Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Zombies Mode Guide and Walkthrough (Season 5 Updated)

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode Guide

This is a guide to Modern Warfare Zombies Mode (MWZ) in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on for a beginners guide and walkthrough of Zombies, Zombies map and secrets, a list of perks, ammo mods, and enemies, and to learn the best Zombies tips and tricks!

Zombies Mode Guide and Contents
Season 5 Reloaded Guide Beginners Guide and Walkthrough Tips and Tricks
Past Seasons Content Map Story Missions
Schematics Perks Ammo Mods
Weapons Guides Aetherium Field Upgrades
Contracts Challenges and Enemies Powerups
Secrets Other Zombies Guides Is Zombies Free-to-Play?
What is Zombies? Related Guides -

Zombies Season 5 Guide

MWZ Season 5 Reloaded Guide and Walkthrough

MWZ Season 5 Reloaded Walkthrough
Complete the Ascension Story Mission in Tile F5 to unlock the 4th Dark Aether. All players can access the Ascension story mission in Act 4, regardless of Zombies mission progression.
▶︎ Ascension Story Mission Walkthrough
You'll obtain the Mr. Peeks as a reward at the end of the story mission. It's one of the 4 new keys to enter the 4th Dark Aether Rift.
3 The other keys are the Echo of Drum, Echo of Giraffe Toy, and Echo of Locked Diary. They're all found in Urzikstan with various conditions to unlock each.
▶︎ Dark Aether Easter Egg Guide: How to Get All Keys
4 After obtaining all 4 keys and turning them to Gold Rarity, head to the 4th Dark Aether Rift in Tile F5 of Urzisktan (in the Palace Fountain). Place the keys on the pedestals to activate the 4th Dark Aether Rift.
▶︎ Dark Aether Rift Locations
5 Once the 4th Dark Aether Rift has been activated, a Mega Abomination will spawn in. Defeat it to get a Sigil that you can use to activate the new Dark Aether Rift.
6 In the new Dark Aether Map, complete the 3 Dark Aether Contracts, which all have the possibility to drop Elder Sigils.

In a new match, use the Elder Sigils to enter the 4th Dark Aether Rift again. In the Elder version of the 4th Dark Aether Rift, you can get the new Season 5 Reloaded schematics for the Grenade Bandolier, Disciple Bottle, and Stash Increase.
▶︎ Dark Aether Interactive Map

Zombies Beginners Guide and Walkthrough

Getting Started in Zombies

What to Do First in Zombies Mode
1 Farm Essence (main currency): If you just want to farm essence, do it in low-threat zones. The Essence rewards remain the same.
2 ▼ Focus on completing Contracts early on to get Essence and raise Containment Level
3 If you don't have Legendary Aether Tools, purchase a Legendary rarity weapon in the Red Zone. It's better to stack Pack-a-Punch upgrades on a Legendary rarity weapon to deal 32x damage.
▶︎ Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch Damage Chart
4 Pack-a-Punch your main weapon (the weapon you're most comfortable with) as soon as possible
5 You can spend Essence on Perk Machines too if you have extra. (Perks are only limited to 1 match, though.)
6 Complete Aether Nests to obtain lots of Ammo Mods, which you can exfil to future missions.
7 Always craft items using Schematics you obtain. There's no cost in crafting though they do have a cooldown.
▼ Recommended and Valuable Items

2. Focus on Completing Contracts Early On

Modern Warfare 3 - Raid Weapon Stash

Completing Contracts are the best way to gain Essence during the early phases of the game. The quickest Contracts to complete are Eliminate the Bounty and Delivery Cargo. Avoid contracts where you have to fight Mercenaries, such as Aether Extractors and Defend Ground Station. Mercenaries are tougher to deal with than zombies, as they shoot back at you.

Doing Contracts and succesfully exfiling also raises your Containment Level, dependent on the amount of Contracts you do. Reaching higher Containment Level gives you permanent buffs such as starting each match with 5,000 Essence and 20% off Pack-a-Punch cost.

