Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Get Emblem Claude: Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Fire Emblem Engage Edelgard Dimitri Claude
First appearing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Claude returns an Emblem unit in Fire Emblem Engage. Here's the guide to how to complete the Lookout Ridge Event from the Expansion pass, as well as his Engage Weapons, Bond Effects, Skills, and Abilities.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Emblems
EdelgardEdelgard DimitriDimitri ClaudeClaude

How to Get Claude

Complete the DLC Lookout Ridge Event

How to Get Emblem Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude
Upon purchasing and downloading the Expansion Pass, a Lookout Ridge event will be available once you return to the Somniel at any point after completing Chapter 6.
Lookout Ridge is the cliff above Sommie's altar, in the southern area of the Somniel.
If you don't get a "Something has been found at Lookout Ridge." prompt, then sleep in your Room then exit for it to appear.
After viewing the event, you will receive the Emblem Bracelet containing the Emblem Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude.

▶︎ How to Unlock DLC

Claude Emblem Skills and Abilities

Claude Synchro Skills

Friendly Rivalry
At start of layer phase, the Emblem will randomly switch to Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude.
Flame Gambit
Use when synced with Edelgard to attack a foe, then set the target foe's space and nearby spaces on fire.
Poison Gambit
Use when synced with Claude to attack a foe, then poison target and all foes adjacent to it after Combat.
Shield Gambit
Use when synced with Dimitri to negate damage from first attacks of ranged foes targeting unit in next enemy phase.

Availability of Gambit Skills depends on who the player is Engaged with.

▶︎ All Synchro Skills

Claude Engage Skill

Combat Arts
Enables use of Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude's Combat Art. Spends some remaining engage turns.

Claude Engage Attack

Houses Unite
Use to attack with Amyr, Areadbhar, and Failnaught at 50% damage.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Claude Bond Effects and Inheritable Skills

All Engage Skills, Weapons, and Proficiencies

These Bond Effects only apply when equipped with Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude's shared Emblem Ring. However, you can inherit some of these skills if you have reached the required bond level and earned enough SP. Regular versions of some Engage Weapons can also be purchased in the Armory.

Lv. Bond Effects Type Description
1 Fire Emblem Engage Houses Unite Houses Unite Skill
(Engage Attack)
Use to attack with Amyr, Areadbhar, and Failnaught at 50% damage.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Friendly Rivalry Friendly Rivalry Skill
(Engage Skill)
At start of layer phase, the Emblem will randomly switch to Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Assembly Gambit Assembly Gambit Skill
Use to attack an adjacent foe, then move 1 space away after combat. Target foe moves to unit's previous space.

SP Cost: 1,500
1 Fire Emblem Engage Flame Gambit Flame Gambit Skill
(Synchro Skill)
Use when synced with Edelgard to attack a foe, then set the target foe's space and nearby spaces on fire.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Poison Gambit Poison Gambit Skill
(Synchro Skill)
Use when synced with Claude to attack a foe, then poison target and all foes adjacent to it after Combat.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Shield Gambit Shield Gambit Skill
(Synchro Skill)
Use when synced with Dimitri to negate damage from first attacks of ranged foes targeting unit in next enemy phase.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Aymr Aymr Weapon
Axe of Emblem Edelgard. Smashes foes. Cannot follow up, or strike first if initiating combat. Eff: Dragon.
2 Fire Emblem Engage Str/Dex +1 Str/Dex +1 Skill
Grants Str+1 and Dex+1.

SP Cost: 700
3 Fire Emblem Engage Lineage Lineage Bond Bonus
Increases unit's earned experience by 20%.

SP Cost: 150
4 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Guard 1 Bow Guard 1 Skill
If foe is equipped with a bow, unit takes 1 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 200
5 Fire Emblem Engage Skill Inheritance Skill Inheritance Bond Bonus
Unit can inherit this Emblem's Skills
6 Fire Emblem Engage Axe Prof. Axe Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with axes. Required for promotion to certain classes.
7 Fire Emblem Engage Str/Dex +2 Str/Dex +2 Skill
Grants Str+2 and Dex+2.

