Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast

EXP Farming Guide

Use EXP boosting skills in combat and take part in Somniel activities to level up fast in Fire Emblem Engage. Learn about all the EXP farming methods, how to level up your units, as well as know the level cap for both normal and special classes!

Infinite Leveling Methods

Unit Trapping (Archers Only)

Both Kagetsu and Louis have unequipped weapons and allows Fogado to chip the Ruffian's HP per turn infinitely thanks to Hortensia's Dragon Vein heal.

Requirements Heal Tiles or Corrin Emblem with Mystic Class, Tank Units (Dodge or Physical), Archers, Weak Bows

This method works for archer units with a specific setup. You'll need to find a unit that you want to corner with tanky units. This is best done on a unit that are standing on heal tiles to increase their survivability. Once cornered, only place tanky units beside the enemy then unequip their weapons to ensure that you wont kill them with counter attacks.

The next step would be to keep on attacking the enemy units with your archers to gain an infinite amount of experience points. This method works great for maddening runs and if your melee units also don't deal damage then this method can work for those too!

Blaze Heal Spam (Staff Users Only)

Requirements Corrin Emblem, Insane Amounts of Heal Staves

This is one of the simplest ways to strengthen your healers. You'll want to use Corrin's Dragon Vein to set your own team ablaze. This will damage your team the next turn which allows you to use your healing skills to gain free experience points!

Re-use Dance (Dancer Only)

Dance Seadall

Requirements Dancer, Non-Moving Enemies or Trapped Enemies

This is more a supplemental method where you can just use dance during stages where no enemies are advancing or when you're doing the enemy trapping method.

Best Ways to Level Up Fast

Use Micaiah's Great Sacrifice

Great Sacrifice

Emblem Micaiah's Engage Attack Great Sacrifice heals all units in the battlefield. Each use of Great Sacrifice can earn a unit around 120 EXP, which is enough for a full level and then some.

Combo Great Sacrifice with Celica's Inheritance Skill

Celica Favorite Food

Emblem Celica's skill Favorite Food fully restores the engage meter of a unit, allowing you to use Great Sacrifice twice. Simply use Great Sacrifice, and then Favorite Food so Great Sacrifice becomes available immediately.

Advantages and Disadvantages of This Method
Advantages ・Huge amount of SP and EXP per battle
・ Can be done any time as long as you have access to a Skirmish or Standard Training
・Can train a specific unit
Disadvantages ・ Needs preparation by manipulating the HP of your units
・ Requires Level 8 Bond Level with Celica

▶︎ Emblem Celica's Skills and Abilities

Have Weaker Units Defeat Enemies

Fire Emblem Engage Defeat Enemies

More EXP goes to the unit that deals the killing blow to an enemy. You can have your stronger units weaken an enemy and have your lower leveled units deal the killing blow so they get a great amount of EXP.

Use Marth's Mercurius Engage Weapon

Mercurius Engage Weapon

Marth's Mercurius has a passive effect of doubling its user's EXP. This becomes available by reaching Bond Level 10 with Marth. Marth is one of the earlier Emblems who will join your party so it is best to prioritize leveling up your bond with him as soon as he is unlocked.

Try to use it in battle as much as you can to maximize EXP gain.

▶︎ Emblem Marth's Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Do Standard Training In Between Battles

Fire Emblem Engage Standard Training

The Arena in Somniel offers Standard Training where you will fight against your allies in mock battles to earn EXP and Skill Points. Standard Training can only be done up to 3 times after every battle, so try to do 3 of them in between battles for efficiency.

▶︎ What You Can Do During Training at the Arena

Equip Byleth's Mentorship

Fire Emblem Engage - Byleth Mentorship Skill

Mentorship boosts EXP gain by 20% not just for your unit but for adjacent allies as well! It can be unlocked fairly quickly too, requiring only a Lvl 3 Bond Level with Byleth. It can also be inherited from him for 250 SP.

▶︎ Byleth Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Use Lineage Synchro Skill from DLC Emblems

Lineage Synchro Skill

The Lineage Synchro Skill boosts EXP gained from battle by 20%. Take note that this is available if you have access to the Wave 1 DLC Expansion Pass.

▶︎ Edelgard Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapons

What is the Level Cap?

Level 20 for Base and Advanced Classes

Fire Emblem Engage Level Up

The max level for Base and Advanced classes is Level 20. Base Class are classes of a lower tier than advanced classes. They do not have exclusive skills and their stat growth are usually lower than their advanced class counterparts. Levels for any class can be reset using a Second Seal once their level cap is reached.

▶︎ List of All Classes

Level 40 for Special Classes

Special classes on the other hand, can level up their units up to level 40.They also learn their exclusive class on Level 25 as opposed to advanced classes learning it at 5. This makes advanced classes get stronger faster if they reach 10 then class up immediately as they effectively only need 15 levels to access their exclusive skills.

There are only 3 playable special classes in the game which are the Thief, Fell Child, and the Dancer.

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2 Anonymousabout 2 years

Is there an internal level like in FE Awakening that slows the EXP gain as you reset the level back to 1 or can I freely swap classes so I can get a bunch of skills

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Using Micaiah's Great Sacrifice and healing multiple units could guarantee one level up


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