Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Where to Find Hellhounds

Modern Warfare 3 - Hellhound Banner
Hellhounds can be found at Raid Weapon Stash and Escort ACV Contracts in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn where to find Hellhounds and how to slow Hellhounds with Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod.

Hellhound Guides
Where to Find Hellhounds How to Get Zombies Dog

Where to Find Hellhounds

Raid Weapon Stash and Escort ACV Contracts

The Contract types Raid Weapon Stash and Escort ACV Contracts are where you can fight Hellhounds, as multiple of them spawn while you are protecting the primary objective. You can see which contracts are Raid Weapon Stashes and Escort ACVs by hovereing over the Contract icons on your Tac Map.

How to Complete Contracts

Hellhounds Can Also Spawn Anywhere

Modern Warfare 3 - Spawn Anywhere
Hellhounds are a common enemy type that can spawn anywhere on the map. These fast-moving zombie dogs explode upon death, setting a small area on fire. When engaging them, try to move away as you shoot to avoid taking damage.

Zombies Interactive Map

How to Cryo Freeze Hellhounds

Slow Hellhounds in the Yellow and Red Zones

It's best to cryo freeze Hellhounds in the Medium Threat Zone, since they'll have more HP and won't die before taking the slow effect of the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod. Additionally, using a handgun can help ensure the Hellhounds do not die in one shot.

How to Get Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

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All Zombies Challenges and Enemies

All Zombies Enemy Types
Hellhounds Disciple
Mangler Mimic
Warlords Stormcaller
Harvester Orb Mega Abomination
The Bishop The Rook
The Knight Orcus
All Zombies Challenges
Big Bounty HVTs Critical Kills
Frost Damage Kills Fire Damage Kills
Toxic Damage Kills Electric Damage Kills


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