Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Class Tier List and Ranking

Fire Emblem Engage Class Tier List

Fire Emblem Engage has plenty of classes that you can mix and match for your units. Read on for a class tier list, classes to master, and a class list per unit type!

Fire Emblem Engage Class Guides
Best Classes for Each Unit How to Class Change List of Classes Class Tier List

Class Tier List

Frontline Classes

Tank Evade Tank Backup
S Fire Emblem GeneralGeneral Fire Emblem ThiefThief Fire Emblem Wyvern KnightWyvern Knight
A Fire Emblem Great KnightGreat Knight Fire Emblem SniperSniper Fire Emblem HeroHero
B Fire Emblem HalberdierHalberdier Fire Emblem SwordmasterSwordmaster Fire Emblem HalberdierHalberdier
C Fire Emblem Wyvern KnightWyvern Knight Fire Emblem Wolf KnightWolf Knight Fire Emblem WarriorWarrior
D Fire Emblem PaladinPaladin Fire Emblem HeroHero Fire Emblem BerserkerBerserker

Backline Classes

Middle Guard Caster Support and Healing
S Fire Emblem GeneralGeneral Fire Emblem ThiefThief Fire Emblem Wyvern KnightWyvern Knight
A Fire Emblem Great KnightGreat Knight Fire Emblem SniperSniper Fire Emblem HeroHero
B Fire Emblem HalberdierHalberdier Fire Emblem SwordmasterSwordmaster Fire Emblem HalberdierHalberdier
C Fire Emblem Wyvern KnightWyvern Knight Fire Emblem Wolf KnightWolf Knight Fire Emblem WarriorWarrior
D Fire Emblem PaladinPaladin Fire Emblem HeroHero Fire Emblem BerserkerBerserker

Assessment Criteria

Checkmark Usefulness in the main story

Checkmark Effectiveness in all difficulty levels

Checkmark Only Advanced and Special Classes are considered.

Checkmark Unique classes are not considered.

Units with Unique Classes

Fire Emblem Engage Alear MAlear (M) Fire Emblem Engage Alear FAlear (F) AlfredAlfred

The units listed above are not considered for evaluation because they are the only units who can promote into their unique classes.

Their stats and stat growth rate are not much different from the regular classes, but have powerful skills exclusive to them. With this in mind, it is always worth aiming to promote them into their unique classes.

Class List by Unit Type

Dragon Child

Unit Class Class Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem Dragon ChildDragon Child
Divine Spirit Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword A Fire Emblem Engage Arts B

・Well-rounded unit with a unique Advanced class.
・High Spd and Def makes it an ideal frontline unit.
・Dragon type is special in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem Fell ChildFell Child
Fell Spirit At the start of each turn, unit's engage meter is filled by 1.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Knife B Fire Emblem Engage Tome S

・Mage class exclusive to Veyle.
・More powerful than other Mage classes, but still vulnerable to enemy attacks.
・Dragon type is special in the Fire Emblem series.


Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem WarriorWarrior
Merciless Unit deals +50% damage against broken foes.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword S Fire Emblem Engage Axe A

・Not as powerful as the Berserker and has lower stats.
・Can use Bows.
・Exclusive skill Merciless deals massive damage.
Fire Emblem Fell SuccesseurSuccesseur
Sol Unit may recover HP=50% damage dealt. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword S Fire Emblem Engage Axe A

・Exclusive class available to Diamant.
・Ideal unit to act as a tank in the frontline.
Fire Emblem SwordmasterSwordmaster
Run Through Use to attack an adjacent foe, then move to the space opposite that foe.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword S

・Has exceptional Dex and Spd.
・Highest evasion among all the classes but has no indirect attacks.
・Also has decent Mag growth.
Fire Emblem HalberdierHalberdier
Pincer Attack If unit initiates combat while an ally is on the opposite side of the foe, always follow up (if weapon allows).
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Lance S

・Exclusive skill is effective in routing enemies.
・Has above-average stats except for Lck and Mag.
・Has decent defensive stats to tank damage in the frontline.
・Can take advantage of indirect attacks.
Fire Emblem PicketPicket
Sandstorm While making a physical attack, may calculate damage with 150% of Def instead of Str. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Lance S

