Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Get Emblem Lucina: Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Fire Emblem Engage - Lucina

Lucina is the Emblem of Awakening in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn how to get Lucina and her Emblem Ring, her Inheritable Skills, Abilities, Engage Weapon, Bond Effects, voice actor, bond rings, and best units to pair with Lucina!

How to Get Lucina

Available During Chapter 11

Fire Emblem Engage - How to Recruit Lucina

Lucina first appears as a corrupted Emblem used by Hortensia in Chapter 7: Dark Emblem. She becomes available as an Emblem unit during the events of Chapter 11: Retreat once you recover her Emblem ring.

She will automatically join Alear and the rest of your party together with Lyn when Zelkov gives you their Emblem rings.

▶︎ All Story Chapters

Lucina Emblem Skills and Abilities

Lucina Synchro Skills

Lvl. 5
Dual Assist
If unit is able to chain attack, unit will do so when allies attack foes unit could reach by moving. Trigger %=35.
SP Cost: 1000

Lvl. 13
Dual Support
Grants a bonus to Avo that increases with unit's support level with adjacent allies. (Max +90)
SP Cost: 2000

Lvl. 18
Dual Assist+
If unit is able to chain attack, unit will do so when allies attack foes unit could reach by moving. Trigger %=70.
SP Cost: 2000

▶︎ All Synchro Skills

Lucina Engage Skill

Bonded Shield
Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80.
[Armored] Trigger %=100 for armored allies.
[Flying] Trigger %=100 for flying allies.
[Qi Adept] Trigger %=100.
[Cavalry] Trigger %=100 for cavalry allies.
[Dragon] +10% to trigger rate.

Lucina Engage Attack

All for One
Use to make a sword attack against an adjacent foe. All allies within 2 spaces chain attack.
[Backup] Range +1.
[Dragon] Ally chain attacks are guaranteed to hit.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Lucina Bond Effects and Inheritable Skills

All Engage Skills, Weapons, and Proficiencies

These Bond Effects only apply when equipped with Lucina's Emblem Ring. However, you can inherit some of these skills if you have reached the required bond level and earned enough SP. Regular versions of some Engage Weapons can also be purchased in the Armory.

Lv. Bond Effects Type Description
1 Fire Emblem Engage Dexterity +1 Dexterity +1 Skill
Grants Dex+1.

SP Cost: 100
1 Fire Emblem Engage Bonded Shield Bonded Shield Skill
(Engage Skill)
Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80.
1 Fire Emblem Engage All for One All for One Skill
(Engage Attack)
Use to make a sword attack against an adjacent foe. All allies within 2 spaces chain attack.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Noble Rapier Noble Rapier Weapon
Sword wieldd by Emblem Lucina.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Dual Strike Dual Strike Skill Unit participates in chain attacks as if it were a backup unit.
2 Fire Emblem Engage Dexterity +2 Dexterity +2 Skill
Grants Dex+2.

SP Cost: 300
3 Fire Emblem Engage Dual Assist Dual Assist Skill
If unit is able to chain attack, unit will do so when allies attack foes unit could reach by moving. Trigger %=35.

SP Cost: 1000
4 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Agility 1 Bow Agility 1 Skill
Grants Avo+10 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.

SP Cost: 500
5 Fire Emblem Engage Skill Inheritance Skill Inheritance Bond Bonus
Unit can inherit this Emblem's Skills
6 Fire Emblem Engage Sword Prof. Sword Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with swords. Required for promotion to certain classes.
7 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Agility 2 Bow Agility 2 Skill
Grants Avo+15 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.

SP Cost: 1000
8 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Prof. Bow Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with bows. Required for promotion to certain classes.
9 Fire Emblem Engage Dexterity +3 Dexterity +3 Skill
Grants Dex+3.

SP Cost: 500
10 Fire Emblem Engage Parthia Parthia Weapon
Bow wielded by Emblem Lucina. Doubles user's earned experience. Grants Res+5.
11 Fire Emblem Engage Strong Bond Strong Bond Bond Bonus
(Strong Bond)
Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
12 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Agility 3 Bow Agility 3 Skill
Grants Avo+20 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.