Best Contracts to Complete

Recommended and Valuable Items for Zombies

Item Usage How to Get
Self-Revives Allows you to revive yourself when knocked Contract Rewards or Loot Caches
3-Plate Armor Vest Allows you to wear up to three armor plates Purchased from Buy Stations in Medium Threat zones
Large Rucksacks Increases backpack inventory space Found in Hidden Caches and Contract Rewards
Schematics Craft consumables and weapons in the lobby for no cost Contract Rewards
Gas Masks Let's you breath poisonous air/gas Loot from Mercenaries
Chunks of Flesh Get a Pet Dog or Dog Collar Key Kill zombies with explosive damage or let ACV in escort missions crush them

List of All Zombies Gear

Zombies Tips and Tricks

Zombies Mode Useful Tips

Better to Level 3 Pack-a-Punch an Epic Rarity Gun Than Level 2 Pack-a-Punch a Legendary Gun

Rarity + PaP Damage Multiplier Overall Cost
Legendary +
Level 3 PaP
32x 34,500
Epic +
Level 3 PaP
24x 33,750
Legendary +
Level 2 PaP
16x 19,500

Legendary (Gold) guns at Level 3 Pack-a-Punch deal the most damage out of all gun rarities, at 32x damage multiplier. At second best, Epic (Purple) Rarity guns at Level 3 Pack-a-Punch deal 24x damage. Third best is Legendary (Gold) guns at Level 2 Pack-a-Punch only, at 16x damage dealt.

Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch Damage Chart

Warlords are Guaranteed Wonder Weapon Drops

Defeating Warlord is guaranteed to give you a Wonder Weapon, so it's definitely worth trying out each match, especially if you're going to head into the Dark Aether. Wonder Weapons have the same damage multiplier as Legendary Guns.

How to Defeat Warlords

Don't Bring All Your Good Weapons and Items Into Single Match

Modern Warfare 3 - Weapon Locations

Don’t bring all your good items into a single match. You'll lose them all if your squad gets eliminated. Just bring enough good items to get started. If you only have 2-3 guns total, stick to just bringing 1 gun, so that you’ll still have a gun next time, even if you get eliminated and lose the initial gun.

What You Lose When You Die

You only start with a pistol if you lose all your weapons

When you get eliminated and lose all your weapons, you start the next match with just a Handgun. At this point, it'd be best to just stay in the Low Threat Zone and get a vehicle fast to easily secure early kills.

You Can Team Up With Players Outside Your Squad

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombie Squad

You can actually see other players as blue circles on the map. Try to get to their location so that you can try to party up with them. Having 6 members will significantly raise your chances of survival in higher threat zones.

Join other squads when you can, especially if you have less than 3 people. The more people in the squad, the more chances you have to be rescued if you die

Zombies Squad Size and Squads Explained

Utilize Tac Stance for Spatial Awareness

Tac Stance doesn't zoom you all the way in when you aim, giving you a much needed spatial awareness, making it very suited to surviving in the Zombies game mode.

How to Enter Tac Stance

Still Think Strategically Regarding Positioning

Enemies hit hard in this game mode. You can't always force your way out so learn to reposition yourself out of harm's way and use the terrain to your advantage.

Crouching and Proning Helps Avoid AI Enemy Attacks

Crouch and lay down to avoid enemy attacks. This is simple yet extremely effective! You can also revive teammates while in this position.

Zombies Past Seasons Content

MWZ Season 4 Content

Season 4 Guides
Unstable Rift Guide -

MWZ Season 3 Content

Season 3 Guides
Union Walkthrough Rainmaker Fortress
Free Flawless Crystal and Legendary Tool -
Dark Aether Keys
Laptop with Stickers Science Journal
Imaginary Friend Drawing Giraffe Toy
Season 3 Schematics
Sergeant's Beret Dead Wire Detonators
Golden Mask Filter -

MWZ Season 2 Content

Season 2 Guides
Countermeasures Mission Keres Fortress
Containment Levels -
Dark Aether Keys
The Drum Tattered MMA Gloves
Perforated Target Pristine Mirror
Season 2 Schematics
Mags of Holding Blood Burner Key
V-R11 Schematic -

