Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Follow-Up Attack Guide: How to Trigger a Double Attack

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Follow-Up Attacks are a combat mechanic involving the Speed stat in Fire Emblem Engage. Read on to learn about how to how to follow-up attack, attack Speed requirements, and follow-up attack skills!

What Is A Follow-Up Attack?

Two Attacks If Speed is High

Combat Flow
(Self) Attack → (Enemy) Counterattack → (Self) Follow-Up Attack

A follow-up attack, or doubling, occurs when your unit has 5 more Speed than your opponent during battle. If the opponent can counterattack, generally, the follow-up attack will occur after the opponent's counterattack.

Arts and Brave Weapons Will Hit Twice


Arts / Brave Weapon Combat Flow
(Self) 2-Hit Attack → (Enemy) Counterattack → (Self) 2-Hit Follow-Up Attack

Arts and Brave Weapons will always hit opponents twice, regardless of Speed. It is also worth noting that this 2-hit effect stacks with follow-up attacks, potentially bringing the total amount of hits to 4 during one combat encounter. For Arts, the Initiate Art and Shielding Art are exceptions, only hitting once when initiating combat.

▶︎ List of All Arts

Smash Weapons Cannot Activate Follow-Up Attacks

Fire Emblem Engage - Smash Weapons Cannot Follow-Up

Weapons that can apply Smash, such as the Iron Blade, cannot trigger follow-up attacks. They also have the added effect of being unable to strike first, so initiating combat with a Smash weapon user will cause enemies who can follow-up to attack twice first.

▶︎ Break Mechanic Explained

Attack Speed Requirements

Must Be at Least 5 Speed Faster

Fire Emblem Engage - Follow-Up Attack Speed

The follow-up attack threshold is 5 Spd, meaning if your unit has 16 attack speed while your foe has 11, you'll can double your attacks. Attack speed is affected by your unit's base Speed, their Build stat, and the weight of their held weapon.

▶︎ Every Stat Explained

Build and Weapon Weight Affect Attack Speed

Fire Emblem Engage - Follow-Up Attack Build Weapon Weight

Units have a Build stat (Bld) that determines how easily they can handle certain weapons. Heavier weapons, such as Steel weapons, have high weight (Wt) and can cause a penalty to attack speed. If a unit has higher Bld than the weapon weight, the attack speed is the same as their Speed stat. However, if the weapon weight is higher than Build, the difference is subtracted from the Speed stat to get their attack speed.

In the example above, Chloe has a Bld stat of 10 while the equipped Spear has a Wt of 15. This causes her Speed to drop by 5 since that's the difference.

Follow-Up Attack Related Skills

Class Skills

Skill Description
Pincer Attack Pincer Attack If unit initiates combat while an ally is on the opposite side of the foe, always follow up (if weapon allows).

Emblem Skills

Skill Description
Break Defenses Break Defenses If unit's attack breaks foe, unit makes an extra attack at 50% damage.
Divine Speed Divine Speed Unit performs an extra attack at 50% damage in combat.
Alacrity Alacrity If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 9 or more, unit's follow-up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
Alacrity++ Alacrity++ If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 5 or more, unit's follow up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
Alacrity+ Alacrity+ If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 7 or more, unit's follow up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.

Enemy Skills

Skill Description
Triangle Adept When unit has weapon advantage, always follows up. When unit has disadvantage, foe always follows up.
Artbreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has an art equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Knifebreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a knife equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Bowbreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a bow equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Tomebreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a tome equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Axebreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has an axe equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Lancebreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a lance equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Swordbreaker If unit's HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a sword equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.

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