SP Cost: 1600
8 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Guard 2 Bow Guard 2 Skill
If foe is equipped with a bow, unit takes 1 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 400
9 Fire Emblem Engage Lance Prof. Lance Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with lances. Required for promotion to certain classes.
10 Fire Emblem Engage Areadbhar Areadbhar Weapon
Lance wielded by Emblem Dimitri. If user initiates combat, grants Mt+50%.
11 Fire Emblem Engage Strong Bond Strong Bond Bond Bonus
(Strong Bond)
Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
12 Fire Emblem Engage Weapon Sync Weapon Sync Skill
If unit initiates combat using same weapon type as the synced Emblem, grants Atk+5. If engaged, grants Atk+5 regardless of weapon type.

SP Cost: 3000
12 Fire Emblem Engage Str/Dex +3 Str/Dex +3 Skill
Grants Str+3 and Dex+3.

SP Cost: 4200
13 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Prof. Bow Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with bows. Required for promotion to certain classes.
14 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Guard 3 Bow Guard 3 Skill
If foe is equipped with a bow, unit takes 3 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 600
15 Fire Emblem Engage Failnaught Failnaught Weapon
Bow wielded by Emblem Claude. If user initiates combat, grants Avo+20. Effective: Dragon, Flying.
16 Fire Emblem Engage Str/Dex +4 Str/Dex +4 Skill
Grants Str+4 and Dex+4.

SP Cost: 6000
17 Fire Emblem Engage Weapon Sync+ Weapon Sync+ Skill
If unit initiates combat using same weapon type as the synced Emblem, grants Atk+7. If engaged, grants Atk+7 regardless of weapon type.

SP Cost: 5000
17 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Guard 4 Bow Guard 4 Skill
If foe is equipped with a bow, unit takes 4 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 800
18 Fire Emblem Engage Str/Dex +5 Str/Dex +5 Skill
Grants Str+5 and Dex+5.

SP Cost: 8400
19 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Guard 5 Bow Guard 5 Skill
If foe is equipped with a bow, unit takes 5 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 1000
20 Fire Emblem Engage Deep Synergy Deep Synergy Bond Bonus
(Deep Synergy)
Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.

Who is Claude?

Character from Fire Emblem Three Houses

Original Debut Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Emblem Title & Ring
Emblem of Rivals,
Bracelet of the Three Houses
Voice Actor EN: Joe Zieja
JP: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
An Emblem from the Leicester Alliance. Claude is the leader of the Golden Deers house of the Garreg Mach Monastery. He wields the bow weapon Failnaught.
Original Debut Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Emblem Title & Ring
Emblem of Rivals,
Bracelet of the Three Houses
Voice Actor EN: Chris Hackney
JP: Kaito Ishikawa
An Emblem from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Dimitri is the leader of the Blue Lions house of the Garreg Mach Monastery. He wields the lance weapon Areadbhar.
Original Debut Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Emblem Title & Ring
Emblem of Rivals,
Bracelet of the Three Houses
Voice Actor EN: Tara Platt
JP: Ai Kakuma
An Emblem from the Adrestrian Empire. Edelgard is the leader of the Black Eagles house of the Garreg Mach Monastery. She wields the axe weapon Aymr.

Claude, Edelgard, and Dimitri all made their first appearance in the preceding mainline Fire Emblem game, Three Houses. The three characters are the respective leaders of the titular three houses featured in the game.

▶︎ All Confirmed Returning Characters

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

FE Engage - Emblems.png

► List of All Emblems

All Emblems Guides

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MarthMarth SigurdSigurd CelicaCelica BylethByleth
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Fire Emblem Engage - Emblem Alear13th Emblem
DLC Emblems
EdelgardEdelgard DimitrDimitri ClaudeClaude
TikiTiki FEE - Hector Icon.pngHector FEE - Soren Icon.pngSoren
FEE - Camilla Icon.pngCamilla FEE - Chrom IconChrom FEE - Veronica Icon.pngVeronica


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