Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

All Confirmed Returning Characters

FEE 12 Emblems
In Fire Emblem Engage, there are twelve Emblems that feature main characters from previous Fire Emblem games! This article showcases the background and history of these returning characters from across the Fire Emblem series!

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Characters Returning as Emblems

Main Characters from Previous Entries Reappear

In FE Engage, main characters from previous entries will appear as Emblems. By taking a look at their background, players can be more immersed with the world of Engage!
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List of Emblems

Emblem Background
Emblem of Beginnings
Voice Actor:
JP: Hikaru Midorikawa
ENG: Yuri Lowenthal
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
・Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
・Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
・Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

A prince of the Altea kingdom. He is brimming with nobility and charisma. He is kind and cares for his comrades. Reads his enemies' intentions and responds with a flurry of strikes.
Emblem of Echoes
Voice Actor:
JP: Nao Toyama
ENG: Erica Lindbeck
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Gaiden
・Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

The princess of a vibrant country, as well as a warrior priestess. She has a benevolent personality and does not like conflict. Her holy magic is the bane of monsters.
Emblem of the Holy War
Voice Actor:
JP: Toshiyuki Morikawa
ENG: Grant George
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

A noble knight with the blood of a crusader. He is brave and has a strong sense of justice. Boasts high movement and powerful lance attacks.
Emblem of Genealogy
Voice Actor:
JP: Kenichi Suzumura
ENG: Nicolas Roye
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
・Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

A brave prince whose veins runs the blood of two crusaders, Njörun and Baldr. A versatile knight proficient in axe, sword, and lance. He never gives up even on the most dire of situations.
Emblem of Binding
Voice Actor:
JP: Jun Fukuyama
ENG: Ray Chase
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade

A nobleman who excels as a general, brave and intelligent. Endures enemy attacks and cuts a path through with his sword. He commands his army with excellent leadership.
Emblem of Blazing
Voice Actor:
JP: Makiko Omoto
ENG: Wendee Lee
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

A virtuoso swordswoman from a nomadic tribe that lived in nature. Has a strong and refreshing personality. Defeats closeup foes with her sword and distant ones with a bow.
Emblem of the Sacred
Voice Actor:
JP: Kaori Mizuhashi(Eirika)
Taku Yashiro(Ephraim)
ENG: Kira Buckland(Eirika)
Greg Chun(Ephraim)
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Eirika: A compassionate princess of Renais who takes up her sword for the sake of peace. There are times where her kindness is taken advantage of. Her flashing sword shatters her enemy's defenses.
Ephraim: The crown prince of Renais and the twin brother of Eirika. He is confident and straight-to-the-point. His skills with the lance is suprassed by no one in his country.
Emblem of Radiance
Voice Actor:
JP: Michihiko Hagi
ENG: Greg Chun
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
・Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

He is the leader of the Greil Mercenaries. A famous mercenary leader with unparalleled skill in battle. Destroys obstacles with his mighty sword and axe.
Emblem of Dawn
Voice Actor:
JP: Kuwatani Natsuko
ENG: Veronica Taylor
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Known as the "Silver-Haired Maiden" and a member of Dawn Brigade, she is a bearer of strange healing powers as well as visions of the future. Supports allies with illuminating magic and a healing staff.
Emblem of Awakening
Voice Actor:
JP: Yu Kobayashi
ENG: Alexis Tipton
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Awakening

She is the daughter of Chrom, the prince of the Halidom of Ylisse. A royal heir who knows anything can change and will not yield to despair. She has a strong sense of justice. She creates bonds with her allies, and pools their strength to attack enemies.
Emblem of Fates
Voice Actor:
JP: Satomi Sato
ENG: Marcella Lentz-Pope
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Fates

A princess born from Hoshido but raised in its enemy nation Nohr. She is someone with an iron will and the blood of the First Dragons. Can tap into dragon veins, a magic sleeping in the land.
Emblem of the Academy
Voice Actor:
JP: Yusuke Kobayashi
ENG: Zach Aguilar
Original Game:
・Fire Emblem: Three Houses

A mercenary who became a teacher. Even if he cannot express his emotions properly, he is still an excellent teacher to his students. Wields various hero's relics and knows a variety of tactics.

