Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets Walkthrough

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This is the walkthrough for the Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see how to unlock the Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets, obtainable rewards, and battle strategies!

Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets Recruitable Characters

No New Playable Characters

There are no new playable or recruitable characters in this chapter. In fact, Nil will not be playable in this battle as he serves as an enemy.

Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets Battle Guide

Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets Info

Seven Bracelets Xenologue Map

How to Clear Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets

Victory Condition
Defeat Fel Nil.
Defeat Condition
Nel or Alear is defeated.
Location Fallen Somniel
Set Level Base Lvl 28
Advanced Level 8
# of Player Units 13
# of Enemies 46

Recommended Classes and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Martial Master Martial Master You'll have to keep Alear and Nel healthy to complete this stage.A healer can be invaluable but it'll be useful to have one that can fight back, too.
Fire Emblem Engage Successeur Successeur Having Diamant, as well as all the other members of Nobility from each of the regions offers a well-rounded selection of units for this monumentous battle. Diamant in particular boasts great offense and defense, but having Alfred, Timerra, and Ivy along makes the battle feel more epic.
Fire Emblem Engage Sigurd Sigurd There's a lot of space to move in for this map. Sigurd also benefits from lots of space to move in.
Fire Emblem Engage Micaiah Micaiah Micaiah is your free get-out-of-jail card, for when you have multiple key characters on the brink of defeat. A timley use of Great Sacrifice affords you some breathing room during critical moments.
Fire Emblem Engage Celica Celica Warp Ragnarok allows you to teleport beyond walls to enemies you otherwise would have to circle the map before getting to. With such a longwinded map, mobility is a great boon.

Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets Walkthrough

1 Fell Nil intends to slowly destroy the Somniel section-by-section. So while you start out with a large area, it'll slowly be devastated into a smaller platform. As early as turn one, make your way to the west platform and be sure to have your units in safety by the time the prompt for devastation appears.
2 Other than running for your safety, the objective is pretty straightforward; you'll have to defeat Fell NIl while remaining healthy against his fleet of reinforcements. He'll have a couple of other tricks up his sleeve so stay alert.
3 We recommend continuing north even after Fell Nill repositions. It can be worth trying to defeat the enemies that Fell Nill summon, but ulitmately safety should be your first priority. Once you have a good number of units reach the north-most section, you'll be in a good spot to overwhelm Fell Nil.

Occupy Vortex Spaces to Prevent Reinforcements

FEE - FX6 Delay Reinforcements from Vortex.png
Fell Nill will perioidcally create vortexes on the map that are able to spawn reinforcements. Positioning your units on these vortexes will prevent them from spawning. Try to do this as often as possible to not be overwhelmed in numbers.

Fell Xenologue 6: Seven Bracelets Obtainable Items

There are no obtainable items from this stage, as both levels and items are preset from the beginning. There are also no Exploration phases available within the Fell Xenologue.

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