Zombies Season 2 Guide and All Content

MWZ Season 1 Content

Season 1 Reloaded Guides
Dokkaebi Fortress Location -
Dark Aether Rift Guides
Act 4 Story Mission: Bad Signal How to Enter the Dark Aether Rift
How to Beat Gorm'gant How to Get All Keys
Locked Diary Pill Bottle
Surveillance Camera Dog Collar
How to Get Sigils How to Get Elder Sigils
New Schematics and Weapons
Golden Armor Plate Dog Bone
Aether Blade Legendary Aether Tool
The Scorcher Flawless Aetherium Crystal
V-R11 Wonder Weapon -
Greylorm Boss Guides
How to Beat Greylorm Calibration Data USB Locations
Refractor Locations -
Dark Aether Guides
Dark Aether Interactive Map Dark Aether Contract Locations
Dark Aether Exfil Locations Dark Aether Key Locations
Al Bagra Officers Quarters ABF Antiquities Office
Al Bagra Munitions Storeroom Al Bagra Barrack
Zombies Prestige Challenges
10 Throwing Knife Kills in 30 Seconds -

Zombies Season 1 Guide and All Content

Zombies Map

Urzikstan - Operation Deadbolt

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode Map

There are 3 major Threat Zones in the Zombies map. The grey zone is the largest and has the easiest Zombies and enemies to kill. You'll find all the common loot and activities in the grey zone. The middle orange zone has tougher enemies but better weapons and loot, while the center red zone has the most difficult enemies and the best rewards.

The Zombies Game Mode uses the Urzikstan Warzone map as the playing area. It is the first open-world Zombies mode from Call of Duty.

Zombies Interactive Map

Zombies Story Missions

All Zombies Acts 1 to 4 Missions

Direct Line Treasure Hunter
Road Rage Wall Power
Firepower Take Up Arms
Interceptor Freezer Burn
Minelayer Pit Stop
Saboteur Automated Backup
Infiltrator Hands Off
Blasted Bring 'Em On
Hostile Takeover Chaperone
Nest Wrecker Where's Dr. Jansen?
Extraction Same Day Delivery
Safe Cracker Ascension
Merc Cleanup Reaper
Guardian Angel Shocked
More Firepower Bounty Hunter
Essence of Aether Heist
Mind Control Frost Bite
Exterminator Shepherd
Two Factor Authentication Firestarter
Ghosted Alternate Current
Most Firepower Paint the Target
Crash and Burn Storm the Castle
Closing Time Spring Cleaning
Holdout Defeat Zakhaev
Bad Signal Countermeasures
Union Ascension (Story Mission)

Zombies Acts and Mission Rewards

Zombies Schematics

All Crafting Schematics

Schematic Loot Location
Modern Warfare 3 Refined Aetherium SchematicRefined Aetherium Diagram High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Epic Aether Tool SchematicEpic Aether Tool Plans High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Ray Gun SchematicRay Gun Plans High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Elemental Pop SchematicElemental Pop Recipe High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Tombstone Soda SchematicTombstone Soda Recipe High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Raw Aetherium SchematicRaw Aetherium Diagram Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Jugger-Nog SchematicJugger-Nog Recipe Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Shatter Blast SchematicShatter Blast Formula Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Dead Wire SchematicDead Wire Formula Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 PHD Flopper SchematicPHD Flopper Recipe Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Stamin-Up SchematicStamin-Up Recipe Low Threat Zone (Grey) only
Modern Warfare 3 Speed Cola SchematicSpeed Cola Recipe Low Threat Zone (Grey) only
Modern Warfare 3 Brain Rot SchematicBrain Rot Formula Low Threat Zone (Grey) only
Modern Warfare 3 Napalm Burst SchematicNapalm Burst Formula Low Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Deadshot Daiquiri SchematicDeadshot Daiquiri Recipe Low Threat Zone (Grey) only

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

Zombies Perks

All Perk-a-Cola's

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Deadshot DaiquiriDeadshot Daiquiri Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Increase enemy critical damage.
Death PerceptionDeath Perception Obscured enemies, chests, resources, and item drops are more easily spotted.
Elemental PopElemental Pop Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.
Jugger-NogJugger-Nog Increases maximum health.
PHD FlopperPHD Flopper Diving to prone triggers an explosion. The explosion increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving. Immunity from area-of-effect damage from weapons you are using.
Quick ReviveQuick Revive Reduce the health regeneration delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
Speed ColaSpeed Cola Drink to reload and replate armor faster.
Stamin-UpStamin-Up Increases run and sprint speed.
Tombstone SodaTombstone Soda On death, you create a tombstone stash at that location, containing your backpack inventory in the next game.

