Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Tempest Trials Guide: Rewards and How to Beat

Fire Emblem Engage Tempest Trials

You can fight consecutive battles through Tempest Trials at the Tower of Trials in Fire Emblem Engage. Learn about Tempest Trials' EXP rewards, how to beat Tempest Trials on difficulty levels 50 and above, and if Tempest Trials have permadeath!

Tempest Trials Rewards

Fire Emblem Engage Tempest Trials

You earn EXP and Materials via the Tempest Trials. EXP scales from difficulty levels 7-16, then remains set at 10-30-50 from levels 16 to 40.

Additionally, 40 is the max difficulty level you can fight the Tempest Trials in prior to the post game.

Material Rewards per Map

Tempest Trial Map Bonus Materials
Verdant Plain Def Crystal
Floral Field Dex Crystal
Mountain Peak Mt Crystal
Winter Forest Res Crystal
Desert Dunes Spd Crystal
Winter Forest Crit Crystal

List of All Crystals

Rewards per Difficulty Level

If you want to claim the most EXP and rewards you can, it's recommended you take on the hardest difficulty level: Level 50.

Difficulty Level & Assessment EXP Gained Crystals
1-5 Battle 1: 0
Battle 2: 0
Battle 3: 0
6 Battle 1: 0
Battle 2: 0
Battle 3: 0
(Very Easy)
Battle 1: 1
Battle 2: 3
Battle 3: 5
8 Battle 1: 2
Battle 2: 6
Battle 3: 10
9 Battle 1: 3
Battle 2: 9
Battle 3: 15
10 Battle 1: 4
Battle 2: 12
Battle 3: 20
Battle 1: 5
Battle 2: 15
Battle 3: 25
12 Battle 1: 6
Battle 2: 18
Battle 3: 30
13 Battle 1: 7
Battle 2: 21
Battle 3: 35
14 Battle 1: 8
Battle 2: 24
Battle 3: 40
15 Battle 1: 9
Battle 2: 27
Battle 3: 45
(Above Average)
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
21-24 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
26 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
27 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
28 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
29 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
30 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
31 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
32 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
33 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
34 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
36 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
37 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
38 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
39 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
40 Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
(Good Luck)
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Crystals: 4-21
Books: 0-1
Battle 1: 10
Battle 2: 30
Battle 3: 50
Crystals: 30
Books: 0-1

Challenge Within -9 of Recommended Difficulty Level

To gain EXP, you have to challenge within -9 levels of the recommended Difficulty Level. The lower the recommended difficulty, the less EXP you get. If you exceed the recommended difficulty level, you can get a total of 90 EXP.

However, 90 EXP for three consecutive battles is quite low, so Tempest Trials aren't a worthwhile EXP farming method. Think of EXP as a bonus for completing Tempest Trials.

EXP Farming Guide

Drop Rate of Books is Very Low

The drop rate of Books is quite low at 0-1 per Tempest Trial. The walkthrough team made 21 attempts of Difficulty Level 50 and 10 attempts of Difficulty Level 41, and only 1 Book was dropped. If you want to farm Books, you'll need to be patient and persistent.

How to Beat Tempest Trials

Recommended Units and Party Composition

High Avo Stat Formation Normal Avo Stat Formation
Time Required 8-15 mins. Approx 15 mins.
Pros Faster battles due to well-trained units Don't need to grind heavily
Cons Have to grind training/Avo stat increase Battles may be long and challenging

With High Avo Stat Formation

Units with an Avo stat of 196 and above are eligible for this formation. The more units you have with an Avo stat of 196 and above, the faster you'll be able to beat Tempest Trials on Level 50 difficulty. Below is the three-unit formation we employed.

