Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Chapter 26: The Last Engage Walkthrough

Chapter 26
This is the walkthrough for Chapter 26 of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of all recruitable characters in Chapter 26, all Chapter 26 paralogues, and all the obtainable weapons and items for this chapter!

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Chapter 26 Main Quest Battle Guide

Chapter 26 Battle Info

Victory Conditions
Defeat Sombron
Defeat Conditions
Alear is Defeated
Location Portal to Other Worlds
# of Player Units 14
# of Enemies 11 (Battle 1)
22 (Battle 2 + reinforcements)

Recommended Units, and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Sleipnir Rider Sleipnir Rider A healer that can use Flier only terrain. It can also use warp staves to put allies near their target emblems.
Fire Emblem Engage Paladin Paladin Mounted units are better for this map so you can easily circle around the map and take down your own target emblems.

Chapter 26 Battle Walkthrough

Battle 1
1 Clear all enemies near your area
There are some corrupted that will be easy to lure. Defeat these corrupteds first.
2 Once all nearby corrupted are slain, lure Sombron to your team.
Having a high RES unit lure him is ideal as he can only use tomes to attack.
3 Use all Emblem Attacks to defeat Sombron
The battle won't end after defeating him and the fight will proceed to phase 2. However, all emblems used are automatically refreshed!
Battle 2
4 Stay away from Sombron when navigating the map
Sombron has an AoE tail swipe attack that will damage all unit near him. Make sure to tread the edges of the map to avoid getting your team's HP depleted!
Note Emblems will spawn reinforcements when left alone for too long. Make sure to maximize your mobility as well
Staves such as warp and rescue are great if you have fliers that have staves such as Hortensia's Sleipnir Rider.
5 Once all Emblems are defeated, Sombron's barrier will fall
After three turns, Sombron will resummon Emblems to put up his barrier once again. If your damage is not enough to defeat Sombron with one go, it is better to sustain yoursevles and slowly damage Sombron until he eventually falls.

Two Phase Battle

The final battle consists of two parts. The easier one is the first battle where you fight Sombron's weaker state. He can be lured easily and killed without difficulty. Once he is slain, the 2nd part of the fight follows. Do not conserve your emblems on the first part of the battle as it will automatically be restored on the battle's 2nd phase!

Dark God Weaknesses

emblem weakness
Each Dark God has a corresponding emblem as their weakness. This guide is written in Normal Mode in where there are only four dark emblems. Their location and weaknesses are as follows:

Corrupted Location Emblem Weakness
Top Left Corrupted CelicaCelica
Top Right Corrupted LeifLeif
Bottom Left Corrupted MarthMarth
Bottom Right Corrupted SigurdSigurd

Alternatively, you can also view the emblem user's status and highlight their unit type. This will reveal who that specific corrupted's particular weakness is. This will be necessary in case Sombron is able to summon more emblems after his shield has been put down.

How to Beat Sombron Phase 2

Sombron Phase 2
You'll need to defeat the dark emblems on the stage first. You can do so by defeating them using the emblem they are weak against. Once done, Sombron's barrier will be down but it will not be over yet. He will often be countering with a strong attack and during his turn, he'll be using his tail sweep to damage all units in his vicinity. Unleash an all out attack and it doesn't matter if your units come close to dying (but do not continue if your units die). Use Micaiah's Great Sacrifice to restore everyone's HP back to full before continuing your assault

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Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17
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Chapter 20 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Chapter 25
Chapter 26 -

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