Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Chapter 18: The Cold Voyage Walkthrough

Chapter 18

This is the walkthrough for Chapter 18 of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of all recruitable characters in Chapter 18, all Chapter 18 paralogues, and all the obtainable weapons and items for this chapter!

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Chapter 18 Recruitable Characters and Emblems

Talk to him using Alear, Ivy, or Hortensia.

Chapter 18 Paralogues and Rewards

Paralogue Rewards
The Holy Knight Max Bond Level with Sigurd
The Sage Lord Max Bond Level with Leif

Chapter 18 Main Quest Battle Guide

Chapter 18 Battle Info

Victory Conditions
Defeat Abyme
Defeat Conditions
Alear is Defeated
Location Route to Elusia
Recommended Level Advanced Class Level 5
# of Player Units 12
# of Enemies 31

Recommended Units, and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Lindwurm Lindwurm A Lindwurm can easily destroy the several armored units that are hanging on the edges of the ship. It can also traverse the map with little to no difficulty.
LynLyn Lyn's Astra Arrow can also be used to intercept the thief that takes the Speedwing on the chest on the left ship if you wish to start your offensive on the right ship first.
Fire Emblem Engage General General A General can easily block the bridges and stall for time or delay the enemy advances. The only exception to this would be the mages on the lower part of the right ship as Armored units will easily fall to their magic attacks.

Chapter 18 Battle Walkthrough

Chapter 18 map

NOTE Use the Flame Cannon to delay the enemy march.
The Cannon is best used to cover one side of the entrance so you can delay the advances on one ship while you take the other.
1 Dispatch the wyvern riders up north and south first
Immediately dealing with these 4 units will allow you to focus on the entrances of each ship instead of covering four entrances.
2 Send all your fliers to the lower left side of the boat.
This will allow us to intercept the thief that will steal the item on the chest on the upper side of the left ship.
3 Push the left ship first and defeat all the enemy inside.
This will allow us to then focus on the right side of the ship eventually where Abyme is standing by.
4 Have the rest of your unit follow to the left ship while leaving some to lure the enemies on the right
Invading the right ship will often result in death as there are several spellcasters plus a magic Artillery.
5 Once the mages start getting positioned outside the magic artillery, turn back and eliminate them.
Make sure to not include Lindon on the units you kill! Talking to Lindon allows you to recruit him in the middle of the battle.
6 Slowly position your units on the right ship.
Abyme and the rest of the units will start descending. Prepare your unit's positions accordingly.
7 Abyme will have a ranged axe at her disposal so apply break first before having the rest of the team attack her.

How to Use the Flame Cannon

Flame Cannon
The Flame Cannon is located at the starting point of your team. The Cannon will need a unit to stand on its tile and use the Fire Command to launch a fireball at a given location. It can hit your enemies as well as your allies so using it early and positioning its target to your enemy location is ideal.

The burning tiles will also reduce the amount of tiles units that try to travel it can do so instead of as a damaging attack, use it to delay one side of the ship will eliminating all the units of a chosen ship!

Recruiting Lindon

Talk to Lindon
Lindon is the sage on the enemy team. You can use Alear, Ivy, or Hortensia to talk to him. Once done, he will immediately be recruited and added to your controllable units for the rest of the playthrough. However, as he is an enemy unit, he can also be killed accidentally so take note of your unit's positioning and avoid encounters where a possible counter attack can happen and kill Lindon be accident!

Defeating Abyme

Defeating Abyme

Abyme has high amounts of damage and a ranged axe attack. To defeat Abyme, make sure to dedicate a unit to eliminate the mage that is standing near her then have an armored unit stall her. You'll then want to inflict break on her either by using a sword attack or a weapon with smash (hopefully equipped by your armored unit). Once break is applied and no other reinforcements are in sight, she should fall pretty quickly.

Chapter 18 Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items in Battle

Item How to Get
Speedwing Obtained from the chest on the left ship.
Second Seal Obtained from the chest on the right ship.

Obtainable Items in Exploration Phase

Iron Ingot Steel Ingot
Rice Beans
Elyosian Seagull -

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