Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

How to Get Emblem Soren Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

Soren is the Emblem of Acumen in Fire Emblem Engage. First appearing in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Soren returns as an Emblem unit. Read on to learn more about Soren's Engage Skills, Abilities, Bond Effects, and Engage Weapon.

Soren Profile & Voice Actor

Soren Profile

Original Debut Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Emblem Title & Ring
Emblem of Acumen,
Bracelet of the Strategist
Voice Actor TBD
Known as the Emblem of Acumen. A black-clad strategist of reserved, sound judgment

How to Get Soren

Get Emblem Bracelet From Expansion Pass DLC

FEE - Bracelet of the Strategist.png

Soren dwells within an Emblem Bracelet that comes as part of Wave 2 of the Expansion Pass DLC. Upon purchasing and downloading the Expansion Pass, complete the Divine Paralogue of the Radiant Strategist. After clearing the map, you will receive the Emblem Bracelet containing Soren.

▶︎ How to Unlock DLC

Soren Abilties & Skills

Soren Synchro Skills

Lvl. 5
Assign Decoy
Use to make one chosen ally more likely to be targeted by enemies for 1 turn. Effect is removed after ally is targeted by or otherwise damaged by foes 3 times.
SP Cost: 1500

▶︎ All Synchro Skills

Soren Engage Skill

When attacking with tomes, inflicts Res-20% on foe, and unit recovers 50% of damage dealt.

Soren Engage Attack

Use to attack foes in an area with fire, thunder and wind magic at 40% damage. Wind is effective: Flying.

▶︎ List of All Skills

Soren Bond Effects and Inheritable Skills

All Engage Skills, Weapons, and Proficiencies

These Bond Effects only apply when equipped with Soren's Emblem Ring. However, you can inherit some of these skills if you have reached the required bond level and earned enough SP.

Lv. Bond Effects Type Description
1 Fire Emblem Engage Assign Decoy Assign Decoy Skill
Use to make one chosen ally more likely to be targeted by enemies for 1 turn. Effect is removed after ally is targeted by or otherwise damaged by foes 3 times.

SP Cost: 1500
1 Fire Emblem Engage Flare Flare Skill
(Engage Skill)
When attacking with tomes, inflicts Res-20% on foe, and unit recovers 50% of damage dealt.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Cataclysm Cataclysm Skill
(Engage Attack)
Use to attack foes in an area with fire, thunder and wind magic at 40% damage. Wind is effective: Flying.
1 Fire Emblem Engage Bolting Bolting Weapon
Long-range thunder magic wielded by Emblem Soren. Cannot follow up.
2 Fire Emblem Engage Mag/Res +1 Mag/Res +1 Skill
Grants Mag+1 and Res+1.

SP Cost: 700
3 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Guard 1 Magic Guard 1 Skill
If foe is equipped with a tome, unit takes 1 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 200
4 Fire Emblem Engage Anima Focus Anima Focus Skill
When using tomes, unit inflicts Def-3 with fire, Hit-20 with thunder, or Mov-2 with wind magic for 1 turn.

SP Cost: 800
5 Fire Emblem Engage Skill Inheritance Skill Inheritance Bond Bonus
Unit can inherit this Emblem's Skills
6 Fire Emblem Engage Knife Prof. Knife Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with knives. Required for promotion to certain classes.
7 Fire Emblem Engage Mag/Res +2 Mag/Res +2 Skill
Grants Mag+2 and Res+2.

SP Cost: 1600
8 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Guard 2 Magic Guard 2 Skill
If foe is equipped with a tome, unit takes 2 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 400
9 Fire Emblem Engage Keen Insight Keen Insight Skill
When unit deals Effective damage, deal +5 damage.

SP Cost: 1500
10 Fire Emblem Engage Reflect Reflect Weapon
Staff of Emblem Soren. Allies within 2 spaces gain "deals 50% of magic damage taken back to foe" for 1 turn.
11 Fire Emblem Engage Strong Bond Strong Bond Bond Bonus
(Strong Bond)
Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
12 Fire Emblem Engage Mag/Res +3 Mag/Res +3 Skill
Grants Mag+3 and Res+3.

SP Cost: 4200
12 Fire Emblem Engage Staff Prof. Staff Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with staves. Required for promotion to certain classes.
13 Fire Emblem Engage Block Recovery Block Recovery Skill
When attacking a broken foe with a tome, grants a chance the foe will remain broken. Chance increases with high Spd.

SP Cost: 1500
13 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Guard 3 Magic Guard 3 Skill
If foe is equipped with a tome, unit takes 3 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 600
14 Fire Emblem Engage Mag/Res +4 Mag/Res +4 Skill
Grants Mag+4 and Res+4.

SP Cost: 6000
15 Fire Emblem Engage Rexcalibur Rexcalibur Weapon
Powerful wind magic wielded by Emblem Soren.
16 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Prof. Magic Prof. Proficiency
Proficiency with magic. Required for promotion to certain classes.
17 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Guard 4 Magic Guard 4 Skill
If foe is equipped with a toe, unit takes 4 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 800
18 Fire Emblem Engage Keen Insight+ Keen Insight+ Skill
When unit deals Effective damage, deal +7 damage.

SP Cost: 3000
18 Fire Emblem Engage Mag/Res +5 Mag/Res +5 Skill
Grants Mag+5 and Res+5.

SP Cost: 8400
19 Fire Emblem Engage Magic Guard 5 Magic Guard 5 Skill
If foe is equipped with a tome, unit takes 5 less damage during combat.

SP Cost: 1000
20 Fire Emblem Engage Deep Synergy Deep Synergy Bond Bonus
(Deep Synergy)
Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.

Fire Emblem Engage Related Guides

FE Engage - Emblems.png

► List of All Emblems

All Emblems Guides

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3 Lauradicalabout 2 years

I love that he's designed to synergise with Ike. Firstly if you assign decoy onto whoever has Ike equipped it'll help make enemies cluster around them for a great aether. But also if he's next to Ike cataclysm goes from a t to a 3x3 box, which, assuming you have Ike on a tanky unit, means he can rack up a massive multikill once enemies have clustered up.

2 Anonymousabout 2 years

most likely but he's better on a "Dragon Unit" to get double crit rate


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