Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Chapter 24: Recollections Walkthrough

Chapter 24

This is the walkthrough for Chapter 24 of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of all recruitable characters in Chapter 24, all Chapter 24 paralogues, and all the obtainable weapons and items for this chapter!

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Chapter 24 Main Quest Battle Guide

Chapter 24 Battle Info

Victory Conditions
Defeat the past Alear
Defeat Conditions
Alear is Defeated or 20 turns pass.
Location Mountainous Region
Recommended Level Advanced Class Level 16
# of Player Units 9
# of Enemies 25

Recommended Units, and Emblems

Class Explanation
Lyn and Sigurd are amazing emblems for this fight as you'll want to be able to defeat the enemies that are stationed on the Ballista. Both emblems can allow you to easily kill enemies that are normally out of range from your taem.
Fire Emblem Engage General General Past Alear's attack will pack a punch as he/she will start her offensive on you with Lodestar Rush. Having a unit that can survive this attack will allow you to surround Alear and eventually take him/her down!
Fire Emblem Engage Griffin Knight Griffin Knight Fliers work exceptionally well on this map as they can easily swap lanes much easier. They can avoid getting stuck on moving between the gaps on the lane or even just stay on the flier only tiles in between the three lanes. Just avoid putting them on the enemy Ballista's reach!

Chapter 24 Battle Walkthrough

1 Retain your formation and push all three lanes
You must divide your forces and clear all enemies on each lane unless you want to get flanked by enemies.
2 Your primary goal would be to eliminate all the archers stationed on the ballista
These Ballista will be able to attack you later in the center lane when you're fighting Alear so make sure to take them out first.
3 Once all the archers on the ballista are slain, focus your units to move into Alear's range
Place fliers on the mountain and have the rest stand behind your armored units before pressing further.
4 Defeat Alear
Make sure to place your armored units first before the others as Alear will open up with Lodestar Rush and can potentially kill one of your unit from full HP.

Avoiding the Avalanche

The Avalanche occurs every two turns on a chosen lane. The lane also follow the following pattern of Lowest Mountain, Upper Mountain, Middle Mountain, then loop. Plan your units accordingly according to the avalanche and you may even not need the rocks to prevent delays.

Focusing the Ballista

Ballista Chapter 24
The archers on the ballista is also guarded by several units which makes them tough to defeat. You can rush to the ballista using Sigurd provided that the unit has enough survivability to survive the counter attacks or use Lyn's Astra Arrow to snipe the archers from afar.

How to Beat Past Alear

Corrupted Alear
Alear has the same specialty as your Alear in that he or she can deal insane amounts of damage with its attacks while also being difficult to kill due to its high evasion stat. You'll want to take the battle slowly and use the tiles to your advantage. You can use Corrin's Dragon Vein if its on a Dragon or Covert unit to change Alear's tile to a lowered evasion tile or simply use the Ballista to slowly whittle down Alear. With the Ballista strategy, you'll want to have high survivability unit (armored units or high evasion units) to frontline for your team and prevent Alear from advancing.

Chapter 24 Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items in Battle

Item How to Get
Boots Dropped by past Alear
Ukonvasara Dropped by the corrupted infront of the ballista on the upper part of the map.
Lendabair Dropped by the corrupted that's stationed on the ballista on the center lane of the map.

Obtainable Items in Exploration Phase

Iron Ingot Steel Ingot
Potato Berries
White Hop Rabbit Southern Freecat
Northern Freecat Vervain Deer

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