Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Recruit Saphir: Best Class and Gifts

Fire Emblem Engage - Saphir

Saphir is a recruitable character from Brodia in Fire Emblem Engage. Check out the best class, Emblems, skills, and voice actor of Saphir, best gifts to give and raise the Support Level of Saphir, base stats and stat growth, paired ending and romance, as well as how to recruit Saphir here!

Saphir Profile and Best Gifts

Saphir Unit Overview

Base Class & Unit Type
Voice Actor JP: Sachiko Okada
EN: Cassie Ewulu
Birthday January 17th
A warrior from Brodia. She is a dauntless and determined seeker of truth.

Saphir Tier Rating

Unit Tier Rating

▶︎ Best Character Tier List

Saphir Best Gifts

Loved Gifts Yogurt, Roasted Yam, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Fishing Bait, Utility Knife, Fancy Dagger, Playing Cards, Large Plate, Bandages, Spirit Gem
Hated Gifts Sharp Chisel, Strong Perfume, Quality Kerchief, Flower Wreath, Cute Apron, Bear Carving, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Fine Quill Pen, Antler Earrings, Lovely Candle, Horse Manure

Saphir Likes and Dislikes

Likes Fish, weapons, training, fishing, seafood, yams, dairy, parties, raucous nights
Dislikes Precise work, luxury goods, fashion, cute things, weakness, Elusian soldiers

▶︎ Best Gifts for All Characters

How to Recruit Saphir

Talk to Saphir in Chapter 19

Fire Emblem Engage - How to Recruit Saphir

Saphir can be recruited in Chapter 19: The Dead Town by speaking to her with Alear or Diamant during battle, or by talking to her while exploring post-battle. If you were not able to talk to Saphir before departing, Saphir will still ask to join your party in a cutscene.

Recommended to Recruit Saphir in Battle

We recommend you recruit Saphir during battle instead of after to add more allies to your party that will help you fight Marni and Mauvier.

In both casual and classic mode, there is the risk of Saphir getting permanently killed in battle if you do not talk to her immediately. Saphir cannot be recruited anymore if she dies before you talk to her, and the chances of this is higher in difficult or maddening mode.

▶︎ All Story Chapters

Saphir Best Class and Build

Recommended Classes

Class Class Details
Fire Emblem Engage Warrior Warrior
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Axe A Fire Emblem Engage Bow C
Unlock Via: Master Seal

Unit deals +50% damage against broken foes.
Fire Emblem Engage Thief Thief
Proficiency: Fire Emblem Engage Knife S
Unlock Via: Second Seal

Foes do not block this unit's movement.

▶︎ List of All Classes

Recommended Skills

At start of combat, for each HP the unit has lost, grants Crit+1 during combat. (Max +30)
Ike Bond Level 13
Hold Out+++
If unit had 2 HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP.
Roy Bond Level 18
If unit's HP is 75% or less and foe initiates combat, unit can counter before foe's first attack.
Leif Bond Level 18

High HP, great Str, and a 0 in Mag make Saphir a clear-cut unit for the Warrior role.

Hold Out+++ provides Saphir with a safety net for triggering Wrath when starting combat.

When paired with Saphir's Will to Win, Vantage++ offers Saphir an answer against speedy and evasive units.

▶︎ Best Classes for Each Character

Saphir Base Stats and Growth

Saphir Base Stats, Cap, and Growth Rate

Stat Base Cap Stat Growth
HP 51 0
Str 24 2
Mag 2 -2
Dex 23 0
Spd 19 1
Def 19 1
Res 9 -2
Lck 15 0
Bld 15 0

Saphir starts at level 7 upon obtaining.

▶︎ Growth Rates and Stat Caps Explained

Saphir Support Bonuses

C Hit+10, Avo+5
B Hit+10, Crit+3, Avo+5
A Hit+10, Crit+3, Avo+10
S Hit+10, Crit+3, Avo+20

▶︎ How to Increase Support Level

Saphir Personal Skills

All Personal Skills

Fire Emblem Engage - Will to Win Skill
Will to Win
If unit's HP is 50% or less at start of combat, grants Hit/Avo+20 during combat.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Saphir Best Emblem

Recommended Emblems

LeifLeif RoyRoy IkeIke

As Saphir is a unit meant for offense in the front lines, Leif, Roy, or Ike are the best Emblems to compliment her high HP and Str.

Leif grants Saphir a higher chance of breaking an enemy with his range of weapons, while a high enough bond with Roy can grant Saphir a higher Res to help her withstand her weakness for magic.

Besides gaining Ike's powerful stat buffs with his skill, his Great Aether attack allows Saphir to boast her high Str stat with a powerful blow with a larger AoE.

▶︎ List of All Emblems

Saphir Paired Ending and Romance

Pact Ring with Saphir

After clearing Chapter 22, players unlock The Connector Paralogue and can subsequently unlock the Pact Ring. This essentially acts as Fire Emblem Engage's S-Rank Support and romance route.

Alear can then give the ring to Saphir once they have attained an A-Rank in support to view a special cutscene, and unlock a page in the reference about the life they lived together.

Saphir's Memento

Saphir's hair clasp. She gave it to me as proof of our partnership. Unusually sentimental of her.

Apart from obtaining an exclusive ending with Saphir after giving the Pact Ring, players can also head to Alear's room and check the small table next to their bed to find a memento from her.

While the memento serves no purpose in combat whatsoever unlike the Merc Whistle in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, it further contextualizes the paired ending selected by the player.

▶︎ All Paired Endings

Saphir Ally Notebook Illustrations

Illustrations Per Support Level
Initial Illustration

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