Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage)

Paralogue: The Sage Lord Walkthrough

Fire Emblem Engage - Paralogue The Sage Lord

This is the walkthrough for The Sage Lord Paralogue of Fire Emblem Engage (FE Engage). Read on to see a full list of rewards in Paralogue: The Sage Lord, how to unlock, and all obtainable weapons and items!

Paralogue: The Sage Lord Rewards

Unlocks Leif's Max Bond Level

Completing Leif's paralogue increases his Bond Level cap from 10 to 20, opening up the option to learn new skills and gain the Light Brand.

Leif Engage Skills, Abilities, and Engage Weapon

How to Unlock Paralogue: The Sage Lord

Unlocked Upon Reaching Chapter 18

Once you reach Chapter 18: The Cold Voyage, the Bridges in a Row becomes available on the world map and unlocks Paralogue: The Sage Lord.

Chapter 18: The Cold Voyage Walkthrough

Paralogue: The Sage Lord Main Quest Battle Guide

The Sage Lord Battle Info

Victory Conditions
Defeat Emblem Leif.
Defeat Conditions
Alear is defeated.
Location Bridges in a Row
Restrictions Cannot use Leif's Emblem Ring.
Recommended Level Advanced Class Lvl 8
# of Player Units 11
# of Enemies 25

Recommended Classes and Emblems

Class Explanation
Fire Emblem Engage General General
Fire Emblem Engage Picket Picket
The ballistae on this map are highly accurate, meaning you'll likely have to tank them until they run out of ammo. Armored units can also make use of their Break immunity since the Cavalry reinforcements come with the three main weapon types.
Fire Emblem Engage Sigurd Sigurd Sigurd's movement abilities will come in handy whether it's to take down a faraway enemy like the Ballista Snipers or to hit and run with Canter. Pair with Fliers and use Dancers for the best results.
Fire Emblem Engage Ike Ike Ike's Great Aether can prove itself useful against the troops on the middle of the map and the hordes of Cavalry reinforcements later.

The Sage Lord Battle Walkthrough

1 Defeat the 4 Lance Fighters first.
These units are fairly weak at this point in the game, but they will try to run off with their held items. Eliminate them to get the drops.
2 Tank or eliminate the first ballista.
Turn on the danger radius for the ballistae to see where to avoid placing your Fliers and frail units. Each ballista has a range of 12 and can be used up to 3 times. If you're tanking, you can also wait out all the Staff effects so they don't become a hindrance later.
3 Storm the center of the map while grouping up.
By turn 5, 3 Cavalry reinforcements will arrive from the right every turn. Clear out the Armored units with Ike's Great Aether and Hammer and finish off the rest. Be mindful of the range of the ballistae. Make sure all your units have crossed the leftmost bridge before proceeding to the next step.
4 Cross the rightmost bridge when most enemies are defeated.
Again, be careful of any active ballistae. At this point, Leif will have the leftmost bridge destroyed, making crossing the water difficult.
5 Defeat Leif when he gets close.
After destroying the bridge, Leif will charge with his Mage Knights. Use your strongest units to finish him off in a single turn once he's in range.

4. Leftmost Bridge Will Be Destroyed

When a unit finishes an action along the red line marked above, such as the middle of the rightmost bridge, Leif will give the signal to destroy the leftmost bridge and begin his advance. This will make it difficult for your units to fall back, so you must finish him when he gets close.

5. How to Beat Leif

Leif is a master of several weapons, ensuring he'll never get a weapon triangle disadvantage. He has fairly low Res and can't completely counter Lances, so exploiting these shortcomings will be key to defeating Leif. Watch out for Vantage++, and try to beat him in a single turn to prevent him from using Quadruple Hit.

Paralogue: The Sage Lord Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items in Battle

Item How to Get
1000 G Dropped by the 2 Snipers on Ballistae, the General representing Cowen, and the High Priest representing Saias.
Pure Water Dropped by a Lance Fighter.
Magic Tonic Dropped by a Lance Fighter.
Speedwing Dropped by a Lance Fighter.
Silence Dropped by a Lance Fighter.

Obtainable Items in Exploration Phase

Iron Ingot Steel Ingot
Elyosian Sheep Elyosian Seagull

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2 Anonymousabout 2 years

Not sure what do you mean, because broken bridge doesn't prevent you from moving, it just slowed movement. He can still reach you

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

I had my flyers take out the ballista to the top right. That triggered lief, and he sent everyone to destroy me. Then he blew the bridges, and got stuck. So I wittled down his forces at my leisure, and killed him at the bridge.


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