FF7 Rebirth

Frightflower Location and Weaknesses

Frightflower is a Biological Enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to pressure and stagger Frightflower as well as its weaknesses, resistances, immunities, drops , and possible locations.

Frightflower Locations

Primary Region
Map Location World Location
Frightflower Frightflower
The Frightflower can be located in the Gongaga Region deep within the forest along the path pass the Shore

Frightflower Overview

Frightflower Basic Information

137. Frightflower
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Frightflower
Botanical fiends that take root in heavily wooded areas. They absorb nutrients from the soil until they bloom, at which point their appetite becomes markedly more bloodthirsty.
Areas Species Movement
Gongaga Biological Grounded

Frightflower Weaknesses and Resistances

Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Fire

Staggered: FF7 Rebirth - Fire
Lesser: -

Greater: -

Staggered: -
Normal: FF7 Rebirth - Poison

Staggered: -
Normal: -

Frightflower Droppable Items

Drops Common: Oregano
Rare: Marjoram
Ability Yield Steal: Oregano
Morph: Marjoram

Frightflower Abilities

Abilities ・Nature's Blessing
・Seed Bullet
・Growth Spurt

How to Pressure and Stagger Frightflower

How to Pressure Frightflower
Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

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