have her stuck at 2HP/12HP unless you can refresh your engage) 2HP example: Still need to do some poison testing


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