Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War Walkthrough

Fell Xenologue 3.png

This is the walkthrough for the Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on for a complete walkthrough, as well as all the obtainable rewards in Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War!

Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War Recruitable Characters and Emblems

Gregory Joins at the beginning of the battle.

While Gregory appears to be a playable character in this chapter, he's actually not recruited yet. Going back to the Somniel after clearing this stage still won't add Gregory to your party.

It is still unlcear whether he's only available in the Fell Xenologue or if he can actually be recruited as a party member.

Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War Main Quest Battle Guide

Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War Info

FX3 Map.png

How to Clear Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War

Victory Conditions
Defeat Diamant and Alcryst
Defeat Conditions
Nel, Nil, or Alear is defeated
Location Royal Road
Set Level Base Lvl 21
# of Player Units 9
# of Enemies 23

Recommended Units and Emblems

Class Explanation

Fire Emblem Engage Tireur d Tireur d'elite
Having Alcryst is very helpful in this battle because he can easily dispatch enemy fliers on the battlefield. Having him fight the enemy Alcryst will also result to a special dialogue between the two!
CelicaCelica Having Celica as one of your unit's Emblem can help with mobility, thanks to her skill Warp Ragnarok.
Fire Emblem Engage Lindwurm Lindwurm
Lindwurms can easily take care of all the armored units in the battelfield. Pair this unit with Emblem Sigurd for extra mobility, so they can reach enemies from farther away and defeat them.

Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War Walkthrough

1 Have Zelestia and your Lindwurm take care of the enemies on the left and right side of the map.

Since Zelestia is on the left side of the map, we recommend having your Lindwurm take care of the enemies on the right side of the battlefield. Their mobility allows them to take care of the Mage Cannoneers and flying units on either side of the map.
2 The rest of your party should keep pressing forward and take out as many enemies as they can.

Since the magic users are taking care of the enemies on either side of the map, you can have the rest of your party take care of the enemies out front.
3 Always have Nel and Nil near Gregory.

The two Fell Children can be quite vulnerable to attacks, so we recommend having them near Gregory at all times so he can heal them.

Fell Xenologue 3: Path to War Obtainable Items

There are no obtainable items from this stage, as both levels and items are preset from the beginning. There are also no Exploration phases available within the Fell Xenologue.

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