Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Unit Types Explained

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Unit Type is a mechanic intended to organize units into roles and archetypes in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to see a list of all unit types, applicable classes for each unit type, and all the available unit type bonuses!

List of All Unit Types

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Dragon Cavalry Mystical Flying
Backup Qi Adept Covert Armored


Natural Bonuses Engage skills and attacks always receive a bonus effect.
Applicable Classes Dragon Child
Divine Dragon

Dragons are usually characterized by their ability to transform themselves or parts of their bodies into those of Dragons. In Fire Emblem Engage, these units are highly adaptable because of their access to multiple bonuses when using Engage Skills.

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Natural Bonuses High Mov
Applicable Classes Noble
Royal Knight
Bow Knight
Mage Knight
Great Knight
Wolf Knight
Sword Cavalier
Lance Cavalier
Axe Cavalier

Cavalry units are mounted units with naturally high Mov. These units are popularly used as scouts or sweepers that chase down fleeing targets.


Natural Bonuses Ignore's foes terrain bonus when using magic.
Applicable Classes Noble
High Priest

Mystical units are an infantry type unit that focus on magical attacks. Mystical units are essentially the magical version of glass cannons.


Natural Bonuses Unhindered by terrain bonuses.
Applicable Classes Wing Tamer
Sword Flier
Lance Flier
Axe Flier
Griffin Knight
Wyvern Knight

Flying units are characters that ignore terrain completely. These units are often utilized as low-risk sources of damage, as they can position themselves in unreachable areas and use ranged attacks and magic to their advantage. It is important to note that all Flying units share a weakness to Bows to offset their superior positioning capabilities.


Natural Bonuses User can offer Chain attacks if an ally attacks an enemy that the user can target from their current position.
Applicable Classes Lord
Sword Fighter
Lance Fighter
Axe Fighter

Backup units are the footsoldier equivalents in Fire Emblem Engage. They are characterized by their ability to swarm a single foe with an assault of Chain Attacks.

Qi Adept

Natural Bonuses Can use Chain Guard to nullify damage against adjacent allies at the cost of up to 20% of their HP. Only usable at full HP.
Applicable Classes Martial Monk
Martial Master

Qi Adepts are a new unit type in Fire Emblem Engage. They signify Pugilists and Fighters. Opposites of Backup units, Qi Adepts offer surviability and support abilities instead of offensive skills.


Natural Bonuses Doubles user's terrain bonus.
Applicable Classes Lord
Tireur d'elite

Covert units are the assassin equivalents of Fire Emblem Engage. They have above average Eva, high burst damage potential, and have low survivability.


Natural Bonuses Cannot be broken.
Applicable Classes Sword Armor
Lance Armor
Axe Armor

The Armored Unit Type is a classification of characters that have high defenses and survivability. This is usually offset by their low Mov and Spd.

What are Unit Types?

Give Units Different Abilities and Buffs

Fire Emblem Engage Battle Styles
In Fire Emblem Engage, units have different typings that give them special abilities or bonuses that you can strategize your battle around. You can view your selected unit's type on the bottom left corner of the battle screen.

Strategically choose which Unit Type you want equipped with an Emblem Ring

Fire Emblem Engage Mystical Battle Style

Make sure to utilize the unit type's unique abilities and bonuses in order to defeat enemies more efficiently. For example, equipping Celica's Emblem Ring on a unit with the Mystical Unit Type will provide both an advantage to the Unit Type and Emblem, since Celica specializes in magic attacks and the Mystical Unit Type unleashes its effect when the unit attacks with magic.

Additionally, Engage Skills and Attacks could also get certain buffs when equipped with different Unit Type. For example, Celica's Engage Attack Warp Ragnarok gains a +5 square bonus when used by a unit with the Flying Unit Type.

▶︎ Engage Mechanic Explained

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