Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Gift Guide: Best Gifts for All Characters

FEE Best Gifts

Give gifts to your units to increase their support levels in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn where to get gifts and the best gifts to give each character and the effects of gifting.

Best Gifts for All Characters

Loved and Hated Gifts

Favored Gift
Each character has a series of loved and hated gifts that will affect their support levels. Give characters their favorite items to increase their support levels.

All Favored Gifts of Characters by Kingdoms and Nations
Lythos Firene Brodia
Solm Elusia Other Characters


Character Gifts
Loved Gifts: Dragon Scripture, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Fine Quill Pen, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Dried Meat, Strong Perfume, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Horse Manure, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Quality Kerchief, White Clover, Fine Quill Pen, White Clover, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Butterfly Net, Sun Visor, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Field Guide, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Field Guide, Spooky Scroll, Bandages, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Dragon Scripture, Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Sun Visor, Chrysanthemum, Flower Wreath, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Spooky Scroll, Horse Manure


Character Gifts
Loved Gifts: Training Weights, Dragon Scripture, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Lentil Flower, White Clover, Horn, Flower Wreath, Spirit Gem, Bandages, Sun Visor, Lentil Flower, White Clover, Horn, Flower Wreath
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Spicy Seasonings, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Sun Visor, Fishing Bait, Landscape Art, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Spooky Scroll, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Dried Meat, Training Weights, Dragon Scripture, Lentil Flower, Flower Wreath, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Lentil Flower, Flower Wreath, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Fancy Dagger, Spicy Seasonings, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Lentil Flower, White Clover, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife, Spicy Seasonings, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Animal Treats, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Butterfly Net, Sun Visor, Bear Carving, Field Guide, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Tea Leaves, White Clover, Cute Apron, Spicy Seasonings, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Butterfly Net, Bear Carving, Fine Quill Pen, Field Guide, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Horse Manure


Character Gifts
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Sharp Chisel, Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Fine Quill Pen, Fancy Dagger, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Roasted Yam, Animal Treats, Butterfly Net, White Clover, Utility Knife, Bear Carving, Field Guide, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Dried Meat, Philosophy Book, Quality Kerchief, Cute Apron, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Spicy Seasonings, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Animal Treats, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Elyos History, Butterfly Net, Sun Visor, Bear Carving, Fine Quill Pen, Field Guide, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Sun Visor, Fishing Bait, Fine Quill Pen, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Roasted Yam, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Animal Treats, Sharp Chisel, Butterfly Net, White Clover, Utility Knife, Bear Carving, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Field Guide, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Lovely Candle, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Quality Kerchief, Muscle Balm, Lily, Flower Wreath, Fine Quill Pen, Lovely Candle, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, White Clover, Cute Apron, Utility Knife, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Antler Earrings, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Yogurt, Roasted Yam, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Playing Cards, Large Plate, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle, Horse Manure


Character Gifts
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Animal Treats, Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Butterfly Net, Horn, Bear Carving, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Fairy-Tale Book, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Animal Treats, Sharp Chisel, Butterfly Net, Horn, Utility Knife, Bear Carving, Fancy Dagger, Antler Earrings, Field Guide, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Cute Apron, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Sharp Chisel, Butterfly Net, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Antler Earrings, Spicy Seasonings, Field Guide, Spooky Scroll, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Tea Leaves, Chrysanthemum, Lentil Flower, Lily, Desert Marigold, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Desert Marigold, Horn, Flower Wreath, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Roasted Yam, Fairy-Tale Book, Fishing Bait, Spooky Scroll, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Yogurt, Fairy-Tale Book, Dragon Scripture, Horn, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Spicy Seasonings, Bandages, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Roasted Yam, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Desert Marigold, White Clover, Flower Wreath, Antler Earrings, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Strong Perfume, Bandages, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Elyos History, Quality Kerchief, Sun Visor, White Clover, Horn, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Bandages, Horse Manure


Character Gifts
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Sun Visor, White Clover, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Animal Treats, Strong Perfume, Butterfly Net, Cute Apron, Fishing Bait, Bear Carving, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Field Guide, Spooky Scroll, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Sharp Chisel, Poetry Book, Elyos History, White Clover, Utility Knife, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Playing Cards, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Cute Apron, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Sun Visor, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Tea Leaves, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Butterfly Net, White Clover, Fishing Bait, Spicy Seasonings, Field Guide, Large Plate, Bandages, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Sun Visor, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Sun Visor, Lupine Flower, White Clover, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Antler Earrings, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Fancy Dagger, Bandages, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Sharp Chisel, Quality Kerchief, White Clover, Cute Apron, Utility Knife, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Dried Meat, Butterfly Net, Fishing Bait, Spicy Seasonings, Field Guide, Spooky Scroll, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Tea Leaves, Roasted Yam, Sharp Chisel, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Elyos History, Sun Visor, White Clover, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Quality Kerchief, Fancy Dagger, Horse Manure

