Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Get Emblem Alear: Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Fire Emblem Engage - Alear

Alear is the 13th Emblem ring, as well as the titular 'Fire Emblem' in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn how to get Alear as an Emblem, including the Inheritable Skills, Abilities, Engage Weapon, Bond Effects, and more!

FE Engage - Sommie.png Attention! This page goes over Alear's information as an Emblem unit. To see Alear's standard unit page, click here!

How to Get Emblem Alear

Obtain Emblem Alear in Chapter 23

Fire Emblem Engage - Emblem Alear Combat
Emblem Ring Ring of the Connector

Players will be able to unlock Alear as the 13th Emblem ring, also known as the Ring of the Connector at the beginning of Chapter 23: The Four Hounds. Alear is also referred to as the 'Fire Emblem'.

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Emblem Alear Skills and Abilities

Alear Synchro Skills

Boon of Elyos
If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to Crit and Ddg equal to 2x the number of allies who have acted this turn.

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Alear Engage Skill

Lvl. 1
If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged.
[Qi Adept] Extra +2 to Lck.

Alear Engage Attack

Lvl. 1
Dragon Blast
Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam.

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Alear Bond Effects and Inheritable Skills

All Engage Skills, Weapons, and Proficiencies

These Bond Effects only apply when equipped with Alear's Emblem Ring. Note that Alear has no inheritable skills, which will require your unit to be paired with Alear in order to reap the benefits of their skills.

Lv. Bond Effects Type Description
1 Fire Emblem Engage Holy Aura Holy Aura Skill
Unit is Effective to Fell Dragon. Allies within 2 spaces with Effective to Dragon gain Effective to Fell Dragon.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Attuned Attuned Skill
If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Dragon Blast Dragon Blast Skill
(Engage Attack)
Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Lyration Lyration Weapon
Sword of Emblem Alear. If user defeats foe in player phase, fills adjacent allie' engage meters by 1.
5 Fire Emblem Engage Bond Forger Bond Forger Skill
Grants Hit/Avo+20 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem.
10 Fire Emblem Engage Art Prof. Art Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with arts. Required for promotion to certain classes.
10 Fire Emblem Engage Dragon Dragon's Fist Weapon
Magical attack wielded by Emblem Alear. If usuer initiates combat, attacks twice. (Uses Mag.)
10 Fire Emblem Engage Sword Prof. Sword Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with swords. Required for promotion to certain classes.
20 Fire Emblem Engage Bond Forger+ Bond Forger+ Skill
Grants Hit/Avo+30 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem.
20 Fire Emblem Engage Holy Shield Holy Shield Skill
Neutralizes Effective against this unit.
20 Fire Emblem Engage Strong Bond Strong Bond Bond Bonus
(Strong Bond)
Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
20 Fire Emblem Engage Oligoludia Oligoludia Weapon
Sword wielded by Emblem Alear.
21 Fire Emblem Engage Boon of Elyos Boon of Elyos Skill
If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to Crit and Ddg equal to 2x the number of allies who have acted this turn.

Alear Profile and Voice Actor


Fire Emblem Engage - Alear Slim Banner
Emblem Title & Ring
Fire Emblem,
Ring of the Connector
Voice Actor
EN: Brandon McInnis
JP: Hiro Shimono
EN: Laura Stahl
JP: Aya Endo
Successor to the Divine Dragon, awoken from a long sleep. Summons Emblems to lead the world to peace.

Alear Best Class, Skills, and Voice Actor

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