SP Cost: 2000
13 Fire Emblem Engage Dual Support Dual Support Skill
Grants a bonus to Avo that increases with unit's support level with adjacent allies. (Max +90)

SP Cost: 2000
14 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Agility 4 Bow Agility 4 Skill
Grants Avo+25 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.

SP Cost: 3000
15 Fire Emblem Engage Parallel Falchion Parallel Falchion Weapon
Sacred sword wielded by Emblem Lucina.
16 Fire Emblem Engage Dexterity +4 Dexterity +4 Skill
Grants Dex+4.

SP Cost: 1000
17 Fire Emblem Engage Bow Agility 5 Bow Agility 5 Skill
Grants Avo+30 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.

SP Cost: 5000
18 Fire Emblem Engage Dual Assist+ Dual Assist+ Skill
If unit is able to chain attack, unit will do so when allies attack foes unit could reach by moving. Trigger %=70.

SP Cost: 2000
19 Fire Emblem Engage Dexterity +5 Dexterity +5 Skill
Grants Dex+5.

SP Cost: 2000
20 Fire Emblem Engage Deep Synergy Deep Synergy Bond Bonus
(Deep Synergy)
Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.

Best Units to Pair With Lucina

Recommended Units for Lucina


Lucina's playstyle revolves around the Chain Attack mechanic. She can force allies to participate in Chain Attacks, and give the Backup unit type ability to other unit types.

Dual Strike provides non-Backup units the ability to participate in Chain Attacks, while Dual Assist increases the effective range of Chain Attacks.

Ideally paired with characters outside of the Backup unit type, Lucina is best played when she is positioned close to allied units.

▶︎ All Characters and Playable Units

Lucina Best Bond Rings

All S Rank Bond Rings

Bond Ring Stats and Bonus Skills
Chrom HP5, Dex1, Spd1
Rightful Ruler: Adds +5% to trigger rate for all skills with trigger rates.
Lissa Mag1, Lck2, Res1
Healtouch: When unit heals an ally with a staff, restores +5 HP to target.
Gaius Str1, Dex1, Spd2
Cordelia Str2, Lck1, Def1
Nowi Str1, Lck2, Def1
Tharja Mag1, Spd2, Def1
Owain HP5, Mag1, Spd1
Inigo Dex1, Spd1, Lck2
Severa Str2, Spd1, Def1
Morgan Mag2, Lck1, Res1

▶︎ All S Rank Bond Rings and Skills

Lucina's Paralogue

The Exalt

Completing Lucina's paralogue increases her Bond Level cap from 10 to 20, opening up the option to learn new skills and gain the Parallel Falchion.

Paralogue: The Exalt Walkthrough

Lucina Profile and Voice Actor

Lucina Overview

Original Debut Fire Emblem Awakening
Emblem Title & Ring
Emblem of Awakening,
Ring of the Princess Exalt
Voice Actor EN: Alexis Tipton
JP: Yū Kobayashi
An Emblem that dwells within the Ring of the Holy Princess. She excels at fighting with her comrades in battle. She exerts great power when fighting close to her allies.

Who is Lucina?

Protagonist of Fire Emblem Awakening

Original Appearance Debut Game
Fire Emblem: Engage - Lucina Original AppearanceLucina Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Awakening Story

▶︎ All Confirmed Returning Characters

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9 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Bonded shield is the greatest asset of Lucina

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

Id argue Lucina is better when paired with a Back-up unit than not. Most notably Heroes as they attack twice and welcome getting the skill to move and participate for free, but the Emblem attack getting +1 range can lead to 10+ support attacks pretty easily turning it into one of the higher damage support attacks. Simply turning any unit into a Back-up doesnt really compare to that and lets her be used on a weaker ally and still be useful like Goldmary on Maddening when she joins.


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