・Exclusive skill is effective in routing enemies.
・Has above-average stats except for Lck and Mag.
・Has decent defensive stats to soak damage in the frontline.
・Can take advantage of indirect attacks.
Fire Emblem HeroHero
Brave Assist If unit's HP is at max while unit makes a chain attack, unit attacks twice.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword A Fire Emblem Engage Lance C

・Versatile tank unit with well-rounded stats.
・Weak defenses against magic attacks.
Fire Emblem BerserkerBerserker
Smash+ When making a smash attack, push the target 2 spaces instead of 1.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword A Fire Emblem Engage Lance C

・Exceptional HP, Str, and Bld.
・Other stats are below-average.
・Change class to improve Str and Bld.


Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem AvenirAvenir
Golden Lotus During combat, may prevent 50% of physical damage taken. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Lance A

・Class exclusive to Alfred.
・Has better defenses and exclusive skill than Paladins but has lower Dex.
Fire Emblem Wolf KnightWolf Knight
Hobble If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Knife A

・New class introduced to Engage.
・Has high evasion and can counterattack from a distance with a Knife.
・Has high Res but has low Def for a cavalry unit.
Fire Emblem CupidoCupido
Back at You When countering, unit may deal extra damage = half of damage taken. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Bow A

・Exclusive class for Fogado.
・Low damage output but has very high Spd.
・Can fight in the frontline and evade incoming attacks.
Fire Emblem Great KnightGreat Knight
Allied Defense If unit is between an ally and a foe, reduces damage to unit by 3 during combat with that foe.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Lance B

・Has slightly lower defensive capabilities than the General but has better Mag.
・Can tank damage for allies with exclusive skill.
Fire Emblem PaladinPaladin
Pivot Use to move to the opposite side of an adjacent ally.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Lance A

・Traditional and well-rounded cavalry unit and a good addition to any team.
・Hindered by terrain effects but exclusive skill can help with movement.
Fire Emblem Bow KnightBow Knight
Careful Aim If unit initates combat without moving first, grants Hit+40 during combat.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword C Fire Emblem Engage Bow A

・Has low stats overall.
・Main strength is to take down enemy flying units.
Fire Emblem Mage KnightMage Knight
Chaos Style If unit initiates combat with a physical attack against a foe armed with magic or vice versa, grants Spd+3 in combat
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Axe B Fire Emblem Engage Tome A

・Has low stats overall.
・Recommended to change to a class that specializes in physical damage.
Fire Emblem Royal KnightRoyal Knight
Reforge If unit's HP is 11 or more and an adjacent ally is broken after combat, sacrifices 10 HP and removes the break status form that ally.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Lance A Fire Emblem Engage Staff C

・Hybrid class able to wield the Lance and Staff.
・Well-rounded and above-average stats.
・Has some offensive capabilities but is better as a healer.


Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem GeneralGeneral
Swap Use to swtich places with an adjacent ally.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword A

・Has high HP, Str, and Def.
・Cannot be Broken easily but vulnerable to magic damage.


Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem Griffin KnightGriffin Knight
Clear the Way Unit's space and adjacent spaces have a movement cost of 1 for allies.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Axe A Fire Emblem Engage Staff C

・Low overall stats but can easily evade incoming attacks.
・Can act as a mobile healer at the frontline.
Fire Emblem Sleipnir RiderSleipnir Rider
World Tree When a unit uses a staff, may not consume a use. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Tome B Fire Emblem Engage Staff S

・Exclusive class for Hortensia.
・Has one of the highest Lck stat and the highest Spd stat among the mages.
・Has slightly lower magic damage output.
Fire Emblem Wyvern KnightWyvern Knight
Air Raid If unit initiates combat from a space a foe cannot enter, grants Spd+5 during combat.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Lance B Fire Emblem Engage Axe B

・Has high HP, Str, and Def for a flying unit.
・Has above-average stats except for Lck and Mag.
・Has decent proficiency for the Lance and Axe.
Fire Emblem LindwurmLindwurm
Grasping Void When attacking with a tome, unit may deal extra damage = half of foe's Mag. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Tome S Fire Emblem Engage Staff B

・Exclussive class for Ivy.
・Has high HP and Def for a mage.
・A mage with flying type is rare.


Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem ThiefThief
Pass Foes do no block this unit's movement.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Knife S

・Has high Dex and Spd, able to move through enemies.
・Can evade attacks easily but weak if cannot take advantage of terrain effects.
Fire Emblem SniperSniper
No Distractions Grants Crit+10 during combat with a foe that can't counter.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Bow S

・Has high Hit and Str, good for hunting down slippery foes.
・Has low Spd and may be vulnerable to attacks.
Fire Emblem Tireur dTireur d'elite
Luna While making an attack, may ignore half of foe's Def/Res. Trigger %=Dex.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Bow S

・Exclusive class to Alcryst.
・Has average stats but has high potential damage output with his exclusive skill.
・Low Res makes him vulnerable to magic damage.

Qi Adept

Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem DancerDancer
Special Dance If unit uses Dance, grants Dex/Spd/Lck+3 to target for 1 turn.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Arts A

・Has high Dex and Spd, able to move through enemies.
・Can evade attacks easily but weak if cannot take advantage of terrain effects.
Fire Emblem Martial MasterMartial Master
Diffuse Healer When unit is healed by a staff, all adjacent allies also recover 50% of the HP that the unit recovered.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Staff A Fire Emblem Engage Arts S

・Hybrid type with high proficiency in the Staff and Arts.
・Excellent healer able to heal multiple allies.
・Can stay at the frontline with high HP and Def.


Unit Class Exclusive Skills and Assessment
Fire Emblem SageSage
Spell Harmony If unit initiates combat with a tome, grants Atk equal to the number of adjacent allies with tomes.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Tome S Fire Emblem Engage Staff B

・Has low stats except for Mag and Res.
・Typical backline offensive unit.
Fire Emblem High PriestHigh Priest
Self-Healing Unit can target itself with healing staves.
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Tome B Fire Emblem Engage Staff S Fire Emblem Engage Arts C

・Has lower Mag compared to the Sage but has higher Res.
・Typical backline support unit.
Fire Emblem VidameVidame
Ignis During combat, may add half of Str to magic damage or half of Mag to all other damage. Trigger %=Dex
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Sword B Fire Emblem Engage Tome A Fire Emblem Engage Staff A

・Exclusive class for Celine.
・Has high Lck and a powerful exclusive skill.

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

Fire Emblem Engage Tips and Tricks
▶︎ Beginner's Guide to Fire Emblem Engage

All Tips and Tricks

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Best Units Best Classes for Each Unit
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Where to Get Second Seals How to Get the Silver Card
How to Farm Iron, Steel, and Silver Ingots How to Farm Bane Books
Emblem Guides
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How to Use Emblem Rings Bond Effects
Engage Mechanic Explained -
Battle and Combat Guides
How to Reroll Skirmishes How to Reroll Stats on Level Up
Should You Optimize? Poison Mechanic Explained
Permadeath Explained How to Open Treasure Chests and Doors
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How to Use Auto-Battle Break Mechanic Explained
Battle Symbols Explained Weapon Durability
Spirits of the Fallen Weapon Triangle Explained
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Other Guides/FAQs
Missable Items Post Game Content
How to Unlock DLC Lookout Ridge
Difficulty Level Differences Maddening Difficulty Guide
Lost Items Are There Dark Seals?
Fell Xenologue Unlock Guide -


5 Shezleth = Worldabout 2 years

This is a regular occurrence :( idk how to get the curator’s attention… *sigh* plzzzz someone look into this thankssssss

4 Shezleth = Worldabout 2 years

Yes, this is correct. Also, Veyle’s (and numerous other’s) class icons instead resemble other ones (in this chart the Fell Child class icon is instead a Melusine [Zephia’s exclusive class]. Could someone look into this issue please? Thank youuuuuuu


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