Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Get Emblem Micaiah: Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Fire Emblem Engage - Micaiah

Micaiah is the Emblem of Dawn unit in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn how to get Micaiah, when to get her Emblem Ring back, her Inheritable Skills, Abilities, Engage Weapon, Bond Effects, voice actor, bond rings, and best units to pair with Micaiah!

How to Get Micaiah

Available During Chapter 6

Fire Emblem Engage - How to Recruit Micaiah

Emblem Micaiah becomes available as an Emblem unit during the events of Chapter 6: Stolen Ring. She will join Alear's party after defeating the thief that stole the Emblem ring in the story. However, she will eventually be stolen in Chapter 11: Retreat along with the Emblem Rings of Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Roy, and Leif.

When to Get Micaiah Back

You will get Micaiah and her Emblem Ring back after the battle of Chapter 19: The Dead Town together with Roy. Micaiah can be used as an Emblem again by your party for the duration of the game.

▶︎ All Story Chapters

Micaiah Emblem Skills and Abilities

Micaiah Synchro Skills

Lvl. 5
Unit can equip staves up to level C

Lvl. 5
Healing Light
When unit heals an ally with a staff, unit also recovers HP=50% of the amount healed.
SP Cost: 200

▶︎ All Synchro Skills

Micaiah Engage Skill

Lvl. 5
Grants staff range +5 and area of effect +1
[Dragon] Additional staff range +1.
[Qi Adept] +20% to HP healed by staves.

Micaiah Engage Attack

Lvl. 5
Great Sacrifice
Use to restore HP to all allies, even to those not under the player's control. After use, unit's HP=1
[Dragon] After use, unit's HP=30%.
[Qi Adept] Also cures status.
[Armored] Grants Def+1 to all healed during their next combat.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Micaiah Bond Effects and Inheritable Skills

All Engage Skills, Weapons, and Proficiencies

These Bond Effects only apply when equipped with Micaiah's Emblem Ring. However, you can inherit some of these skills if you have reached the required bond level and earned enough SP. Regular versions of some Engage Weapons can also be purchased in the Armory.

Lv. Bond Effects Type Description
1 Fire Emblem Engage Resistance +2 Resistance +2 Skill
Grants Res+2

SP Cost: 300
1 Fire Emblem Engage Cleric Cleric Skill
(Synchro Skill)
Unit can equip staves up to level C
1 Fire Emblem Engage Augment Augment Skill
(Engage Skill)
Grants staff range +5 and area of effect +1
1 Fire Emblem Engage Great Sacrifice Great Sacrifice Skill
(Engage Attack)
Use to restore HP to all allies, even to those ont under the players control. After use, unit's HP=1
1 Fire Emblem Engage Shine Shine Weapon
Light tome wielded by Emblem Micaiah. Illuminates a 5-space radius (Shrinks one space per turn).
2 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Mastery 1 Staff Mastery 1 Skill
Grants Hit+10 when using a staff. Staves also heal and additional 3 HP.

SP Cost: 100
3 Fire Emblem Engage Healing Light Healing Light Skill
When unit heals an ally with a staff, unit also recovers HP=50% of the amount healed.

SP Cost: 200
3 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Prof. Staff Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with staves. Required for promotion to certain classes.
4 Fire Emblem Engage Resistance +3 Resistance +3 Skill
Grants Res+3

SP Cost: 500
5 Fire Emblem Engage Skill Inheritance Skill Inheritance Bond Bonus
Unit can inherit this Emblem's Skills
6 Fire Emblem Engage Knife Prof. Knife Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with knives. Required for promotion to certain classes.
7 Fire Emblem Engage Silence Ward Silence Ward Skill
Grants immunity to silence.

SP Cost: 200
8 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Mastery 2 Staff Mastery 2 Skill
Grants Hit+15 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 5 HP.

SP Cost: 300
9 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Prof. Magic Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with magic. Required for promotion to certain classes.
10 Fire Emblem Engage Nosferatu Nosferatu Weapon
Light tome wielded by Emblem Micaiah.
11 Fire Emblem Engage Strong Bond Strong Bond Bond Bonus
(Strong Bond)
Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
12 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Mastery 3 Staff Mastery 3 Skill
Grants Hit+20 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 7 HP.

SP Cost: 500
13 Fire Emblem Engage Cleric+ Cleric+ Skill Unit can equip staves up to level B.
14 Fire Emblem Engage Resistance +4 Resistance +4 Skill
Grants Res+4.

SP Cost: 1000
15 Fire Emblem Engage Thani Thani Weapon
Mighty light tome wielded by Emblem Micaiah.
16 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Mastery 4 Staff Mastery 4 Skill
Grants Hit+25 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 10 HP.

SP Cost: 700
17 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Mastery 5 Staff Mastery 5 Skill
Grants Hit+30 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 15 HP.

SP Cost: 1000
18 Fire Emblem Engage Cleric++ Cleric++ Skill Unit can equip staves up to level A.
19 Fire Emblem Engage Resistance +5 Resistance +5 Skill
Grants Res+5.

SP Cost: 2000
20 Fire Emblem Engage Deep Synergy Deep Synergy Bond Bonus
(Deep Synergy)
Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.

Best Units to Pair With Micaiah

Recommended Units for Micaiah


Micaiah is the premiere emblem for healers. She provides multiple bonuses to staff wielders and adds various bonuses to healing.

Healing Light affords softer healers some tankiness while they perform their role of keeping characters alive. Silence Ward protects healers and casters from their vulnerability to the silence status effect.

For characters who are looking to provide support via heals, Micaiah is indispensable.

▶︎ All Characters and Playable Units

Micaiah Best Bond Rings

All S Rank Bond Rings

Bond Ring Stats and Bonus Skills
Elincia Str1, Spd1, Lck2
Mercy: If dealing enough damage to defeat foe, instead leaves foe with 1 HP.
Sothe Dex2, Spd1, Lck1
Bane: May reduce foe's HP to 1. Trigger %=half of Dex. (Certain foes are immune to this effect.)
Nailah HP5, Lck1, Def1
Leanne HP2, Lck2, Res1
Nephenee Dex1, Spd2, Res1
Sanaki Mag2, Lck1, Res1
Naesala HP5, Lck1, Res1
Tibarn HP5, Str1, Def1
Caineghis HP5, Str1, Lck1
Black Knight Str1, Dex1, Def2

▶︎ All S Rank Bond Rings and Skills

Micaiah's Paralogue

The Dawn Maiden

Completing Micaiah's paralogue increases her Bond Level cap from 10 to 20, opening up the option to learn new skills and gain Thani.

Paralogue: The Dawn Maiden Walkthrough

Micaiah Profile and Voice Actor

Micaiah Overview

Original Debut Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Emblem Title & Ring Emblem of Dawn
Voice Actor EN: Veronica Taylor
JP: Natsuko Kuwatani
An Emblem that dwells within the Ring of the Dawn Maiden She is known as the Emblem of Dawn. She possesses high magical healing power and specializes in healing allies.

Who is Micaiah?

Protagonist of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Original Appearance Debut Game
Fire Emblem: Engage - Micaiah Original AppearanceMicaiah Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Story

▶︎ All Confirmed Returning Characters

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

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► List of All Emblems

All Emblems Guides

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Nosferatu + Ivy is really hard to kill for a Mage ofcourse now there is Soren for a better life leech, but Soren likely prefers Veyle for the double crit. Treating Micaiah as solely a support emblem feels like a waste when Nosferatu + decent defense is such a powerful combo, throw in inheritable Hold Out and you have a mage that can last pretty well on the front lines even.


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