Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Recruit Etie: Best Class and Gifts

Fire Emblem Engage - Etie

Etie is a recruitable character from Firene in Fire Emblem Engage. Check out the best class, Emblems, skills, and voice actor of Etie, best gifts to give and raise the Support Level of Etie, stat growth, paired ending and romance, as well as how to recruit Etie here!

Etie Profile and Best Gifts

Etie Unit Overview

Base Class & Unit Type
Voice Actor JP: Tomomi Mineuchi
EN: Trina Nishimura
Birthday October 1st
Royal knight of Firene. She arrived at Lythos Castle on the night it was attacked, along with Prince Alfred and her fellow retainer, Boucheron.

Etie Tier Rating

Unit Tier Rating

▶︎ Best Character Tier List

Etie Best Gifts

Loved Gifts Tea Leaves, Dried Meat, Training Weights, Dragon Scripture, Lentil Flower, Flower Wreath, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts Sharp Chisel, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Horse Manure

Etie Likes and Dislikes

Likes Training, tea parties, flowers, meat, interesting-tasting muscle stimulants
Dislikes Precise work, cleaning, sewing, anything she can't do with brute strength

▶︎ Best Gifts for All Characters

How to Recruit Etie

Chapter 3: Joins during Mid-Battle

Fire Emblem Engage - Etie

Etie first joins Alear and your party in Chapter 3: Hostilities. Win the battle to proceed to the next chapter, as well as recruit Etie.

▶︎ All Story Chapters

Etie Best Class and Build

Recommended Classes

Class Class Details
Fire Emblem Engage Bow Knight Bow Knight
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword C Fire Emblem Engage Bow A
Variant Proficiencies:
Fire Emblem Engage Axe C Fire Emblem Engage Lance C
Unlock Via: Master Seal
Careful Aim

If unit initates combat without moving first, grants Hit+40 during combat.
Fire Emblem Engage Sniper Sniper
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Bow S
Unlock Via: Master Seal
No Distractions

Grants Crit+10 during combat with a foe that can't counter.

▶︎ List of All Classes

Recommended Skills

Unit can move 3 spaces after acting.
Sigurd Bond Level 13
If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 9 or more, unit's follow-up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
Lyn Bond Level 2
Divine Pulse
May turn a missed attack into a hit. Trigger %=30. Chance increases with high Lck.
Byleth Bond Level 1
Bow Focus 5
Grants Hit+30 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a bow.
Lyn Bond Level 17

A Sniper like Etie is great for hit and run tactics which is supplemented by the use of Canter+. Get a quick attack in then fall back right after.

The combination of Alacrity and Bow Focus 5 gives Etie a better chance of killing enemies in one hit, while Divine Pulse lessens the chance of her missing.

▶︎ Best Classes for Each Character

Etie Base Stats and Growth

Etie Base Stats, Cap, and Growth Rate

Stat Base Cap Stat Growth
HP 21 0
Str 10 2
Mag 0 -2
Dex 11 2
Spd 6 0
Def 3 0
Res 2 -1
Lck 8 -1
Bld 4 0

Etie starts at level 4 upon obtaining.

▶︎ Growth Rates and Stat Caps Explained

Etie Support Bonuses

C Hit+10, Ddg+5
B Hit+15, Ddg+5
A Hit+15, Ddg+10
S Hit+15, Ddg+20

▶︎ How to Increase Support Level

Etie Personal Skills

All Personal Skills

Fire Emblem Engage - Energized Skill
When unit recovers HP using an item, grants Str+2 for 1 turn.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Etie Best Emblem

Recommended Emblems

BylethByleth SigurdSigurd LeifLeif LynLyn

Syncing Etie with Lyn can grant many compatible skills with bow users. Bow attacks also have higher attack damage. Sigurd can grant Etie higher mobility, maximizing her range and shoot down enemies all over the map.

Byleth can allow Etie to boost nearby ally stats and can make them act again within a turn. Leif is also a good alternative or his weapon advantages for Bow Knights and higher chances of preemptive strikes when ambushed.

▶︎ List of All Emblems

Etie Paired Ending and Romance

Pact Ring with Etie

After clearing Chapter 22, players unlock The Connector Paralogue and can subsequently unlock the Pact Ring. This essentially acts as Fire Emblem Engage's S-Rank Support and romance route.

Alear can then give the ring to Etie once they have attained an A-Rank in support to view a special cutscene, and unlock a page in the reference about the life they lived together.

Etie's Memento

Etie's tiara. She gave this to me as a symbol of our friendship and to inspire me to put my heart into our training.

Apart from obtaining an exclusive ending with Etie after giving the Pact Ring, players can also head to Alear's room and check the small table next to their bed to find a memento from her.

While the memento serves no purpose in combat whatsoever unlike the Merc Whistle in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, it further contextualizes the paired ending selected by the player.

▶︎ All Paired Endings

Etie Ally Notebook Illustrations

Illustrations Per Support Level
Initial Illustration

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17 Anonymous4 months

Are you guys using her wrong? She’s easy one of my top units, use her with crit build, killer bow +5 and corrin ring, no units can move anywhere, she locks the map. She also can drop the dragon vein to gain avoid. I’ll use her to grid lock enemy units while she has a 70+% crit rate popping off against everything except heavy armoured units.

16 Chickenabout 1 year

Warrior Etie is funny cause of the abs, but it's pretty painful. It also feels bad seeing Saphir come along and blow Warrior Etie out of the water without even trying. Also, it can't just be me, does Etie just fucking miss all the time? Etie also gives up Brave Bow, which feels worse when she's got some of the highest strength growths in the game. She gets that +50% damage gain against broken units, but I'm not seeing the benefits of it in practice since broken units get obliterated beforehand.


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