1st Member of the Formation
Alear (M)Alear (M)
Emblem Ring Fire Emblem Engage Marth Marth
Class Fire Emblem Engage Griffin Knight Griffin Knight
Inherited Skills ・Sword Agility 5
(Inherited from: Marth)
・Avoid +30
(Inherited from: Marth)
Weapons Armorslayer
(Engrave: Sigurd)
Avo Stat 205
2nd Member of the Formation
Emblem Ring Fire Emblem Engage Lyn Lyn
Class Fire Emblem Engage Swordmaster Swordmaster
Inherited Skills ・Sword Agility 5
(Inherited from: Marth)
・Avoid +30
(Inherited from: Marth)
Weapons Caladbolg
(Engrave: Micaiah)
Avo Stat 196
3rd Member of the Formation
Emblem Ring Fire Emblem Engage Lucina Lucina
Class Fire Emblem Engage Wolf Knight Wolf Knight
Inherited Skills ・Bow Agility 5
(Inherited from: Lucina)
・Avoid +30
(Inherited from: Marth)
Weapons Killer Axe
(Engrave: Lucina)
Avo Stat 203

Have 1 unit wield a heavy weapon

It's necessary to have 1 unit wield a heavy weapon, in order to deal more damage to Armored enemy units that attack you. In this formation, Alear wields the heavy weapon Armorslayer.

Steps on How to Beat Tempest Trials

1 Auto-Battle with Charge until the 3rd battle.
2 On the 3rd map, the only clear condition is to defeat the enemy generals, so ignore the other enemies and prioritize the enemy general.
3 When defeating the enemy generals is difficult, you could defeat the enemies around him first. However, it's not required to defeat all enemies on the map.
4 Additionally, be wary of enemy chain attacks since chain attacks have a standard hit rate of 80%, regardless of Avo.

With Normal Avo Stat Formation

1st Member of the Formation
Alear (M)Alear (M)
Emblem Ring Fire Emblem Engage Marth Marth
Class Fire Emblem Engage Griffin Knight Griffin Knight
Inherited Skills ・Dual Support
(Inherited from: Lucina)
・Avoid +30
(Inherited from: Marth)
Weapons Wille Glanz
2nd Member of the Formation




Emblem Ring Fire Emblem Engage Corrin Corrin
Class Fire Emblem Engage Thief Thief
Inherited Skills ・Unyielding++
(Inherited from: Marth)
・Avoid +30
(Inherited from: Marth)
Weapons and Items Carnwenhan
Avo Stat 130-140

Rank A Support is Required

Dual Support buffs Avo with unit's support level with adjacent allies, so having Rank A support maxes out the Avo earned from the skill. As the main character, Alear is likely your character with the most Rank A supports among your units.

How to Get S Rank Support

Utilize Corrin's Dragon Vein

Corrin's Dragon Vein on Covert units creates fog that increases Avo. Utilize this with Marth's Perceptive and Avoid skills, and you'll have a powerful Avo-centric unit.

To utilize this, keep using Corrin's Dragon Vein adjacent to Alear, while having enemies come at you. Keep slowly progressing through the map this way (making sure to land on Engage meter tiles along the way) until you meet the enemy general.

Heavy weapons still needed

As with the previous formation, having at least 1 unit wield a heavy weapon to deal damage to Armored units is necessary in completing Difficulty Levels 50 and higher.

Do Tempest Trials Have Permadeath?

Tempest Trials Deaths in Classic are Temporary

Fire Emblem Engage Tower of Trials Works

In Classic Mode, your units will come back to life after dying in Tempest Trials. This can allow you to place units aggressively or even use some units to bait out enemy placements without suffering too much consequences.

▶︎ Permadeath Explained

How to Unlock Tempest Trials

Unlock Tempest Trials After Chapter 6

Tempest Trial Unlock Condition
Verdant Plain Complete Chapter 6
Floral Field Complete Chapter 6
Mountain Peak Complete Chapter 6
Winter Forest Complete Chapter 11
Desert Dunes Complete Chapter 13
Vicious Volcano Complete Chapter 26
Difficulty Levels 41-50 Complete Chapter 26

As you progress through the story, more maps and difficulty levels will be unlocked.

Story Walkthroughs

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

How is the bow agility being activated for Hortensia? Is it only active if Lucina is using Parthian? Or are we supposed to be using axe agility?


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