Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Recruit Jean: Best Class and Gifts

Fire Emblem Engage - Jean

Jean is a recruitable character from Firene in Fire Emblem Engage. Check out the best class, Emblems, skills, and voice actor of Jean, best gifts to give and raise the Support Level of Jean, base stats and stat growth, paired ending and romance, as well as how to recruit Jean here!

Jean Profile and Best Gifts

Jean Unit Overview

Base Class & Unit Type
Martial Monk
Qi Adept
Voice Actor JP: Risae Matsuda
EN: Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Birthday March 31st
A Firenese boy who defended his father's clinic from Corrupted. When the Divine Dragon's army came to rescue the, he joined as a doctor-in-training.

Jean Tier Rating

Unit Tier Rating

▶︎ Best Character Tier List

Jean Best Gifts

Loved Gifts Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Butterfly Net, Bear Carving, Fine Quill Pen, Field Guide, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings, Lovely Candle, Large Plate, Horse Manure

Jean Likes and Dislikes

Likes His hometown's blend of tea, studying, reading, animals, rare medicines, tea parties
Dislikes Exercise, training, partying, folk food, injuries, diseases, his own mistakes

▶︎ Best Gifts for All Characters

How to Recruit Jean

Talk to Jean During the Paralogue: Budding Talent

Fire Emblem Engage - Jean Recruit

Jean will automatically join your party during the Paralogue: Budding Talent. You can have Alear talk to Jean at the Tea-Field Village in battle and he will join you there.

Do not worry about missing this chance after finishing the battle, as Jean himself will ask to join your party in a cutscene after you win. You can only recruit Jean by completing Paralogue, so it is highly recommended to do Paralogues in between Story Chapters.

▶︎ List of All Paralogues

Jean Best Class and Build

Recommended Classes

Class Class Details
Fire Emblem Engage High Priest High Priest
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Tome B Fire Emblem Engage Staff S Fire Emblem Engage Arts C
Unlock Via: Second Seal

Unit can target itself with healing staves.

▶︎ List of All Classes

Recommended Skills

Healing Light
When unit heals an ally with a staff, unit also recovers HP=50% of the amount healed.
Micaiah Bond Level 5
Silence Ward
Grants immunity to silence.
Micaiah Bond Level 7
Hold Out+++
If unit had 2 HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP.
Roy Bond Level 18
Staff Mastery 5
Grants Hit+30 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 15 HP.
Micaiah Bond Level 17

Healing Light allows Jean to keep both himself and an ally alive for as long as Jean has a Healing Staff equipped. Combining that with Hold Out+++ further amplifies Jean's natural survivability.

Since Jean functions primarily as a Healer, Silence Ward will provide coverage for his weakness to the Silence status effect, while Staff Mastery 5 gives his heals an extra +15 HP.

▶︎ Best Classes for Each Character

Jean Base Stats and Growth

Jean Base Stats, Cap, and Growth Rate

Stat Base Cap Stat Growth
HP 19 0
Str 4 0
Mag 5 2
Dex 10 -1
Spd 7 -1
Def 4 0
Res 8 0
Lck 3 1
Bld 3 0

Jean starts at level 1 upon obtaining.

▶︎ Growth Rates and Stat Caps Explained

Jean Support Bonuses

C Hit+15
B Hit+15, Avo+5
A Hit+20, Avo+5
S Hit+30, Avo+5

▶︎ How to Increase Support Level

Jean Personal Skills

All Personal Skills

Fire Emblem Engage - Expertise Skill
Grants unit enhanced stat growth when leveling up.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Jean Best Emblem

Recommended Emblems

MarthMarth RoyRoy MicaiahMicaiah

To make up for Jean's low Def stat and growth rate, pair him with Marth to raise his evasion against enemy attack. Besides the Hold Out skill, Roy can help raise Jean's Res and Def with his skills.

Micaiah is ideal for obtaining her healing skills that makes Jean an effective healer and support for your party.

▶︎ List of All Emblems

Jean Paired Ending and Romance

Pact Ring with Jean

After clearing Chapter 22, players unlock The Connector Paralogue and can subsequently unlock the Pact Ring. This essentially acts as Fire Emblem Engage's S-Rank Support and romance route.

Alear can then give the ring to Jean once they have attained an A-Rank in support to view a special cutscene, and unlock a page in the reference about the life they lived together.

Jean's Memento

A spare hat Jean gave me after he became my personal physician. It's a reminder that I can always lean on him.

Apart from obtaining an exclusive ending with Jean after giving the Pact Ring, players can also head to Alear's room and check the small table next to their bed to find a memento from him.

While the memento serves no purpose in combat whatsoever unlike the Merc Whistle in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, it further contextualizes the paired ending selected by the player.

▶︎ All Paired Endings

Jean Ally Notebook Illustrations

Illustrations Per Support Level
Initial Illustration

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8 Anonymousabout 2 years

The sword flier class and its variants are female only classes, to get a male to be a griffin knight you have to master seal them to any advanced class, and then second seal them into griffin knight, hope this helped!

7 Anonymousabout 2 years

Does anyone know how to change him to Griffin Knight? I can't see sword flier first for some reason


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