Aside from completing Missions, make sure to also go for Perk Machines in order to activate Perks during your deployments in Zombies. You can stack multiple Perks on top of each other.

List of All Zombies Perks

Zombies Ammo Mods

All Ammo Mods

Ammo Mods Effect
Brain Rot Consume to apply Brain Rot to your weapon
Cryo Freeze Consume to apply Freeze Damage to your weapon
Dead Wire Consume to apply Electric Damage to your weapon
Napalm Burst Consume to apply Fire Damage to your weapon
Shatter Blast Consume to apply explosive damage to your weapon

Ammo Mods upgrade your ammunition and allow your weapon to deal unique effects on Zombies. These effects vary from applying damage effect to even making Zombies behave irregularly.

List of All Zombies Ammo Mods

Zombies Weapons Guides

All Zombies Guns and Weapons

All Zombies Guns and Weapon Guides
Best Guns Refund Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Rarity Pack-a-Punch
Reduce Weapon Cooldown Insured Slots and Contraband
Wonder Weapons Ray Gun
Wunderwaffe DG-2 The Scorcher
V-R11 Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch
Wonder Weapon Rarity Glitch -

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Zombies Aetherium

All Aetherium

All Aetherium Crystals and Aether Tools
Legendary Aether Tool Flawless Aetherium Crystal
Epic Aether Tool Refined Aetherium Crystal
Rare Aether Tool Raw Aetherium Crystal
Uncommon Aether Tool -

List of Aetherium and Aether Tools

Zombies Field Upgrades

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Energy Mine Recharge: Medium
Effect: Spawn an explosive, dealing massive damage to enemies who set it off.
Level 1
Frenzied Guard Recharge: Slow
Effect: Repair armor to full and force all enemies in the area to target you for 10 seconds. Enemy kills repair armor during this time.
Level 9
Healing Aura Recharge: Slow
Effect: Heal all players immediately.
Level 19
Frost Blast Recharge: Medium
Effect: Damage enemies with the initial blast and slow those that enter.
Level 29
Aether Shroud Recharge: Medium
Effect: Become invisible to zombies.
Level 39
Tesla Storm Recharge: Slow
Effect: For 10 seconds lightning connects to other players, stunning and damaging normal enemies.
Level 50

Best Zombies Field Upgrades Tier List

Zombies Contracts

All Contract Types

Contract Overview
Aether ExtractorsAether Extractors Objectives: • Locate Aether Extractor LZ
• Disable the Aether Extractors
Enemies: • Mercenaries
Defend Ground StationDefend Ground Station Objectives: • Collect data from seismic refractors
• Activate Server to Start Upload
• Protect the Server from Mercs.
Enemies: • Mercenaries
Deliver CargoDeliver Cargo Objectives: • Deliver the cargo to the HLZ.
Enemies: • Mercenaries
Eliminate the BountyEliminate the Bounty Objectives: • Locate the Elite Zombie and eliminate it.
Enemies: • Elite Zombies
EscortEscort Objectives: • Escort the ACV.
Enemies: • Normal Zombies
Special Zombies
OutlastOutlast Objectives: • Activate the PND
• Remain in the environment.
Enemies: • Normal Zombies
Raid Weapon StashRaid Weapon Stash Objectives: • Locate the stash
• Secure the stash.
Enemies: • Normal Zombies
Special Zombies
Spore ControlSpore Control Objectives: • Locate the Inhibitor devices
• Use Inhibitors to help destroy Spores
Enemies: • Normal Zombies

