FF7 Rebirth

How to Get to Gongaga Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower

This is a guide on Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower in Gongaga, its location, how to get to it, and a list of World Intel revealed on the Map after it is activated.

How to Get to Gongaga Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower

Map Location

Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower

How to Get to and Activate Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower

First, you'll need to unlock the Forest Chocobo as part of the Chapter 9 main story. From the Magon Hill fast travel point, jump across two Mushrooms. Walk around until you find another Mushroom, and jump on it and another Mushroom to reach the tower. Climb up two ropes and activate the terminal.

List of Revealed World Intel

Revealed Intel

Divine Intel 2: Kujata Sanctuary β

Expedition Intel 3 Valefloor Lifespring

Fiend Intel 3: Shake the Earth

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Activation Intel 1: Midriver Isle Tower Activation Intel 2: Old Pipeline Tower Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower
Activation Intel 4: Gongaga Ruins Tower Activation Intel 5: Fungi Forest Tower


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