Other Characters

Character Gifts
Loved Gifts: Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Poetry Book, Elyos History, Horn, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Animal Treats, Fairy-Tale Book, Strong Perfume, Butterfly Net, Bear Carving, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Field Guide, Large Plate, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Elyos History, Sun Visor, Chrysanthemum, Lentil Flower, Lily, Desert Marigold, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings, Lovely Candle, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Horse Manure
Loved Gifts: Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Chrysanthemum, Lentil Flower, Lily, Desert Marigold, Lupine Flower, Flower Wreath, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Spicy Seasonings, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts: Quality Kerchief, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Playing Cards, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Horse Manure

Where to Get Gifts

Buy Gifts at Flea Market

Fire Emblem Engage Flea Market

In Chapter 14, Timerra will set up a Flea Market at the Somniel. The Flea Market is a shop where you can purchase Gifts using gold. Gifts sold at the Flea Market are generated randomly after every battle.

▶︎ What to Buy at the Flea Market

Picked Up Around Somniel

Fire Emblem Engage Where to find Gifts
When exploring Somniel, sometimes you can find shiny lights on the ground that you can examine and by pressing A, you might get a gift from it!

▶︎ Lost Items Guide: All Lost Items and Owners

Receive Them on Your Birthday

Fire Emblem Engage Birthday Gift

On your birthday, you will receive a gift from every character that you speak to in the Somniel. These gifts are random and can be gifted to other characters once acquired.

▶︎ What Happens on Your Birthday?

Choosing the Best Gifts

Gift According To Their Likes

Gift Description
Each ally has something that they favor so pay attention to the gift description to figure what to give!

Spirit Gem is Loved by All Units

Spirit Gem Detail
The Spirit Gem can be found near Sommie at the Somniel and is favored by all units. It is a good gift to give if you do not have anything better on hand.

Give Pretty Pebble When In Doubt

Pretty Pebble Detail
The Pretty Pebble is a gift that is universally liked by every character within the game. This can be found by interacting with shiny lights when exploring the Somniel.

Horse Manure is Hated by All Units

Horse Manure Detail
Horse Manure can be obtained from the Farmyard and all units absolutely hate it. Perhaps you can give this if you are curious for a response or you dislike a particular unit.

▶︎ Should you Gift the Horse Manure?

Lapis Doesn't React too Negatively

lapis manure

Lapis is the character that reacts the least offended by gifting Horse Manure. This aligns with Lapis' background of coming from a farming village. If you really want to gift it to a character, Lapis may be the best character to gift it to but the best choice will always be to not gift it in the first place.

▶︎ How to Recruit Lapis: Best Class and Gifts

Gift Effects

Increases Support Level

Support Level Increase.png
By giving gifts to an ally, you can increase your support level and unlock their support conversation. Listed below is the amount of Love gifts it will take to unlock a support conversation, based on our testings. It differs per unit, which is why it's listed in ranges.

Support Conversation No. of Loved Gifts Needed
Level C 1-2
Level B 3-7
Level A 5-7

▶︎ How to Get S Rank Support

How to Give Gifts

Give When Strolling Somniel

Fire Emblem Engage Gifting
You can talk to an ally when exploring Somniel and choose the Gift option to give them gifts! Take note that some allies may be unavailable at given times so taking a rest at your room to shift the time of day may make certain characters appear or disappear.

▶︎ How to Change the Time of Day

What are Gifts?

Gifts are Items to Increase Support Level

Fire Emblem Engage Gifts
Gifts are items that you can give to other characters to raise their support level with Alear. Each gift has a description hinting which type of person will love that particular gift.

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2 Playeralmost 2 years

I wish there was a list that went by Gift and not by Character. Money is tight in this game so an easy way to find out who likes the cheap stuff would be useful. Most other lists are very inconsistent too

1 FE Engage is censored...almost 2 years

Besides Pretty Pebble being neutral, everyone LOVES the Spirit Gem gift


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