Best Contracts to Complete

Zombies Challenges and Enemies

Enemy Type / Challenge Challenge Type
Special and Elite Zombie Kills Camo Challenge
Hellhounds Daily Challenge
Kill Mimics Daily Challenge
Kill Disciples Daily Challenge
Kill Manglers Daily Challenge
Toxic Damage Kills Daily Challenge
Electric Damage Kills Daily Challenge
Fire Damage Kills Daily Challenge
Frost Damage Kills Daily Challenge
Armored Zombies Daily Challenge
PHD Flopper Explosions Weekly Challenge
(Season 0 Week 1)

Zombies Challenges and Enemy Types

Zombies Powerups

All Power Ups

Power Up Effect
MW3 Zombies - Full PowerFull Power Instantly refreshes your Field Upgrade.
MW3 Zombies - Insta KillInsta Kill Allows you to one-shot enemies. (This does not include Special and Elite Zombies)
MW3 Zombies - NukeNuke Kills all nearby enemies.
MW3 Zombies - Full ArmorFull Armor Refills your Armor Plates back to full
MW3 Zombies - Max AmmoMax Ammo Refills your Ammo Supply
MW3 Zombies - Bonus PointsBonus Points Gives you additional points for killing enemies.
MW3 Zombies - x2 PointsDouble Points Gives you x2 bonus points for killing enemies.
MW3 Zombies - Random PerkRandom Perk Gives you a random Perk

You can also pick up power-ups that are randomly dropped by killing zombies to gain bonus effects for a short period of time. The effects of these power-ups apply to all members of your squad, regardless of who picks up the power-up or how far away they are.

List of All Zombies Powerups

Zombies Secrets

Locked Vault in Shahin Manor

CoD MW3 - Locked Vault Location

The Locked Vault contains Aether and Loot Caches that contain higher rarity weapons and items. It's found in the bottom right region of the map, Shahin Manor, but you'll need to collect Transmission from 4 Chess Piece Bosses found across the map.

How to Open the Locked Vault

There Are Fast Travel Points on the Map

CoD MW3 - Raaha Island Portal Location

Zombies mode has fast travel points called Zero-Point Interdimensional Portals. These portals appear in set locations throughout the map and you can use them by spending Essence. The catch is that you need to input a pattern of 3 symbols to determine which exit point the portal will bring you to.

Portal Locations and Symbol Solutions

Other Zombies Guides

Other Zombies Guides

Zombies Season 5 Guides
Ascension Act 4 Story Mission Walkthrough
Mr. Peeks Echo of Drum
Echo of Locked Diary Echo of Giraffe Toy
Disciple Bottle Grenade Bandolier
Stash Increase -
Zombies Season 4 Guides
Unstable Rift -
Zombies Season 3 Guides
Giraffe Toy Imaginary Friend Drawing
Science Journal Laptop With Stickers
Rainmaker Fortress Location Free Flawless Crystal and Legendary Tool
Other Zombies Guides and Walkthroughs
How to Play Solo Zombies Squad Size
How to Farm Essence How to Get Pet Dog
Elder Sigils How to Get Sigils
Zombies Motorcycle Zombies Easter Eggs
Death Penalty Leave Match Penalty
How to Revive Zombies Battle Pass XP
Cyphered Tablets Stronghold Keycards
How to Destroy Helicopters Where to Find Loot Caches
Zombies Ending Explained How to Leave Squad

Is Zombies Game Mode Free-to-Play?

Zombies Game Mode is Part of the Base Game

Modern Warfare 3 - Is Zombies Game Mode Free
Zombies Game Mode is part of the base game of Modern Warfare 3, meaning there is no additional payment to unlock this game mode but it's not a free-to-play game mode that you can get separate from the base game purchase like Warzone was for Modern Warfare 2.

What is the Zombies Game Mode?

PvE Extraction Game Mode

Modern Warfare 3 - PvE Extraction Game Mode

The Modern Warfare Zombies Game Mode is a PvE Extraction similar to Warzone DMZ. The only twist here is that there will be Zombie Hordes and other human enemies on the map that will come after you and your team!

The main objectives are to complete missions to get rewards and other items and extract within the time limit to win!

Features Open World and More Cooperative Gameplay

Modern Warfare 3 - Team Up with Other Players

Zombies Game Mode is an open world, meaning the map is extremely spacious and there will be a lot of areas to explore. You can also request other players outside your team to work with them to complete missions and increase the chances of surviving!

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