History of Returning Characters

Main Emblem Characters
Marth Celica Sigurd Leif
Roy Lyn Eirika/Ephraim Ike
Micaiah Lucina Corrin Byleth
DLC Emblem Characters
Edelgard Dimitri Claude Tiki


Emblem Original Title
MarthMarth Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Marth OG Art Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
The story begins when Prince Marth's homeland, Altea, was attacked by the nation of Dolhr. Marth was forced to become an exile in the nation of Talys.
After two years, Marth joins forces with Altean knight, Jagen, and the princess of Talys, Caeda, alongside many allies to confront Dolhr.
By proceeding through the story, you can recruit more allies and sometimes it is even possible to persuade enemies to join Marth's cause. Marth is not particularly strong just because he is the main character, but he overcomes difficulties by working together with the allies he meets.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem/ Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

Marth FE3 Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem logo
A year has passed since the War of Shadows and Hardin, a former ally of Marth, marries Princess Nyna of the Holy Kingdom of Archanea. However, Hardin realizes that his love for Princess Nyna was unrequited. In despair, the Dark Mage Gharnef appears in front of him, granting him the power of darkness and he rose to the rank of emperor.
Meanwhile, Marth announces his wedding to the Talysean princess, Caeda. In the midst of this, a notice comes from Emperor Hardin: he requests Marth to quell a rebellion led by Lorenz, who once fought alongside Marth. When Marth reaches Lorenz, he learns from him that Hardin has changed for the worse.
As a result, Marth is determined to cross swords against his former ally.


Emblem Original Title
CelicaCelica Fire Emblem: Gaiden
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Fire Emblem: Gaiden/ Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Celica Old Art Fire Emblem Gaiden logo
Celica, who grew up with Alm in Zofia's Ram Village, was transferred to the island of Novis when she was young. There she had long studied the teachings of the Earth Mother, Mila from the sage, Nomah.
At one point, all of Zofia has been suffering from a bad harvest. She thinks that something must have happened to the Earth Mother, so she departs Novis.
She reunites with Alm on her journey but she did not get along with him because he thinks war is inevitable. She goes her separate ways, leaving on a bitter note to continue her journey.


Emblem Original Title
SigurdSigurd Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

Sigurd old art Fire Emblem The Genealogy of the Holy War
The story begins with the invasion of Verdane, an ally of the Kingdom of Grannvale. Hearing this Prince Sigurd, one of the lords of Grannvale, decides to invade Verdane.
He fell in love with Deirdre, a woman he met on his journey. They became a couple and had a son as a result.
Sigurd was embroiled in political strife and branded as a traitor, but he still continued to fight all over the world. He rode through the battlefields and wielded his sword for the weak.
In the end, he fell into the conspiracy of a cult that worshiped the Dark God Loptous, and died a violent death. Sigurd's spirit of justice is passed on to his son, Seliph.


Emblem Original Title
LeifLeif Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

Leif Thracia 776 logo
His homeland was destroyed when he was young, and Leif spent his days wandering while being protected by his guardians.
Eventually, Leif grows up and decides to fight against Grannvale, which is tyrannizing the Thracian Peninsula.
Leif inherits the blood of Lance Knight Njörun and Paladin Baldr, but since he only has minor blood of the two Crusaders, he is troubled by his inability to wield their Holy Weapons.
Still, he moved many people's hearts with his fighting style, and grew up as a splendid leader.


Emblem Original Title
RoyRoy Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade

Roy old art Binding Blade logo
Since the nation of Bern has launched a war of aggression against each country, Roy leads the Lycian army against them. Despite putting up a good fight with an excellent strategic eye and flexible tactics, he is tormented by an army of War Dragons summoned by the Dark Priestess Idunn who serves Zephiel, the king of Bern.
In order to fight against the dragon, Roy collects the legendary weapons of ancient heroes scattered across the continent and marches to Bern.
After defeating Zephiel, Roy learns the truth about the "The Scouring", a war between humans and dragons that occurred 1,000 years ago.
Roy learns that Idunn is actually a Demon Dragon created by the dragon race during "The Scouring", and uses the power of the "Binding Blade" to fight her.


Emblem Original Title
LynLyn Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

Lyn Blazing Blade logo
Living alone in the grasslands, Lyn stumbles upon Mark lying on the ground outside of her home, where she nurses his health and joins forces to take revenge on the bandits who massacred her tribe and family.
Lyn, who visited the Caelin territory to meet his grandfather, got caught up in the internal conflict of the Lycia League and fights the assassin group "Black Fang" that was behind the conflict.
Lyn, alongside her friends, fought against Nergal, who tried to bring disaster to the world by manipulating the "Black Fang" from the shadows.


Emblem Original Title
ErikaEirika Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Eirika Sacred Stones
The story begins with Eirika's home, the kingdom of Renais, being invaded by the Grado Empire. She escaped to Frelia with several escorts.
Eirika cooperates with the countries that protect the Sacred Stones and opposes the Grado Empire.


Emblem Original Title
Ephraim.pngEphraim Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Ephraim art Sacred Stones
Ephraim is engaged in a warfare against the Grado Empire as an attempt to divert Grado's forces from their invasion of the Renais kingdom. He and his sister are on separate journeys during the story and later, joins forces to stop Fomortiis.


