FF7 Rebirth

Glide de Chocobo Minigame Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - Glide de Chocobo Guide and Rewards

Glide de Chocobo is a minigame available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to unlock Glide de Chocobo, rewards, and tips to collect the maximum points for all training courses.

How to Unlock Glide de Chocobo

Unlocked in Chapter 10 of the Main Story

The Glide de Chocobo minigame can be accessed during Chapter 10 of the Main Story. The minigame will be available during the Bonds of Trust sidequest.

You can find the three Glide de Chocobo Training Courses around the Cosmo Canyon Region.

Chapter 10: Watcher of the Vale Walkthrough

Glide de Chocobo Rewards

Training Course No. 1 Rewards

Required Points Rewards
1,800 ・ Moogle Medal x2
2,700 ・ Divine Heartwood x5
3,600 ・ Crescent Sickle x1

You can collect five Divine Heartwood crafting materials by collecting 2700 points in the Glide de Chocobo Training Course No. 1.

You can also collect Crescent Sickle, a weapon Yuffie can use, by collecting all the points in Training Course No. 1.

Training Course No. 2 Rewards

Required Points Rewards
3,600 ・ Moogle Medal x2
5,400 ・ Chromite Ore x5
7,200 ・ Cosmolite Ore x1

You can collect five Chromite Ores and one Cosmolite Core by collecting 5,400 and 7,200 points respectively in the Glide de Chocobo Training Course No. 2.

Training Course No. 3 Rewards

Required Points Rewards
4,800 ・ Moogle Medal x2
7,200 ・ Sapphire x1
9,600 ・ Barrier Materia Earrings x1

You can collect one Sapphire crafting material by collecting 7200 points in the Glide de Chocobo Training Course No. 3.

You can also collect the Barrier Materia Earrings accessory by collecting all of the points in Training Course No. 3.

Glide de Chocobo Training Course No. 1 Tips

Hold Down R2 to Glide Down Faster

If you want to finish Training Course No. 1 as soon as possible, simply hold down the R2 button to fall faster and go through the rings.

Do be careful as your run ends the moment you touch the ground.

Ascend Through the Left Propeller

FF7 Rebirth - Glide de Chocobo - Training Course 1 Propeller

Once you encounter the first set of propellers, go for the left one to transition smoothly to the next set of rings.

Hold Down R2 at the Final Set of Rings

There are two 500-point rings at the end of the training course. You can easily go through both of them by holding down the R2 button to Glide and collect the final 1,000 points.

Glide de Chocobo Training Course No. 2 Tips

Descend and Ascend with the Chocobo

The key to collecting all the points in Training Course No. 2 is to tilt down the analog stick followed by tilting it up to gather the points in a U-shaped pattern.

Ascend Before You Hit the Ground

There will be instances where you'll be near the ground and possibly end the course without collecting all the points. Simply tilt your analog stick upwards to prevent premature landing.

Glide de Chocobo Training Course No. 3 Tips

Start When Both Rings are Centered

At the beginning of Training Course 3, start holding down R2 the moment both rings are at the center. This is so you can collect both rings smoothly.

Go Back to the Propellers for More Air Time

If you didn't manage to get the rings due to the lack of height, you can go back to the propellers to get more air time and return to the rings.

Descend and then Ascend on the Final Stretch

For the final set of rings, you must descend to collect them and then ascend before you hit the ground. You must do this again to collect the last 300-point ring.

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2 Anonymous10 months

i can't get the air draft to work at the end of the last one to get to the last two 500 rings, it just doesn't work

1 Anonymous11 months

Most annoying mini game so stupid


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