Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Paralogue: The Crux of Fate Walkthrough

Fire Emblem Engage - Paralogue The Crux of Fate

This is the walkthrough for The Crux of Fate Paralogue of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of rewards in Paralogue: Crux of Fate, how to unlock, and all obtainable weapons and items!

Paralogue: The Crux of Fate Rewards

Unlocks Corrin's Max Bond Level

Completing Corrin's paralogue increases her Bond Level cap from 10 to 20, opening up the option to learn new skills and gain the Yato.

Emblem Corrin Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

How to Unlock Paralogue: The Crux of Fate

Unlocked Upon Reaching Chapter 16

Once you reach Chapter 16: Seashore Travels, the Crossroads of Fate becomes available on the world map and unlocks Paralogue: The Crux of Fate.

Chapter 16: Seashore Travel Walkthrough

Paralogue: The Crux of Fate Main Quest Battle Guide

The Crux of Fate Battle Info

Victory Conditions
Defeat Emblem Corrin.
Defeat Conditions
Alear is defeated.
Location Crossroads of Fate
Restrictions Cannot use Corrin's Emblem Ring.
Recommended Level Advanced Class Lvl 7
# of Player Units 8
# of Enemies 18

Recommended Classes and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage Dancer Dancer Given the reduced deployment slots, having Seadall let your stronger units act twice can make a difference on this map.
Fire Emblem Engage Ike Ike Ike's Great Aether is a great way to manage the onslaught of enemies after Corrin dries up the water.
Fire Emblem Engage Byleth Byleth Byleth can refresh your units with Goddess Dance, giving you another chance to reduce your opponent's numbers. Alear can also use Aymr if he's Engage with Byleth.

The Crux of Fate Battle Walkthrough

1 Avoid the water and move right.
The map is set up like Chapter 6 of Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation where both Nohrian and Hoshidan forces will go after you. The water makes movement difficult and reduces avoid, so cross the bridge on the right instead.
2 Continue down and head toward Corrin.
Defeat any enemies that approach you while you go to the lower bridge. Note that the eight units at the bottom will all advance once you get in range of them. Also, avoid getting directly in Corrin's range.
3 Prepare for Corrin's Dragon Vein.
After a few turns, Corrin will drain all the water and set the ground ablaze for a turn. If there are still enemies on the left side, they'll now reach you more easily. Keep defending against all the enemies while staying near the edge of Corrin's range.
4 Attack Corrin when she approaches.
Corrin will eventually close in toward your army once only a few of her forces are left. She only has one revival stone, so try to finish her off in one turn.

4. How to Beat Emblem Corrin

Emblem Corrin has several abilities she can take advantage of such as Torrential Roar and Dreadful Aura, which is basically a death sentence to your units if they're surrounded. Avoid letting her initiate combat against you to avoid them entirely.

She'll go after your army once most of hers are defeated. Since she starts with the Wakizashi, this is your chance to hit her hard with Dragon-effective melee weapons such as the Wyrmslayer or Aymr from Alear & Byleth.

Paralogue: The Crux of Fate Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items in Battle

Item How to Get
500 G Dropped by the 8 enemies representing the Fates Royals.

Obtainable Items in Exploration Phase

Iron Ingot Steel Ingot
Elyosian Sheep Elyosian Dog
Mere Donkey -

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