Emblem Original Title
IkeIke Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem Echoes: Radiant Dawn

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Ike Path of Radiance
The story begins when Ike, the newest member of the mercenary group called "Greil Mercenaries", is allowed to take his first battle with his father Greil, the leader of the mercenary group.
Unfortunately, Greil was defeated in single combat against the Black Knight and killed. Ike curses his weakness for not being able to protect his father. In order to protect his sister and the group, Ike takes over as leader of the group.
After that, he cooperates with Princess Elincia of Crimea, who is in a predicament. He threw himself into battle against Ashnard, the Mad King of the Daein Kingdom, who caused a war on the continent, as well as the Black Knight, his father's killer.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Ike Radiant Dawn Radiant Dawn logo
The Greil Mercenaries, led by Ike, are requested to cooperate with the Laguz (race of beastmen that can shift into animal forms) in order to overthrow the Begnion Senate.
After various battles, they defeat the Senate, but learns that the continent will be destroyed unless the goddess Ashera is defeated.
In order to defeat the goddess, Ike receives the power of the goddess Yune and confronts Ashera to save Tellius.


Emblem Original Title
MicaiahMicaiah Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Micaiah old art Radiant Dawn logo
The Dawn Brigade, a group formed by Micaiah, was working to help those in need. While helping people, Micaiah becomes embroiled in battles.
One day Pelleas, the son of the late king Ashnard, was found.and approached him. Afterwards, the Dawn Brigade merged with the Daein Liberation Army.
Micaiah is appointed as the supreme commander of the army.
She is known by the people as the 'Silver-Haired Maiden'.


Emblem Original Title
LucinaLucina Fire Emblem: Awakening

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Lucina Awakening
Lucina, alongside her friends, battles Grima who seeks to destroy the world. However, Grima's might is too overwhelming resulting into Lucina and her friends to go back in time with the help of Naga, a Divine Dragon, in order to change history.
Bringing her father's sword with her, the Falchion, she joins forces with her father Chrom, and his tactician Robin. Together, they confront Validar who worships Grima.


Emblem Original Title
CorrinCorrin Fire Emblem: Fates

Fire Emblem: Fates

Corrin Fates
For many years, Corrin didn't know her origins but when war broke out between the nations of Nohr and Hoshido, she learned the truth and as a result, she was tormented about choosing between her two homelands.
After deliberating, she made a difficult choice. She wields the sword Yato, a sword entrusted to her by Mikoto, her mother. She sets out to bring peace back to the continent.


Emblem Original Title
BylethByleth Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Byleth Fire Emblem Three Houses logo
Byleth was a member of the mercenary group led by his father Jeralt, but after a certain incident he became a professor at Garreg Mach Monastery.
When war broke out of Fodlan, he throws himself into chaos to save his students. Armed with the "Sword of the Creator", he uses his experience as a mercenary and strategic eye to win countless battles.
Inside of his mind resides Sothis, a mysterious young girl who can control the flow of time that Byleth can use to change the tides of battle.


Emblem Original Title
EdelgardEdelgard Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Edelgard art Fire Emblem Three Houses logo
Edelgard is the head of the Black Eagles class as well as the princess and future empress of the Adrestian Empire. She exudes dignified nobility and acts while calmly assessing her surroundings.


Emblem Original Title
DimitriDimitri Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Dimitri art Fire Emblem Three Houses logo
Dimitri is the head of the Blue Lions class and the future king of the Kingdom of Faerghus. He is a loyal young man who embodies chivalry, but at times there is a hint of darkness within his demeanor.


Emblem Original Title
ClaudeClaude Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Claude Fire Emblem Three Houses logo
Claude is the leader of the Golden Deer class and the eldest son of the Riegan family, the preeminent house of the Leicester Alliance.
Generally easygoing, there is a side of him that forces others to not let their guard down.


Emblem Original Title
Tiki.pngTiki Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Tiki old art Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon logo.png
Tiki was put to slumber for a long time in the Ice Dragon Temple to suppress her power. Bantu took pity and took her out into the outside world, where she lived in a human village for about ten years. However, Tiki gets separated from Bantu and is brainwashed by the Dark Priest Gharnef. As a result, she confronts Marth but Bantu successfully snapped her out of her brainwashing.
Tiki then joined Marth and his friends to help his quest.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem/Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

Tiki Mystery of the Emblem Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem logo.png
Tiki, who once fought alongside Marth, was once again put to sleep in the Ice Dragon Temple by Gotoh. Once Marth completes the Binding Shield, the dragon's power will be suppressed and Tiki will not have to go to back to an indefinite slumber.

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