Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Campaign Missions List and Walkthrough

Modern Warfare 3 - Campaign

There are 14 missions in the MW3 2023 Campaign. Read on for a full Campaign mission list and a Campaign mission walkthrough hub for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

Campaign Missions List

All Campaign Missions

Mission Rewards
1 MW3 Operation 627 MissionOperation 627 ・Breather Calling Card
2 MW3 Precious Cargo MissionPrecious Cargo
(Open Combat Mission)
・30 Minutes XP Token
・30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
3 MW3 Reactor MissionReactor
(Open Combat Mission)
・Corso Operator
4 MW3 Payload MissionPayload ・Ghillie Guy Calling Card
5 MW3 Deep Cover MissionDeep Cover ・30 Minutes XP Token
・30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
6 MW3 Passenger MissionPassenger ・None
7 MW3 Crash Site MissionCrash Site
(Open Combat Mission)
・Pathfinder Operator
8 MW3 Flashpoint MissionFlashpoint ・Toxic Drip Calling Card
9 MW3 Oligarch MissionOligarch
(Open Combat Mission)
・1 Hour XP Token
・1 Hour Weapon XP Token
10 MW3 Highrise MissionHighrise
(Open Combat Mission)
・Doc Operator
11 MW3 Frozen Tundra MissionFrozen Tundra ・Skull Raphsody Calling Card
12 MW3 Gora Dam MissionGora Dam
(Open Combat Mission)
・1 Hour XP Token
・1 Hour Weapon XP Token
13 MW3 Danger Close MissionDanger Close ・Jabber Operator
14 MW3 Trojan Horse MissionTrojan Horse ・Brogue Weapon Blueprint
・Soapy Emblem

Post Credit Scene and Ending Explained

How Many Campaign Missions?

14 Campaign Missions

Modern Warfare 3 - Campaign Missions

The mission list of Modern Warfare 3 has a total of 14 different missions for you to complete. You can replay these missions any time and in any order from the Campaign Mission Menu.

However, there are technically 15 missions if you count Countdown, which has a title card immediately after Trojan Horse but does not appear on the mission list in the Campaign Mission Menu nor are the Campaign Completion rewards attributed to it.

Campaign Rewards

Operators, Calling Cards, Blueprints, and XP Tokens

Much like the previous game in the series, Modern Warfare 3 will reward players with Operators, Calling Cards, and XP Tokens (for Multiplayer) when they complete specific missions in the campaign. Complete the entire campaign to get a special Emblem and Weapon Blueprint for your account.

  • 4 Operators
  • 4 Calling Cards
  • XP Tokens
  • Weapon XP Tokens
  • 1 Weapon Blueprint
  • 1 Emblem

MW3 Campaign Rewards and Length

Campaign Difficulty Options

4 Difficulty Options

Difficulty Description
Recruit For players who are new to Call of Duty.
Regular Your abilities in combat will be tested.
Hardened Your skills will be strained.
Veteran You will not survive.

Like with past Call of Duty games, you can change the difficulty of the MW3 2023 Campaign at any time via the Pause Menu.

Campaign Difficulty Differences

Will There be Campaign Co-Op?

Campaign is Single-Player Only

There is no co-op mode for the MW3 2023 Campaign and it's single-player only.

Is Campaign Co-Op Available?

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2 Anonymous over 1 year


1 Joe Bidenover 1 year

I love ice cream! Vanilla in particular because it’s white. Like my pubes that Jill uses as dental floss. Ha! America the beautiful. Land of the free until proven guilty. Or is it the other way around? Any who, guess I’ll see if old Vladimir is up for a round of backgammon


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