Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Zombies Field Upgrades Tier List

MW3 Zombies - Best Zombies Field Upgrades Tier List
Field Upgrades are special equipment that can give you strategic advantages in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Read on for a list of Best Field Upgrades and all available Field Upgrades for Zombies.

Best Zombies Field Upgrades

Best Zombies Field Upgrades Tier List

Rank Perk
S Rank Icon Healing Aura
Energy Mine
A Rank Icon Frost Blast
B Rank Icon Frenzied Guard
Tesla Storm
C Rank Icon Aether Shroud

S Rank Icon S Tier These Field Upgrades are the most effective ones and are almost a must-have in almost every run. These can significantly boost your performance and the overall success of your operations.
A Rank Icon A Tier These Field Upgrades are great and have a significant effect on the battlefield. These are remarkable options for numerous situations.
B Rank Icon B Tier These Field Upgrades are notably good to have. They are certainly useful but fall short compared to other available options.
C Rank Icon C Tier These Field Upgrades offer the least tactical advantage and can also be acquired through other means. This should be the last Field Upgrade you should consider bringing into your operations.

Healing Aura

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Healing Aura Recharge: Slow
Effect: Heal all players immediately.
Level 19

The best Field Upgrade when you're in a squad is the Healing Aura. This Field Upgrade, once used, will revive or heal all your nearby allies. This is extremely useful if your squad is getting picked one by one, which often happens in higher-threat zones.

How to Get Healing Aura Field Upgrade

Energy Mine

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Energy Mine Recharge: Medium
Effect: Spawn an explosive, dealing massive damage to enemies who set it off.
Level 1

The Energy Mine is arguably the best offensive Field Upgrade due to its high damage and quick recharge. This works with all types of enemies and is remarkably easy to use.

Frost Blast

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Frost Blast Recharge: Medium
Effect: Damage enemies with the initial blast and slow those that enter.
Level 29

The Frost Blast is a great Field Upgrade for preventing enemies from chasing you. Although it doesn't have the best damage out there, you can use it to slow even Special Zombies, which will come in handy with the fast zombies in the Red Zone.

Red Zone Loot and Tips to Survive

Frenzied Guard

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Frenzied Guard Recharge: Slow
Effect: Repair armor to full and force all enemies in the area to target you for 10 seconds. Enemy kills repair armor during this time.
Level 9

The Frenzied Guard replenishes your armor plates and allows you to continuously gain more as you kill enemies within its duration. This is a good Field Upgrade to increase your sustainability; however, it will only last for 10 seconds and require you to kill enemies to fully take advantage of it.

How to Get 3-Plate Armor Vests

Tesla Storm

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Tesla Storm Recharge: Slow
Effect: For 10 seconds lightning connects to other players, stunning and damaging normal enemies.
Level 50

The Tesla Storm is a good offensive Field Upgrade that allows you to stun and deal damage to normal zombies. This Field Upgrade works best in a squad, allowing you to create a line or zone where enemies would just be stunned and damaged.

This, however, is limited to normal zombies, which is not great for higher-threat zones where Special Zombies often spawn.

Aether Shroud

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Aether Shroud Recharge: Medium
Effect: Become invisible to zombies.
Level 39

The Aether Shroud has the least to offer among all other Field Upgrades. Although it's awesome to be stealthy, this field upgrade only has one function, which is to make you invisible to both zombies and mercenaries for a mere 5 seconds.

List of All Zombies Field Upgrades

All Zombies Field Upgrades Overview

Field Upgrade Effect Unlock Level
Energy Mine Recharge: Medium
Effect: Spawn an explosive, dealing massive damage to enemies who set it off.
Level 1
Frenzied Guard Recharge: Slow
Effect: Repair armor to full and force all enemies in the area to target you for 10 seconds. Enemy kills repair armor during this time.
Level 9
Healing Aura Recharge: Slow
Effect: Heal all players immediately.
Level 19
Frost Blast Recharge: Medium
Effect: Damage enemies with the initial blast and slow those that enter.
Level 29
Aether Shroud Recharge: Medium
Effect: Become invisible to zombies.
Level 39
Tesla Storm Recharge: Slow
Effect: For 10 seconds lightning connects to other players, stunning and damaging normal enemies.
Level 50

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