Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Get Emblem Eirika: Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Fire Emblem Engage - Eirika

Eirika is the Emblem of the Sacred in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn how to get Eirika and her Emblem Ring, her Inheritable Skills, Abilities, Engage Weapon, Bond Effects, voice actor, bond rings, and best units to pair with Eirika!

How to Get Eirika

Available During Chapter 16

Fire Emblem Engage - How to Recruit Eirika

Eirikia becomes available as an Emblem unit during the events of Chapter 16: Seashore Travel. She will join Alear and the rest of your party as part of the story afterwards.

▶︎ All Story Chapters

Eirika Emblem Skills and Abilities

Eirika Synchro Skills

Night and Day
Use to switch Emblems and swap between Lunar Brace/Gentility and Solar Brace/Bravery for all allies.
Solar Brace
If unit initiates combat, unit recovers HP=30% of damage dealt.

Lvl. 5
Unit takes 3 less damage.
SP Cost: 2000

Lvl. 5
Lunar Brace
If unit initiates combat with a physical attack, deals extra damage=20% of foe's Def.
SP Cost: 3000

Lvl. 13
Lunar Brace+
If unit initiates combat with a physical attack, deals extra damage=30% of foe's Def.
SP Cost: 5000

Lvl. 18
Unit takes 5 less damage.
SP Cost: 3000

▶︎ All Synchro Skills

Eirika Engage Skill

Sacred Twins
While engaged with Eirika, changes Lunar Brace to Eclipse Brace and Gentility to Blue Skies for all allies.

Eirika Engage Attack

Twin Strike
Use to make a sword attack followed by a lance attack from Ephraim on adjacent foe. Effective: Corrupted.
[Cavalry] Ephraim deals +50% damage.
[Dragon] +20% damage.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Eirika Bond Effects and Inheritable Skills

All Engage Skills, Weapons, and Proficiencies

These Bond Effects only apply when equipped with Eirika's Emblem Ring. However, you can inherit some of these skills if you have reached the required bond level and earned enough SP. Regular versions of some Engage Weapons can also be purchased in the Armory.

Lv. Bond Effects Type Description
1 Fire Emblem Engage Lunar Brace Lunar Brace Skill
If unit initiates combat with a physical attack, deals extra damage=20% of foe's Def.

SP Cost: 3000
1 Fire Emblem Engage Dodge +10 Dodge +10 Skill
Grants Ddg+10.

SP Cost: 500
1 Fire Emblem Engage Night and Day Night and Day Skill
(Synchro Skill)
Use to switch Emblems and swap between Lunar Brace/Gentility and Solar Brace/Bravery for all allies.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Sacred Twins Sacred Twins Skill
(Engage Skill)
While engaged with Eirika, changes Lunar Brace to Eclipse Brace and Gentility to Blue Skies for all allies.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Twin Strike Twin Strike Skill
(Engage Attack)
Use to make a sword attack followed by a lance attack from Ephraim on adjacent foe. Effective: Corrupted.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Rapier Rapier Weapon
Sword wielded by Emblem Eirika.
2 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Agility 1 Lance Agility 1 Skill
Grants Avo+10 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.

SP Cost: 500
3 Fire Emblem Engage Gentility Gentility Skill
Unit takes 3 less damage.

SP Cost: 2000
4 Fire Emblem Engage Dodge +15 Dodge +15 Skill
Grants Ddg+15.

SP Cost: 1000
5 Fire Emblem Engage Skill Inheritance Skill Inheritance Bond Bonus
Unit can inherit this Emblem's Skills
6 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Prof. Lance Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with lances. Required for promotion to certain classes.
7 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Agility 2 Lance Agility 2 Skill
Grants Avo+15 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.

SP Cost: 1000
8 Fire Emblem Engage Dodge +20 Dodge +20 Skill
Grants Ddg+20.

SP Cost: 1500
9 Fire Emblem Engage Sword Prof. Sword Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with swords. Required for promotion to certain classes.
10 Fire Emblem Engage Wind Sword Wind Sword Weapon
Magical sword wielded by Emblem Eirika. Can strike close or at range.
11 Fire Emblem Engage Strong Bond Strong Bond Bond Bonus
(Strong Bond)
Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
12 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Agility 3 Lance Agility 3 Skill
Grants Avo+20 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.

SP Cost: 2000
13 Fire Emblem Engage Lunar Brace+ Lunar Brace+ Skill
If unit initiates combat with a physical attack, deals extra damage=30% of foe's Def.

SP Cost: 5000
14 Fire Emblem Engage Dodge +25 Dodge +25 Skill
Grants Ddg+25.

SP Cost: 2000
15 Fire Emblem Engage Sieglinde Sieglinde Weapon
Paired sword wielded by Emblem Eirika
16 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Agility 4 Lance Agility 4 Skill
Grants Avo+25 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.

SP Cost: 3000
17 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Agility 5 Lance Agility 5 Skill
Grants Avo+30 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.

SP Cost: 4000
18 Fire Emblem Engage Gentility+ Gentility+ Skill
Unit takes 5 less damage.

SP Cost: 3000
19 Fire Emblem Engage Dodge +30 Dodge +30 Skill
Grants Ddg+30.

SP Cost: 2500
20 Fire Emblem Engage Deep Synergy Deep Synergy Bond Bonus
(Deep Synergy)
Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.

Best Units to Pair With Eirika

Recommended Units


Eirika can be considered a supplementary emblem, as her kit provides a rather niche set of bonuses.

Characters that have a low Lck stat can benefit from inheriting Dodge +, while units who are somewhat lacking in damage and survivability can use Lunar/Solar Brace as a crutch.

Units with good growths in stats other than offense and survivability can reach new heights by having Eirika by their side.

▶︎ All Characters and Playable Units

Eirika Best Bond Rings

All S Rank Bond Rings

Bond Ring Stats and Bonus Skills
Innes Dex1, Spd2, Lck1
Sure Strike: If unit initiates combat, attacks are guaranteed to hit. Trigger %=Dex
Marisa Dex1, Spd2, Lck1
Lethality: When landing a critical hit, instantly kills foe. Trigger %=30. (Excludes certain powerful foes.)
Seth HP5, Str1, Def1
Ross HP5, Str1, Lck1
Lute Mag2, Lck1, Res1
Joshua HP2, Dex1, Spd2
Tana Str1, Spd2, Lck1
Amelia HP5, Str1, Lck1
Gerik HP5, Str1, Dex1
L'Arachel Mag1, Spd2, Lck1

▶︎ All S Rank Bond Rings and Skills

Eirika's Paralogue

The Azure Twin

Completing Eirika's paralogue increases her Bond Level cap from 10 to 20, opening up the option to learn new skills and gain the Sieglinde.

Paralogue: The Azure Twin Walkthrough

Eirika Profile and Voice Actor

Eirika Overview

Original Debut Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Emblem Title & Ring Emblem of the Sacred
Voice Actor EN: Kira Buckland
JP: Kaori Mizuhashi
An Emblem that dwells within the Ring of the Blue Wind Sky. She is known as the Emblem of the Sacred. She battles in unison with her brother Ephraim and she fights while switching abilities.

Who is Eirika?

Protagonist of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Original Appearance Debut Game
Fire Emblem: Engage - Eirika Original AppearanceEirika Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Story
The story begins with Eirika's home, the kingdom of Renais, being invaded by the Grado Empire. She escaped to Frelia with several escorts. Eirika cooperates with the countries that protect the Sacred Stones and opposes the Grado Empire.

▶︎ All Confirmed Returning Characters

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

She gives cavalry units +50 dmg. Why not recommend Alfred who is also good with lances?


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